Figure below shows the delta theta distribution, all tracks has been taken into acount.
theta - all posible tracks

Using avelable information on can plot the matching distribution for the TRUE tracks, which have passed all detectors
and so-called "fake" tracks (at least in one of the detector hit was missing).

theta - only true tracks:

theta - only good tracks

As it was excepted the constant background is missing in this case.

theta - all fakes together:

theta - only FAKE tracks

Below one can find the mean value and sigma from the narrow Gauss:

// all trcks

//good tracks

// fake tracks

3 times the same procedure of the fitting with 3 componentes have been used. But different criteria for the track selections
has been choosen. Later on the 2 sigma from the narrow component have been ploted, what is shown in the figure below:

good tracks
bad tracks
all tracks

2 sigma from the narrow component - for all track, good track and fakes

I think that more interesting is to see following pictures:

all tracks && ringtype==1 (one track associated with ring):

all tracks && ringtype==1

One can see that only for two low bins of the momentum the broad Gauss exist. Where in second case, when more then one track is associated with ring,
broad component is present also in case of hist momentum bins.

all tracks && ringtype==2 (more then one track associated with ring):

all tracks && ringtype==2

// all tracks, ringtype==2

// all tracks, ringtype==1

No multiple scatering

Next step in the cross check is to switch off multiple scatering in the GEANT and to see how the situation will look like.

Figure below shows delta theta distribution for all tracks:
no multiple scatering && all tracks

In the next step also the condition for the ring type has been applied (one track per one ring):
no multiple scatering && all tracks && ringtype==1

And in addition only TRUE TRACKS have been selected.

no multiple scatering && GOOD tracks && ringtype==1

-- GosiaSudol - 13 Dec 2006
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
theta_2sigma_good_alltracks_fakes.gifgif theta_2sigma_good_alltracks_fakes.gif manage 267 K 2006-12-11 - 11:21 GosiaSudol 2 sigma from the narrow component - for all track, good track and fakes
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_ALLtracks_Nomult.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_ALLtracks_Nomult.gif manage 494 K 2006-12-13 - 10:28 GosiaSudol no multiple scatering && all tracks
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_ALLtracks_Nomult_ringtype1.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_ALLtracks_Nomult_ringtype1.gif manage 522 K 2006-12-13 - 10:29 GosiaSudol no multiple scatering && all tracks && ringtype==1
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_BADtracks.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_BADtracks.gif manage 542 K 2006-12-11 - 10:48 GosiaSudol theta - only FAKE tracks
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_GOODtracks.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_GOODtracks.gif manage 571 K 2006-12-11 - 10:48 GosiaSudol theta - only good tracks
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_GOODtracks_Nomult_ringtype1.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_GOODtracks_Nomult_ringtype1.gif manage 586 K 2006-12-13 - 10:34 GosiaSudol no multiple scatering && GOOD tracks && ringtype==1
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_META_noRICHnoMDC.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_META_noRICHnoMDC.gif manage 422 K 2006-12-11 - 11:03 GosiaSudol theta - only FAKE tracks - seen only in META
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_RICH_noMDC_noMETA.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_RICH_noMDC_noMETA.gif manage 426 K 2006-12-11 - 10:48 GosiaSudol theta - only FAKE tracks - seen only in RICH
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_alltracks.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_alltracks.gif manage 515 K 2006-12-11 - 10:47 GosiaSudol theta - all posible tracks
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_alltracks_ringtype1.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_alltracks_ringtype1.gif manage 484 K 2006-12-11 - 17:53 GosiaSudol all tracks && ringtype==1
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_alltracks_ringtype2.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_alltracks_ringtype2.gif manage 536 K 2006-12-11 - 17:53 GosiaSudol all tracks && ringtype==2
theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_fakes_RCIHMDC_noMETA.gifgif theta_sim_sector_cond4phi_fakes_RCIHMDC_noMETA.gif manage 467 K 2006-12-11 - 11:03 GosiaSudol theta - only FAKE tracks - seen only in META && mDC
Topic revision: r4 - 2006-12-13, GosiaSudol
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