Please put here all PID- and event-selection-related info as used for the online analysis: MDC cuts, topological cuts, ...

Lambda off-vertex cuts
variable operator value [mm]
mtd < 11
vdx > 20
verdistp > 1
verdistpim > verdistp
Here mtd is the minimum distance between p and pim tracks, vdx is the distance between the primary and secondary vertices, verdistp, verdistpim are the closest distances between the primary vertex and the proton or pion track, respectively.

K0_S off-vertex cuts -- none applied.

  • Z-position as seen in K0 analysis with START information. Day 194 (piC):

  • XY-position as seen in the K0 analysis with START information. Day 194 (piC):

-- KirillLapidus - 14 Jul 2014
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pvxy2_k0.pngpng pvxy2_k0.png manage 20 K 2014-07-14 - 15:51 KirillLapidus XY-position as seen in the K0 analysis with START information. Day 194.
pvz2_k0.pngpng pvz2_k0.png manage 11 K 2014-07-14 - 15:50 KirillLapidus Z-position as seen in the K0 analysis with START information. Day 194.
Topic revision: r3 - 2014-07-14, KirillLapidus
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