Pion momentum : 0.690 GeV /c, Centrum of mass Energy : 1.49

Beam runs statistic
Time range 29-AUG-2014 00:00 - 30-AUG-2014 00:00
Number of files 558
Number of events 53 M
Data taking 14.45h
File location:


from FAT level:




Pion momentum : 0.748 GeV /c, Centrum of mass Energy : 1.526

Beam runs statistic
Time range 03-SEP-2014 20:00 - 04-SEP-2014 09:20
Number of files 806
Number of events 76.5 M
Data taking 11.61 h
File location:


from FAT level:





Pion momentum : 0.656 GeV /c,Centrum of mass Energy : 1.468

Beam runs statistic
Time range 04-SEP-2014 21:00 - 06-SEP-2014 01:00
Number of files 481
Number of events 41M
Data taking 13.77
*File location kiss

from PAT level:



from FAT level:






Pion momentum : 0.8 GeV /c, Centrum of mass Energy : 1.556

Beam runs statistic
Time range 06-SEP-2014 01:00 - 06-SEP-2014 10:00
Number of files 582
Number of events 53.7M
Data taking 7.79h
from PAT level:



from FAT level:






-- GosiaSudol - 04 Sep 2014
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PPIM_MISS_MASS2_nonEla_PT.gifgif PPIM_MISS_MASS2_nonEla_PT.gif manage 11 K 2014-09-05 - 22:29 GosiaSudol ppi- non-elastic events missing mass2 using PionTracker
PPIM_MOM.gifgif PPIM_MOM.gif manage 22 K 2014-09-05 - 22:27 GosiaSudol pi- mom vs. p mom
P_THETA_MOM.gifgif P_THETA_MOM.gif manage 20 K 2014-09-05 - 22:27 GosiaSudol proton theta vs. p
Topic revision: r9 - 2014-09-07, GosiaSudol
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