The "Old" Pion Hodoscopes
- consisting of 1cm plastic scintillating bars
- using Hamamatsu R3478 PMTs
- special bases
- read more about it in "Design and commisioning of the GSI pion beam", Diaz et al, NIM A 478 (2002)
- HV -1300 (maybe up to -1500?)
- Hamamatsu says R3478 can use up to -1700
some words about repairing
the pmts are GLUED to the lighguides which are glued to the scintillator
reason for too small and bad signal was a faulty base (which is separate from the pmt)
note: the fans should be used and/or temperature should be monitored... the bases will get hot if in use!
BjoernSpruck - 12 Oct 2006