table and plots include statistics from the following days:

Day Nb. evt Mee (sig) Mee(sig above pi0) Mee(sig above pi0, miss cut)*
SUM 76.5M 38036 109 63
* with cut on the e+e- missing mass (0.9 - 1.0) GeV /c2 and depending on the spectrum

e+e- invariant mass spectra (black N+-, red CB)


e+e- signal (N+- - CB)


e+e- missing mass for Mee > 0.14


e+e- invariant mass after cut on e+e- missing mass 0.9 < MMee < 1.0 and for Mee > 0.14


-- GosiaSudol - 05 Sep 2014
Topic revision: r3 - 2014-09-06, GosiaSudol
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