Computers for online QA/DST production

lxg451, lxg0452, lxg0411 - counting root (downstairs)
lxg0430, lxg0440, lxg0441, lxg0442, lxg0443, lxg0444 - counting room (upstairs)

Disks for online QA:

/misc/scratch.lxg0451/online-dsts/ and
/misc/scratch2.lxg0451/online-dsts/ - online QA files

Disks for online DST:

/misc/scratch.lxg0452/online-dsts/ and
/misc/scratch2.lxg0452/online-dsts/ and
/d/hades09/data/apr07 and /d/hades09/data/may07 (1.2 TB)

In case that disks for QA will be full find new one and change paths in the scripts!

A. Procedure to start online QA

  1. Login to lxg0451 as hades-qa (standard hades WEB-DB password)
  2. Go to /u/hades-qa/online-dsts/apr07/scripts
  3. Run script

To speed up QA production run this script twice (2 processes on lxg0451 are enough)!
Online QA must work all the time!

B. Procedure to update WEB QA

  1. Login to lxg411 as hades-qa (standard hades WEB-DB password)
  2. Go to /u/hades-qa/WEB-DOCS/may07/qa
  3. Run script

Remark: In case the process crashes do:
  1. Go to /u/hades-qa/WEB-DOCS/may07/qa
  2. Run script
  3. Run script
The script must work all the time!

A. Procedure to start online PairDST

  1. Login to all lxgXXXX (lxg0452 + computers at upstairs counting room) as hades-qa
    (standard hades WEB-DB password) DO NOT USE lxg0451 and lxg0411
  2. Go to /u/hades-qa/online-dsts/apr07/scripts
  3. Run script

Run 2 processes on lxg0452 and one process per each lxgXXXX computer upstairs!
The online PairDST production should work all the time to get enough dielectron statistics!

B. Procedure to start update WEB PairDST

  1. Login to lxg0411 as hades-qa (standard hades WEB-DB password)
  2. Go to /u/hades-qa/WEB-DOCS/may07/dst
  3. Run script

The script ./ should work all the time!

-- JacekOtwinowski - 19 Apr 2007
Topic revision: r4 - 2007-05-07, JacekOtwinowski
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