- RTDB container factory BaseContFact
- RTDB container factory WallContFact
- RTDB container factory TriggerContFact
- RTDB container factory TofinoContFact
- RTDB container factory TofContFact
- RTDB container factory StartContFact
- RTDB container factory ShowerContFact
- RTDB container factory RichContFact
- RTDB container factory PidContFact
- RTDB container factory PairContFact
- RTDB container factory MdcTrackSContFact
- RTDB container factory MdcTrackGContFact
- RTDB container factory MdcTrackDContFact
- RTDB container factory MdcContFact
- RTDB container factory KickContFact
here i am!!!!!
Setting configuration...+++
Oracle history date: 05-SEP-2005 11:46:36

actual containers in runtime database
RichIPUParThresholds Parameters for Rich IPU thresholds
RichIPUParLocMax Parameters for Rich IPU local maximum
runs, versions

run id

container 1st-input 2nd-input output


first Input:
Oracle-Database: db-hades Username: hades_ana
History date: 05-SEP-2005 11:46:36
detector I/Os: HCondParIo HSpecParIo HRichParIo HMdcParIo HTofParIo HTofinoParIo HShowerParIo HStartParIo HTriggerParIo

second Input: none

HParRootFile** allParam_Jan05.root
HParRootFile* allParam_Jan05.root
detector I/Os: HCondParIo HSpecParIo HRichParIo HMdcParIo HTofParIo HTofinoParIo HShowerParIo HStartParIo HTriggerParIo

warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 201 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 202 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 203 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 204 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 205 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 206 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 207 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 208 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 209 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 210 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 211 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 212 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 213 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 214 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 215 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 216 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 217 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 218 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 219 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 220 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 221 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 222 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 223 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
warning<HMdcUnpacker::setQuietMode>: subEvtId 224 - from now on all error and warning messages of this unpacker are skipped, be aware of the consequences
Called depreciated constructor, use HMatchUUnpacker(Int_t id, Int_t units, Bool_t compression, Int_t flog) instead!!


SELECTION : rtdb -- init from HMdcSetup
no selection -- init from OptionString


real (default) or simulation -- real data or simulation data
dubna (default) or santiago -- selects hit finder

Maximum data level
raw -- only unpacker
cal1 -- up to calibrater1
cal2 -- up to calibrater2
hit (default) -- up to hit finder
fit -- up to track fitter
NoStartAndNoCal -- do not use start,
do not use calibration
NoStartAndCal -- do not use start,
use calibration
StartAndCal (default) -- use start,
use calibration
NoTimeCuts -- do not use time cuts
TimeCuts (default) -- use time cuts
MagnetOn (default) -- Magnetic field
MagnetOff -- Magnetic field off
CombinedClusters (default) -- Cluster search in
combined chambers
ChamberClusters -- Cluster search in
individual chambers
MixedClusters -- Cluster search in
comb.+indiv. chambers



isSimulation = 0 : 0 = real data, 1 = simulation
analysisLevel = 4 : 0 = raw, 1 = cal1, 2 = cal2, 3 = hit, 4 = fit
tracker = 1 : 1 = dubna, 2 = santiago

ModeFlagCal1 = 1 : 1 = NoStartandCal, 2 = StartandCal, 3 = NoStartandNoCal
TimeCutFlagCal1 = 1 : 0 = noTimeCut , 1 = TimeCut
Embedding = 0 : 0 = noEmbedding , 1 = Embedding
MultCut = 0 : 0 = noCut , 1 = Cut
Cut Threshold = 100

MagnetStatus = 0 : 0 = MagnetOn, 1 = MagnetOff
ClustFinderType = 2 : 0 = combined chamber clusters, 1 = single cham. cl., 2 = mixed cl.(0+1)
LevelsSegment1 = 10,50 : max. occupancy of MDC for level of cl.finding 4 & 5 layers
LevelsSegment2 = 10,30 : max. occupancy of MDC for level of cl.finding 4 & 5 layers
NumLayersPerMod = {{4,5,6,4},

FitVersion = 1 : 1 = Alexander, 2 = tuned ver. 1
DrTimeCalcVers = 1 : 0 = polynomial, 1 = HMdcCal2ParSim::calcTime
FitType = 0 : 0 = segment fit, 1 = independent mdc fit
useWireOffset = 1 : 1 = remove signal time on wire from drift time, 0 = don't remove
DebugCategorie = 1 : 1 = create and fill catMdcClusFit&catMdcWireFit 0 = don't cr.
DebugPrint = 0 : 1 = print debug information, 0 = don't print

Input Mode = 0 : 0 = Fill Input from HMdcSeg, 1 = Fill Input from HMdcClusFit


> HKickTaskSet:: reslowb <----

initialisation for run id 2126865972

RichIPUParThresholds initialized from Oracle
RichIPUParLocMax initialized from Oracle
MdcGeomStruct: modules(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
MdcRawStruct: modules(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Trigger parameters SHOWER mapping initialized
Trigger parameters RICH mapping initialized

INIT of HMUEmulation()
Trigger parameters MU lepton emulation initialized
Trigger parameters MU momentum mapping initialized

Trigger Parameters MU Dilepton Emulation initialized
initialization of TofinoCalPar
6 - 4
Tofino CalPar container default initialization
initialization of Tof hit finder
initialization of rich particle identifier

INIT of HRichAnalysisIPU()

INIT of HRichRingFindIPU()
RichIPU Parameters Pattern initialized
RichIPU Parameters Thresholds initialized
RichIPU Parameters LocMax initialized

initialization of shower calibrater
initialization of ShowerCalPar
6 - 3 - 32 - 32
Shower calpar default initialization
initialization of shower hit finder
initialization of Shower/Tofino correlator
initialization of TofinoShowerMap
32 - 32
Tofino/Shower MapPar container default initialization
Initialisation of HKickTrackBaseF
warning<TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class HPairListI is available
warning<TStreamerInfo::Build:>: HIndexTable: HPairListI has no streamer or dictionary, data member "fCompactTable" will not be saved
Processing events...

initialisation for event file /scratch/e12j/hades/hld/jan05//be05034120508.hld
run id 2126865972

Retrieved calibration parameter version number: 156
Retrieved calibration parameter version number: 156
Retrieved calibration parameter version number: 156
Retrieved calibration parameter version number: 156
Retrieved calibration parameter version number: 156
Retrieved calibration parameter version number: 156
6 - 96 - 96
Rich calpar default initialization finished
RichCalPar: sector(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5
Nr of pads returned :4712
RichMappingPar initialized from Oracle
MdcMboReadout: modules(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ShowerUnpackParam -----
Context/Purpose: ShowerStandardUnpack
Description: Read from Oracle
Valid for Run Id 2126865972
Status at 05-SEP-2005 11:46:36
first input version: 2126865972
second input version: -1
has changed
is not static
TofLookup: sector(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5
TofinoLookup: module(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5
StartLookup: module(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2
TriggerParShowerMap initialized from Oracle
TriggerParRichMap initialized from Oracle
TriggerParMuLep initialized from Oracle
TriggerParMomMap initialized from Oracle
TriggerParMuDilep initialized from Oracle
StartCalPar: module(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2
StartSelfCoPar initialized from Oracle
TofCalPar: sector(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5
TofinoCalPar: module(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5
TofGeomPar: Geometry initialized from Oracle (version 2)
TofGeomPar: Alignment for 48 modules read from Oracle (version 61)
SpecGeomPar: Target geometry read from Oracle (version 21)
SpecGeomPar: Target alignment read from Oracle(version 61)
TofClusterFPar initialized from Oracle
RichAnalysisParameters initialized from Oracle
RichGeometryPar initialized from Oracle
RichIPUParPattern initialized from Oracle

ShowerCalPar -----
Context/Purpose: ShowerStandardCalib
Description: Read from Oracle
Valid for Run Id 2126865972
Status at 05-SEP-2005 11:46:36
first input version: 2126865972
second input version: -1
has changed
is not static
ShowerGeometry: Geometry initialized from Oracle (version 2)
ShowerGeometry: Alignment for 18 modules read from Oracle (version 61)

ShowerHitFinderParams -----
Context/Purpose: ShowerStandardHitFinder
Description: Read from Oracle
Valid for Run Id 2126865972
Status at 05-SEP-2005 11:46:36
first input version: 2126865972
second input version: -1
has changed
is not static

MdcLookupGeom: modules(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
MdcTimeCut: modules(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
MdcCalParRaw: modules(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
MdcCal2ParSim: modules(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
HMdcCal2Par initialized from HMdcCal2ParSim for modules

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
error<TExMap::Remove>: key 135168 not found at 365
MdcGeomPar: Geometry initialized from Oracle (version 2)
MdcGeomPar: Alignment for 20 modules read from Oracle (version 61)
MdcLayerGeomPar: modules(s) initialized from Oracle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
KickPlane2MDC3 initialized from Oracle
MdcTrackFitPar initialized from Oracle
MdcDigitPar initialized from Oracle
MdcDeDx initialized from Oracle
MetaMatchPar initialized from Oracle
MdcTrackGFieldPar initialized from Oracle
MdcTrackGCorrPar initialized from Oracle
TofinoGeomPar: Geometry initialized from Oracle (version 2)
TofinoGeomPar: Alignment for 6 modules read from Oracle (version 61)
KickPlane2Meta initialized from Oracle
KickMatchParMeta initialized from Oracle
KickTrackFPar initialized from Oracle
warning<TBuffer::CheckObject>: reference to object of unavailable class TObject, offset=135168 pointer will be 0
error<TExMap::Remove>: key 16384 not found at 289
warning<TBuffer::CheckObject>: reference to object of unavailable class THashList, offset=16384 pointer will be 0
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 169 instead of 167
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
error<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class TAxis read too many bytes: 105 instead of 103
warning<TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: TAxis::Streamer() not in sync with data, fix Streamer()
PidTrackFillerPar initialized from Oracle
warning<HMdcSizesCellsLayer::fillCont>: S1 M4 L5: Cells 207-208 are out of MDC.
warning<HMdcSizesCellsLayer::fillCont>: S2 M4 L5: Cells 208-208 are out of MDC.
warning<HMdcSizesCellsLayer::fillCont>: S5 M4 L5: Cells 208-208 are out of MDC.

===> Sec.1: Using plane between MDC1 and MDC2 (p=0.553000) as projection plane

===> Sec.2: Using plane between MDC1 and MDC2 (p=0.553000) as projection plane

===> Sec.3: Using plane between MDC1 and MDC2 (p=0.553000) as projection plane

===> Sec.4: Using plane between MDC1 and MDC2 (p=0.553000) as projection plane

===> Sec.5: Using plane between MDC1 and MDC2 (p=0.553000) as projection plane

===> Sec.6: Using plane between MDC1 and MDC2 (p=0.553000) as projection plane

===> Sec.1 Seg.2: Using plane between MDC 3 & 4 (p=0.1) as projection plane

===> Sec.2 Seg.2: Using plane between MDC 3 & 4 (p=0.1) as projection plane

===> Sec.4 Seg.2: Using middle plane of MDC3 as projection plane

===> Sec.5 Seg.2: Using plane between MDC 3 & 4 (p=0.1) as projection plane

===> Sec.6 Seg.2: Using middle plane of MDC3 as projection plane
#################### HADES TASKSETS ############################
# Version Sep03 # simulation for Ids : 0
# real1 for Ids : 1
# real2 for Ids : 2
# real3 for Ids : 3
# real4 for Ids : 4
# real5 for Ids : 5
# special1 for Ids : 6
# offspill for Ids : 7
# special3 for Ids : 8
# MDCcalibration for Ids : 9
# special5 for Ids : 10
# illegal1 for Ids : not defined
# illegal2 for Ids : not defined
# beginrun for Ids : 13
# endrun for Ids : 14
# illegal5 for Ids : not defined
# real for Ids : 1 2 3 4 5
# calibration for Ids : 7 9
# all for Ids : not defined

HQAMaker: HADES data quality assessment
QA statistics Histogram summary
------------- -----------------
Event sampling rate: 1/1 237 general hists
Interval size: 10000events 21 run var hists
10000QA'd events/interval
Max # events for var hists (=200*intervalSize): 2000000
*extra events are added to overflow bins*
PDF file:/scratch/e12k/hades/dst/jan05/exp/tmp/be05034120508_dst.pdf
*ps2pdf will be used to generate pdf file*

Mean change in deviation per ring:0

HPidTrackFiller Chi^2 cut
Total tracks: 232. Accepted: 100. Rejected: 132
Ratio: 0.431034

s m t1 t2 t12 wire t1_12 cutall all
0 0 5% 0% 10% 0% 10% 10% 112 cts
0 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 114 cts
0 2 5% 0% 1% 0% 5% 5% 137 cts
0 3 26% 0% 17% 0% 36% 36% 146 cts
1 0 13% 0% 21% 0% 24% 24% 138 cts
1 1 17% 0% 9% 0% 20% 20% 144 cts
1 2 2% 0% 0% 0% 2% 2% 113 cts
1 3 12% 0% 3% 0% 13% 13% 102 cts
2 0 24% 0% 21% 0% 28% 28% 166 cts
2 1 5% 0% 8% 0% 8% 8% 156 cts
2 2 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 cts
2 3 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 cts
3 0 15% 0% 11% 0% 23% 23% 119 cts
3 1 1% 0% 0% 0% 2% 2% 166 cts
3 2 1% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 67 cts
3 3 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 cts
4 0 6% 0% 10% 0% 11% 11% 113 cts
4 1 0% 0% 1% 0% 1% 1% 151 cts
4 2 12% 0% 0% 0% 13% 13% 139 cts
4 3 2% 0% 1% 0% 3% 3% 139 cts
5 0 2% 0% 4% 0% 5% 5% 173 cts
5 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 235 cts
5 2 3% 0% 2% 0% 4% 4% 192 cts
5 3 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 cts
info : Total number of events processed: 5
info : Timing information for taskset real:

info : Timing information for taskset Trigger:

trigger.emu: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
trig.dilep.emu: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset Start:

Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
start.hitf: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset Tof:

tof.hitf: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset Tofino:

tofino.cal: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset Rich:

rich.ana: Real time: 0.11 sec CPU time: 0.12 sec
rich.id: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset RichIPU:

richIPU.ana: Real time: 0.03 sec CPU time: 0.03 sec
info : Timing information for taskset Shower:

sho.cal: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
sho.hitf: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
sho.cor: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset Mdc:

mdc.cal1: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
mdc.cal2: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
mdc.hitf: Real time: 0.03 sec CPU time: 0.04 sec
Real time: 0.63 sec CPU time: 0.63 sec
mdcdedx: Real time: 0.01 sec CPU time: 0.01 sec
Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset Spline:

Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.01 sec
SplineTrack: Real time: 0.03 sec CPU time: 0.02 sec
tofClustering: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset Kick:

Real time: 0.01 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset kicktracktask:

kicktrackbase: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.00 sec
info : Timing information for taskset rkTrack:

RK-tracking: Real time: 0.46 sec CPU time: 0.46 sec
PidTrackFiller: Real time: 0.00 sec CPU time: 0.01 sec
qa.maker: Real time: 0.01 sec CPU time: 0.01 sec
connection to Oracle closed
RichIPUParThresholds written to ROOT file, version: 1
RichIPUParLocMax written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcGeomStruct written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcRawStruct written to ROOT file, version: 1
RichCalPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
RichMappingParameters written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcMboReadout written to ROOT file, version: 1
ShowerUnpackParam written to ROOT file, version: 1
TofLookup written to ROOT file, version: 1
TofinoLookup written to ROOT file, version: 1
StartLookup written to ROOT file, version: 1
TriggerParShowerMap written to ROOT file, version: 1
TriggerParRichMap written to ROOT file, version: 1
TriggerParMuLep written to ROOT file, version: 1
TriggerParMomMap written to ROOT file, version: 1
TriggerParMuDilep written to ROOT file, version: 1
StartCalPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
StartSelfCoPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
TofCalPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
TofinoCalPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
TofGeomPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
SpecGeomPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
TofClusterFPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
RichAnalysisParameters written to ROOT file, version: 1
RichGeometryParameters written to ROOT file, version: 1
RichIPUParPattern written to ROOT file, version: 1
ShowerCalPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
ShowerGeometry written to ROOT file, version: 1
ShowerHitFinderParams written to ROOT file, version: 1
TofinoShowerMap written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcLookupGeom written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcTimeCut written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcCalParRaw written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcCal2ParSim written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcGeomPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcLayerGeomPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
KickPlane2MDC3 written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcTrackFitPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcDigitPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcDeDx written to ROOT file, version: 1
MetaMatchPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcTrackGFieldPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
MdcTrackGCorrPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
MagnetPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
TofinoGeomPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
KickPlane2Meta written to ROOT file, version: 1
KickMatchParMeta written to ROOT file, version: 1
KickTrackFPar written to ROOT file, version: 1
PidTrackFillerPar written to ROOT file, version: 1

Events processed: 5
Real time: 70.395999
Cpu time: 12.560000
Performance: 2.512000 s/ev

-- MartinJurkovic - 05 Sep 2005
Topic revision: r1 - 2005-09-05, MartinJurkovic
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