Investigations Summer 2007

Rapidity - Comparison Pluto and HSD

Comparison UrQMD and experimental Data

Comparison single lepton spectra - UrQMD and exp

Comparison pair spectra - UrQMD and exp

2nd level trigger efficiency

2nd level trigger efficiency - kickplane results for trigger efficiency

2nd level trigger efficiency - rungekutta results for trigger efficiency

2nd level trigger efficiency for single leptons - single leptons

Comparison Kick and Rungekutta - experimental data: single lepton distributions

Comparison single lepton spectra - Kickplane and RungeKutta after all single lepton cuts

Comparison single lepton spectra momentum sectorwise - Kickplane and RungeKutta momentum distributions after all single lepton cuts

Comparison single lepton spectra after mom cut - Kickplane and RungeKutta after all single lepton cuts and momcut of 100 MeV/c

Comparison single lepton spectra after all pair cuts - Kickplane and RungeKutta after all pair cuts

Comparison Kick and Rungekutta - experimental data: pair spectra

Comparison pair spectra after all pair cuts - Pair Spectra Kickplane and RungeKutta after all pair cuts

Comparison pair spectra after all pair cuts - Pair Spectra Kickplane and RungeKutta after all pair cuts final binning applied

Comparison pair spectra after all pair cuts after mom cut- Pair Spectra Kickplane and RungeKutta after all pair cuts final binning applied after momcut

Comparison Kick and Rungekutta - PLUTO: pair spectra

Pluto - Comparison pair spectra after all pair cuts - Pair Spectra Kickplane and RungeKutta after all pair cuts

Comparison Kick and Rungekutta - UrQMD: pair spectra

UrQMD - Comparison pair spectra after all pair cuts - Pair Spectra Kickplane and RungeKutta after all pair cuts

Comparison Experimental Data, PLUTO and UrQMD

momentum distributions

Comparison Bayes and Hard cut

Comparison Bayes and Hard Cut

Comparison Pluto and Experimental Data

Comparison Pluto and Exp

RungeKutta in Numbers


Check of Efficiency Matrix

Self-consistency Check Rungekutta Efficiency Matrices - check

-- YvonnePachmayer - 17 Jul 2007
Topic revision: r18 - 2007-10-16, YvonnePachmayer
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