Usefull scripts for DST production

The following scripts might be usefull in the preparation of a DST production:

  • sep05files.sql: The script can be executed from sqlplus by calling sqlplus in the directory where the script is and typing @sep05files at the sqlplus prompt. One has to be connected to the database as the user "hades"!
    If you want to change the script keep in mind, that the strings are case sensitive! So the beamtime names have to be written as they are defined in ORACLE.
    This script queries the ORACLE database for all files from the sep05 beamtime, that fullfill the following conditions:
    • number of events in file > 1000
    • quality factor = 0 (only good files)
    • file belongs to beamtime "sep05"
    • filename begins with "be"
    • Magnet current is larger than 3100A

  • checkFilelist: This script checks wether all the files in the input file are stored on the taperobot, and creates a file containing the names of all files not found on the taperobot.

  • sumEvents: This script takes a filelist created by the sep05files.sql script, and sums up the number of events in all files.

More to come...

-- JoernWuestenfeld - 30 Nov 2005

I Attachment Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
checkFilelistEXT checkFilelist manage 10 K 2005-11-30 - 15:32 JoernWuestenfeld Checks if all files in the input file are accesible on the taperobot
sumEventsEXT sumEvents manage 1 K 2005-11-30 - 15:04 JoernWuestenfeld Sums up number of events from filelist
sep05files.sqlsql sep05files.sql manage 438 bytes 2005-11-30 - 15:03 JoernWuestenfeld Create list of files for a beamtime
This topic: Homepages > WebHome > HomepageJoernWuestenfeld > UsefullDstSupportScripts
Topic revision: 2005-11-30, JoernWuestenfeld
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