pion multiplicities for C+C 1 and 2 A GeV, status 10.10.07
Conditions: LVL1 trigger, efficiency and acceptance corrected ("4pi")
Extrapolation from HADES acceptance (in rapidity) to full space:
old - taking number of pions within acceptance (theta vs momentum), and extrapolation done
using UrQMD pi yield within the same acceptance and (known) total yield (Jan07)
new: - within HADES acceptance in rapidity:
extrapolating p_t distributions (in rapidity bins) via fitting by 2 slope exponential, see
Resulted rapidity distributions (exp. data as average from all sectors) are shown in figures below.
Then extrapolating to all rapidities
1) using UrQMD
2) using Pluto simulation with exp. slopes and A2 parameters.
pi multiplicities, LVL1, acceptance corrected
old (Jan07) new(UrQMD) new(Pluto)
1 GeV 0.538 0.525 0.473
2 GeV 1.16 1.29 1.20
(multiplicity of pi for
C2C from PLUTO corrected 15.10.07 from 1.14 to 1.20, the normalization factor
was wrong by mistake)
There is about ~10% difference between 2 extrapolation methods. "Goodness" of extrapolation
can be judged from following figures showing rapidity distribution: blue - data, red - urqmd,
black - PLUTO. (PLUTO shown in arbitrary scale). Open symbols in fig. for
C1C show points mirrored from forward rapidity.
Below is comparison of p_t distribution of pi- (within HADES rapidity acceptance) from data,
- c1c pt in HADES rapidity acceptance:
- c2c pt in HADES rapidity acceptance:
- C1C PLUTO rapidity distribution for various slopes and A2: maximum deviation of the correction factor 3%
- C2C PLUTO rapidity distribution for various slopes and A2: maximum deviation of the correction factor 2%
Final detailed table (15.10.07): normalization via UrQMD and PLUTO:
yields after pt extrapolation, average 5 sectors:
pi yields from rapidity histos: (pt extrapolated)
C1C rapidity range -1.1 <= y0 <= 1.1 (symmetrized from forward rapidity)
C2C rapidity range -0.8 <= y0 <= 0.7
C1C |
exp |
UrQMD(4pi) |
f(UrQMD) |
4pi exp UrQMD |
f(PLUTO) |
4pi exp PLUTO |
pi+ |
0.360 |
0.357 |
0.506 |
1.418 |
0.510 |
1.281 |
0.461 |
pi- |
0.379 |
0.367 |
0.523 |
1.426 |
0.540 |
1.281 |
0.485 |
average |
0.525 |
0.473 |
C2C |
exp |
UrQMD(4pi) |
f(UrQMD) |
4pi exp UrQMD |
f(PLUTO) |
4pi exp PLUTO |
pi+ |
0.759 |
0.699 |
1.16 |
1.665 |
1.26 |
1.559 |
1.18 |
pi- |
0.783 |
0.712 |
1.18 |
1.664 |
1.31 |
1.559 |
1.22 |
average |
1.29 |
1.20 |
PavelTlusty - 15 Oct 2007