Comparison Bayes and Hard Cut

momentum algorithm: rungekutta
statistics: only full large target, mdc hv ok
background: like sign
efficiency matrices: calculation according to methods
normalisation: accordingly
cuts applied: all standard cuts, no additional momentum cut applied


invariant mass

no effi correction
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.00588 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0579708
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.15402 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0193692
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 1.26518 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0896906
comb. background Weighted Mean: 1.18792 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0582915
signal Weighted Mean: 1.15714 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0273593
after effi correction
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.982629 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0827742
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.04573 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0237204
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 1.17003 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.115712
comb. background Weighted Mean: 1.09924 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0615778
signal Weighted Mean: 1.05236 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0275509


no effi correction
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.997027 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0640198
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.15289 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.020119
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 1.27459 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.101832
comb. background Weighted Mean: 1.16695 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0556377
signal Weighted Mean: 1.15644 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0262868
after effi correction
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.977943 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.101402
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.04915 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0267604
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 1.20739 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.141384
comb. background Weighted Mean: 1.089 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0643187
signal Weighted Mean: 1.0533 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0449635


no effi correction
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.06965 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0782214
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.19017 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0203805
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 1.2102 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0723148
comb. background Weighted Mean: 1.03911 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0457334
signal Weighted Mean: 1.20037 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0242177
after effi correction
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.950007 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.098928
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.01804 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0220465
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 1.05733 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0890487
comb. background Weighted Mean: 0.941156 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0548212
signal Weighted Mean: 1.03092 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0267869


no effi correction
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.972043 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0462659
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.13692 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0203018
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 1.21905 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0703131
comb. background Weighted Mean: 1.07168 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0407893
signal Weighted Mean: 1.18582 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0379352
after effi correction
e^{-}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 0.898343 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0578476
e^{+}e^{-} Weighted Mean: 1.04489 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0296298
e^{+}e^{+} Weighted Mean: 1.17615 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.116021
comb. background Weighted Mean: 0.990759 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0564782
signal Weighted Mean: 1.08297 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0968929

inv mass

not efficiency corrected

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

efficiency corrected

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448


x-axis should read MeV/c

not efficiency corrected

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

efficiency corrected

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448


x-axis should be dimensionless

not efficiency corrected

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

efficiency corrected

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448


x-axis should openingangle

not efficiency corrected

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

efficiency corrected

  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
  • batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448:
    batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448

-- YvonnePachmayer - 09 Oct 2007
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
bayes_hardcuteffi.gifgif bayes_hardcuteffi.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:22 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcuteffi1.gifgif bayes_hardcuteffi1.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:22 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcuteffi1oangle.gifgif bayes_hardcuteffi1oangle.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:22 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcuteffi1pt.gifgif bayes_hardcuteffi1pt.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:22 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcuteffi1rap.gifgif bayes_hardcuteffi1rap.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:22 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcuteffioangle.gifgif bayes_hardcuteffioangle.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:22 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcuteffipt.gifgif bayes_hardcuteffipt.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:22 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcuteffirap.gifgif bayes_hardcuteffirap.gif manage 592 K 2007-10-09 - 16:22 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcutnoeffi.gifgif bayes_hardcutnoeffi.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:23 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcutnoeffi1.gifgif bayes_hardcutnoeffi1.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:23 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcutnoeffi1oangle.gifgif bayes_hardcutnoeffi1oangle.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:23 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcutnoeffi1pt.gifgif bayes_hardcutnoeffi1pt.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:23 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcutnoeffi1rap.gifgif bayes_hardcutnoeffi1rap.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:23 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcutnoeffioangle.gifgif bayes_hardcutnoeffioangle.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:23 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcutnoeffipt.gifgif bayes_hardcutnoeffipt.gif manage 679 K 2007-10-09 - 16:23 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
bayes_hardcutnoeffirap.gifgif bayes_hardcutnoeffirap.gif manage 592 K 2007-10-09 - 16:23 YvonnePachmayer batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448
Topic revision: r1 - 2007-10-09, YvonnePachmayer
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