2nd level trigger efficiency (3rd generation)

Efficiency in numbers:

only opening angle cut applied
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.932032 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0430092
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.91134 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0246458
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 0.917314 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0525101
comb. background Weighted Mean: 0.921955 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0328923
signal Weighted Mean: 0.90803 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0656713

after all pair cuts
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.903185 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.102878
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.882104 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0374143
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 0.900452 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.132936
comb. background Weighted Mean: 0.892004 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0855186
signal Weighted Mean: 0.884024 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0527665

only opening angle cut applied

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

all pair cuts applied:

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

-- YvonnePachmayer - 27 Sep 2007

pt distributions

only opening angle cut applied
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.939817 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0413573
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.915774 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0235018
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 0.925203 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0528798
comb. background Weighted Mean: 0.9133 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.034009
signal Weighted Mean: 0.919344 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0418586

after all pair cuts
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.90284 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0968263
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.890019 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0329053
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 0.926078 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.13492
comb. background Weighted Mean: 0.88133 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.130423
signal Weighted Mean: 0.898419 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0354643

only opening angle

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

after all pair cuts

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448


only opening angle cut applied
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.925842 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0350924
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.89251 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0182661
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 0.908571 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0465517
comb. background Weighted Mean: 0.917982 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0313809
signal Weighted Mean: 0.885007 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0354738

after all pair cuts
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.879997 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.092864
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.861147 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0266492
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 0.895895 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.135806
comb. background Weighted Mean: 0.890985 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.089686
signal Weighted Mean: 0.858485 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0321351

all pair cuts

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

only opening angle cut

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448


  • inv. mass:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • pt:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • rapidity for mid inv. mass region:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • rapidty for mid inn. mass region rebinned:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • rapidity for pi0 mass region incl. fit:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
allpaircuts.pngpng allpaircuts.png manage 33 K 2007-09-27 - 14:05 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
allpaircuts2.pngpng allpaircuts2.png manage 29 K 2007-09-27 - 14:05 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
allpaircuts2_pt.pngpng allpaircuts2_pt.png manage 33 K 2007-11-20 - 09:27 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
allpaircuts2_rap.pngpng allpaircuts2_rap.png manage 25 K 2007-11-20 - 09:43 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
allpaircuts_pt.pngpng allpaircuts_pt.png manage 40 K 2007-11-20 - 09:27 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
allpaircuts_rap.pngpng allpaircuts_rap.png manage 28 K 2007-11-20 - 09:43 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
onlyopeningangle.pngpng onlyopeningangle.png manage 34 K 2007-09-27 - 14:05 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
onlyopeningangle2.pngpng onlyopeningangle2.png manage 30 K 2007-09-27 - 14:05 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
onlyopeningangle2_pt.pngpng onlyopeningangle2_pt.png manage 38 K 2007-11-20 - 09:27 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
onlyopeningangle2_rap.pngpng onlyopeningangle2_rap.png manage 24 K 2007-11-20 - 09:43 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
onlyopeningangle_pt.pngpng onlyopeningangle_pt.png manage 46 K 2007-11-20 - 09:27 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
onlyopeningangle_rap.pngpng onlyopeningangle_rap.png manage 28 K 2007-11-20 - 09:43 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
signal_invmass.gifgif signal_invmass.gif manage 679 K 2007-11-26 - 11:58 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
signal_pt.gifgif signal_pt.gif manage 592 K 2007-11-26 - 11:58 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
signal_rap_midregion.gifgif signal_rap_midregion.gif manage 592 K 2007-11-26 - 11:58 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
signal_rap_midregion_rebin.gifgif signal_rap_midregion_rebin.gif manage 592 K 2007-11-26 - 11:58 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
signal_rap_pi0.gifgif signal_rap_pi0.gif manage 592 K 2007-11-26 - 11:58 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
signal_rap_pi0_fit.gifgif signal_rap_pi0_fit.gif manage 592 K 2007-11-26 - 11:58 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
Topic revision: r3 - 2007-11-26, YvonnePachmayer
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