Cleaning the disks of the batch farm machines


After a crash of a job on the batchfarm, there might be files left over on the /tmp directory of the execution host. Especialy HLD files need a lot of diskspace (2GB). Normaly a job should clean up the disk after succesfull execution.


The script will submit a job to each of the batch farm machines that checks for files and directories of the user that executes the script. All files and directories that are older then 30 minutes are removed.
Last change by WikiGuest
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
clean_main_batch.base.shsh manage 665 bytes 2004-07-21 - 10:26 JoernWuestenfeld Submit jobs script
clean_main_batch.shsh manage 222 bytes 2004-07-21 - 10:29 JoernWuestenfeld To clean batchfarm nodes
lslist.shsh manage 310 bytes 2004-07-21 - 10:29 JoernWuestenfeld Get list of nodes
Topic revision: r1 - 2004-07-21, JoernWuestenfeld
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