Hit definition in HGEANT
The filenames for the hit definition must have the suffix
.hit and must contain the detector specific keyword:
- rich
- mdc
- tof (for TOF and TOFINO)
- shower
- wall
- rpc
- u1 ... u9 (for special user defined detectors)
The files must contain the following parameters, needed for the GEANT routines GSDET and GSDETH:
- string CHSET - the name of the hit set
- int NH - the number of hit components (maximum 30!)
- string array CHNAMH of NH names of the hit components
- int array NBITSH of NH numbers of bits in which to pack the components of the hits
- float array ORIG of NH numbers of offsets applied before packing the hit values
- float array FACT of NH numbers of scale factors applied before packing the hit values
Comments are allowed only at the beginning and the end of the file in separate lines starting with //.
IlseKoenig - 16 Jul 2007