Impact parameter distributions from UrQMD for C+C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar+KCl at 1.76 A GeV

for: 1. min. bias events (at least one nuclear interaction)
     2. LVL1 (mult_charged>=4 for CC and mult_charged>=16 for ArKCl)

LVL1 event selection:

estimated from simulations: UrQMD events passed through Geant, detector digitizers and LVL1 trigger emulator

list of files:


1 row contents: imp.par (center of bin, in fm), yield,


arbitrary, preserves LVL1/min.bias ratio 0.517 and 0.603 for CC at 1 and 2 GeV, respectively, and 0.345 for ArKCl

data are published in:

CC: Fig. 6 in Eur. Phys. J. A 40 (2009) 45 (also arXiv:0902.4377 [nucl-ex])

ArKCl: in Fig.5.7 (only with different binning) F. Krizek, PhD thesis, Prague 2008 "Study of inclusive electron-positron pair production in collisions of Ar+KCl at 1.756 A GeV"

-- PavelTlusty - 20 Jun 2013
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
arkcl1760_urqmd_impact_LVL1.vecvec arkcl1760_urqmd_impact_LVL1.vec manage 349 bytes 2013-06-20 - 14:21 PavelTlusty arkcl1760 LVL1
arkcl1760_urqmd_impact_min_bias.vecvec arkcl1760_urqmd_impact_min_bias.vec manage 365 bytes 2013-06-20 - 14:20 PavelTlusty arkcl1760
cc1000_urqmd_impact_LVL1.vecvec cc1000_urqmd_impact_LVL1.vec manage 266 bytes 2013-06-20 - 14:18 PavelTlusty cc1000 LVL1
cc1000_urqmd_impact_min_bias.vecvec cc1000_urqmd_impact_min_bias.vec manage 266 bytes 2013-06-20 - 14:18 PavelTlusty cc1000 min.bias
cc2000_urqmd_impact_LVL1.vecvec cc2000_urqmd_impact_LVL1.vec manage 266 bytes 2013-06-20 - 14:20 PavelTlusty cc2000 LVL1
cc2000_urqmd_impact_min_bias.vecvec cc2000_urqmd_impact_min_bias.vec manage 266 bytes 2013-06-20 - 14:19 PavelTlusty cc2000 min. bias
Topic revision: r1 - 2013-06-20, PavelTlusty
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