Beam time online results and HOW-TO for operators:

Pion Tracker manual:

-- place holder for Joana's manual (pdf document) \br

Diamond detectors configuration

Threshold setting
--threshold file is located on the 192.168.100.xx

--or on etraxp129
/home/hadaq/bin/spi_trbv2_3 /home/hadaq/start_and_veto/thresholds_juelich_129_12_2013

--to load them:
./ -e etraxp129 -c 'spi_trbv2_3 /home/hadaq/start_and_veto/thresholds_juelich_129_12_2013'

--if you need to programm TRB2 (etraxp129)
cd /home/hadaq/trbsoft/daqtools/tools/
./ -e etraxp129 -c 'jam_trbv2 --trb -aRUN_XILINX_PROC /home/hadaq/tof/fpga/20120305_tof.stapl'
you should see: "Successful File Execution." 

-- Threshold ranges for NINO_1 (no attenuation)  connected to etraxp129, 1st TDC:
local thres. 0x7000
global thres. 0x1300   thres. 0.5 mV (max alowed:   30 mV)
global thres. 0x3000   thres. 2.5 mV (max alowed:   60 mV)
global thres. 0x4000   thres. 4.0 mV (max alowed:   95 mV)
global thres. 0x6000   thres. 6.5 mV (max alowed: 2100 mV)
global thres. 0xf000   thres. 8.5 mV (max alowed: 2900 mV)

-- Threshold ranges for NINO_2 (with attenuation for PMTs) connected to etraxp129, 4th TDC:
local thres. 0x7000
global thres. 0x2000   thres.  33 mV ()
global thres. 0x4000   thres.  60 mV ()
global thres. 0x6000   thres. 100 mV ()
global thres. 0xa000   thres. 220 mV ()
global thres. 0xf000   thres. 230 mV ()

Scope and HV access

Scope:  LeCroyUser  6sectors

HV box:
cd /mnt/flash/
./minicom s1
exit from "minicom"

-- JerzyPietraszko - 09 Dec 2013
Topic revision: r3 - 2013-12-11, JerzyPietraszko
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