CVS Basics

Here are some most often used CVS commands. After you got your local copy of a module, all the CVS commands related to the module you should do inside the module directory.
  • Export CVS_RSH if not already done: export CVS_RSH=ssh
  • How to checkout module "hadaq": cvs -d checkout hadaq
  • How to update your local copy of module: cvs update
  • How to commit modified files: cvs commit -m "your message" file1 file2
  • How to add new files to a module:
    • cvs add file1 file2
    • cvs commit -m "your message" file1 file2
  • How to create a new module: cvs import module_name vendor_tag symbolic_tagname

CVS Code Repositories

All VHDL, C and other code should be put to the cvs under /misc/hadesprojects/daq/cvsroot/ to keep it available for everyone - it also gives some additional security in case of a failure on your machine.

Module CVS tag Subdirs ContentSorted descending
trbnet - lattice/scm VHDL specific for Lattice SCM
trbnet - lattice/ecp2m VHDL specific for Lattice ECP/2M
trbnet - special VHDL special purpose, trbnet related stuff
trbnet - . VHDL related to TrbNet
rich_adcm - . VHDL for Rich ADCM
mdc_dc_readoutv2 - . VHDL for OEPBv2
trbbase - . VHDL for Acromag
trbnet - xilinx VHDL Fifos, PLL, DCM, DDR - all xilinx specific stuff
trbnet - basics VHDL basic entities like ram, rom etc.
trbsoft - . Software for Etrax on TRB2
xild - . Program to load FPGA designs into Xilinx FPGAs
nagios - plugins plugin scripts for monitoring
daq_remote_access - . perl scripts for remote access to hld files
oper - . perl scripts and config files for DAQ control (start, stop etc.)
hades-archivist - . perl script for archiving hld files to tapes
trbtdctools - . perl script and config files for producing jam files to program TDCs
runctrl - . Package to control the DAQ system on basis of EPICS ca servers, EPICS sequencers and EPICS GUIs. Contains subdirectories with drivers for each single DAQ device (VME card)
daqctrl_scripts - . more scripts for DAQ control
trbsoft - libtrbnet Interface to trbnet
ebctrl - mon GUIs based on MEDM
trbsoft - trbrich Flash programming, RICH specific software
tools - . even more scripts for DAQ control and other things
trbsoft - mdc daqop, MDC specific software
trbsoft - daq DAQ Startup scripts & Settings
ebctrl - . control of parallel event building based on EPICS tools
nagios - config configuration files
hadaq stab_sep08 . code used during sep08 beam-time
hadaq stab_oct07 . code used during oct07 beam-time
ebctrl - ioc code for EPICS IO-Controllers including all EPICS support code
compat - . C library to provide compatibility concerning used standard functions between the different operating systems used for the HADES DAQ
allParam - . C library to provide an unified access to parameters using different souces like files, ca server or the Oracle database
lvme - . C library to have an unified access to the VME bus on different operating systems
latm - . C library to have an unified access to the ATM interface on different operating systems
hwreadout - . C code for readout of different detector systems
hadaq - . C code for event building etc. plus libhadaq.a
nagios - . a system and network monitoring application

Please hold this list up to date (and also the CVS itself!) to make it as easy as possible for other people to access code they might or might not need.

-- JanMichel - 22 Dec 2008
Topic revision: r7 - 2010-02-18, SergeyYurevich
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