Giacomo, please put in here all the info you have about your Temp-Sense-project.

-- MichaelTraxler - 19 Oct 2006

Here you will find the informations about the control and the read out of the temperature sensors DS1820 on the hadshopomo board. the programs which the instructions are referred to are able to read the data from the sensors and send them to a server computer.

-- GiacomoOrtona - 18 Nov 2006

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
CompileReadMe.txttxt CompileReadMe.txt manage 5 K 2006-11-18 - 01:58 GiacomoOrtona instructions to compile and run the programs on HADSHOPOMO board and for the connections
gor_hadshopomo.jpgjpg gor_hadshopomo.jpg manage 330 K 2006-11-18 - 01:52 GiacomoOrtona photo of the board with 2 wires linked
gor_latex.pdfpdf gor_latex.pdf manage 2 MB 2006-11-18 - 01:50 GiacomoOrtona report on my activity at GSI
hadshopomo.pdfpdf hadshopomo.pdf manage 114 K 2006-11-23 - 16:21 MichaelTraxler Schematics of the HadShoPoMo
readme.txttxt readme.txt manage 23 K 2006-11-18 - 01:47 GiacomoOrtona codec explanations (expecially for tempsens program) serialtrx.c manage 8 K 2006-11-22 - 16:37 GiacomoOrtona source code (runnin on the HADSHOPOMO board Linux computer) used for receiving data from the MCU unit and forward it to the server (and viceversa) socket.c manage 6 K 2006-11-22 - 16:40 GiacomoOrtona code for the communications between the computer on HADSHOPOMO board and a server computer
tempsens.tartar tempsens.tar manage 70 K 2006-11-27 - 14:07 GiacomoOrtona tarball with the source code and readme files. tempsens2.c manage 14 K 2006-11-22 - 16:39 GiacomoOrtona code (for program running on ATMEL CAN128 MCU) used to control the DS1820 temperature sensors
Topic revision: r8 - 2009-12-31, JanMichel
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