-- PavelTlusty - 11 Dec 2008

I Attachment Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
answers_to_refereesEXT answers_to_referees manage 7 K 2008-12-11 - 12:43 PavelTlusty answer to referees ver1
epja_ref1.txttxt epja_ref1.txt manage 13 K 2008-12-11 - 12:58 PavelTlusty comments of referee 1
epja_ref2.txttxt epja_ref2.txt manage 16 K 2008-12-11 - 12:59 PavelTlusty comments of referee 2
list_of_changes_ver18EXT list_of_changes_ver18 manage 2 K 2008-12-11 - 12:44 PavelTlusty list of changes in paper ver.18
hadpidc12c_18.textex hadpidc12c_18.tex manage 56 K 2008-12-11 - 13:05 PavelTlusty revised paper (ver.18) source tex file
hadpidc12c_18.pdfpdf hadpidc12c_18.pdf manage 662 K 2008-12-11 - 13:00 PavelTlusty revised version of paper (ver18)
hadpidc12c_submitted.pdfpdf hadpidc12c_submitted.pdf manage 603 K 2008-12-11 - 13:01 PavelTlusty submitted version of paper (ver.17)
This topic: Homepages > CreateHomepageTopic > HomepagePavelTlusty > RevisedVersionOfTheCCPionPaper
Topic revision: 2008-12-11, PavelTlusty
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