Children of NewTriggerBusConcept in DaqSlowControl Web

Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 10:10 (Local)

Overview The main idea of the API (application process interface) is that the user should be able to just read and write data and should not take care about the f...
Please make a block diagram Please add schematics here... Bugs The trigger bus jumpers are not correctly pulled: To be a DTU, the data pin must be a pull up, not...
New Trigger Bus Media General IO interface To make the DaqNetwork independent from any media, a standard IO interface is proposed. The interface follows the pri...
Overview The network protocol is the most critical part of the complete concept. It should match the requirements (low latency), but should be flexible on the o...
Not the official milestones, but some pragmatic steps: Simulations VHDL simulation done by Ingo. First important step is to have a running chain with 2 dummy APL...
Number of topics: 5
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