The detector sets
All detector sets are derived from the base class
HGeomSet, which implemtents most functionality.
The detectors typically only define some detector specific variables (detector name, number of keep-in volumes and number of modules) and simple functions, which return the name or the substring for keep-in volumes, modules and inner parts.
Detectors with sensitive volumes also have a class for the hit definition, derived from the base class
The detector hit class only implements the function, which returns the IDTYP, the identifier of the hit set (eventually calculated from the name of the sensitive volume).
Keyword: cave
Geom class: HGeomCave
Analysis parameter container: HSpecGeomPar
It is a single volume with name CAVE and has no mother and therefore no transformation.
The local coordinate system of the cave is defined such, that 0 is the ideal position of a single target and 0 of the field map.
The ASCII file contains only this single volume. All daughters of the cave are defined in separate files.
Keyword: rich
Geom classes: HGeomRich,
The module (volume with name RICH) contains a tree of volumes with names all starting with 'R'.
The volume RTAM is the mother volume for the target.
The detector identifier for the hits IDTYP is 1.
The geometry container in the analysis does not read any information from the standard geometry tables in Oracle. The RICH has its own tables (without version management) and only for ideal position (no alignment).
Keyword: target
Geom class: HGeomTarget
Analysis parameter container: HSpecGeomPar
The target components (targets and support structures) sit in the RICH volume RTAM. To position the target components properly it is necessary to check the lab-position of RTAM.
All target components have names starting with 'T'.
The targets must have the name TARG for a single target or TARGxx for a segmented target where xx is the number of the target.
In an alignment geometry version the RICH is shifted, while the target volumes are at ideal z-position in the RICH.
The analysis interface reads only the target volumes from Oracle, not the support structure. To be independent from the RICH and to account for alignment, the transformation of all volumes is stored in the Lab-system.
Keyword: sect
Geom class: HGeomSectors
Analysis parameter container: HSpecGeomPar
The set consists of 6 volumes SEC1 ... SEC6 all with the same shape (PGON), medium and dimensions. The sectors are counted clockwise looking in beam direction and start with SEC1 in positive y-direction.
Important: The translation vector describing the position of the sector coordinate system in the cave must be 0. 0. 0..
Keyword: mdc
Geom classes: HGeomMdc,
Analysis parameter container: HMdcGeomPar
The MDC consists of 4 modules in each sector:
- DR1M1 ... DR1M6 - plane 1
- DR2M1 ... DR2M6 - plane 2
- DR3M1 ... DR2M6 - plane 3
- DR4M1 ... DR4M6 - plane 4
The dimensions of the modules in different sectors are the same, but can have different positions (alignment).
All sub-volumes in the MDC have names starting with "D1"..."D4".
The sensitive volumes (layers) must have 4-character names. The 4th character is the number of the layer (for example
D1S4 is the sensitive volume in layer 4 of plane 1).
The detector identifier for the hits IDTYP is calculated in the program: IDTYP=10*N+L, where N is the number of the plane and L the number of the layer.
Keyword: coils
Geom class: HGeomCoils
The magnet coils consist of one module in each sector: CKIV1 ... CKIV6.
All volumes have names starting with 'C'.
Keyword: shower
Geom classes: HGeomShower,
Analysis parameter container: HShowerGeometry
The Shower consists of a keep-in volume in each sector with names "SHK1" ... "SKH6".
Each keep-in volume contains 3 modules:
- SH1M1 ... SH1M6
- SH2M1 ... SH2M6
- SH3M1 ... SH3M6
All daughter volumes in the modules have names starting with "S1", "S2" and "S3".
Each module contains only one sensitive layer. The detector identifier for the hits IDTYP is calculated in the program: IDTYP=50+N, where N is the number of the module.
Keyword: tof
Geom classes: HGeomTof,
Analysis parameter container: HTofGeomPar,
The TOF wall consists of 22 TOF modules and one TOFINO keep-in volumes (containing 4 modules) in each sector:
TOF modules:
Each TOF module contains 8 identical sensitive cells.
The detector identifier for the hits IDTYP is calculated in the program: IDTYP=100+N, where N is the number of the module.

In the analysis the numbering is reversed.
T22F, the outermost TOF has index 0.
All daughter volumes in the TOF and TOFINO modules have names starting with "T01" ... "T26".

The default setup contains the 8 outermost TOF modules
T15F...T22F plus the TOFINO keep-in volume.
To keep TOF and TOFINO in the same geometry file (what also implies to have only one class to handle the data) has historical reasons. Originally it was planned, to build the 14 inner TOF modules. For cost reasons the TOFINO was realized instead. The algorithm, which calculates Kickplane parameters still use 22 TOF modules.
It was a very bad idea to stick to the old design. The FORTAN and C++ code must internally distinguish between the two cases, because they must be handled differently. Also in the analysis, the two detectors have their own libraries and classes.
Forward Wall
Keyword: wall
Geom classes: HGeomFWall,
Analysis parameter container: HWallGeomPar
The Forward Wall consists of a single module with name "WALL" sitting directly in the CAVE.
All daughter volumes have names starting with 'W'.
The detector identifier for the hits IDTYP is 400.
Keyword: rpc
Geom classes: HGeomRpc,
The detector consists of one module in each sector: "ESKO1" ... "ESKO6".
All volumes have names starting with 'E'.

The geometry of the RPC is not yet stored in Oracle.
Keyword: start
Geom class: HGeomStart
Analysis parameter container: HStartGeomPar
The geometry of the Start detector is neither used in HGEANT nor in HYDRA. The implementation is more for completeness.
In Oracle is stored only an older version of the diamond detector.
Keyword: frames
Geom class: HGeomFrames
This set allows to create all support structures and beam pipes, which are not parts of a detector, as independent modules. All of them may have substructures.
All volumes have names starting with 'F'.
A module can be positioned in the cave ( having a 4-character name "Fxxx") or in the sectors (having 5-character names "Fxxx1" ..."Fxxx6").
User defined detectors
Keyword: user
Geom classes: HGeomUser,
This set allows to read and create up to 9 independent user defined modules (no common keep-in volume! ) with names
The 5th character is the number of the sector and is missing, if the volume sits directly in the CAVE.
All sub-volumes have names starting with "U1" ... "U9".
Each module can contain one sensitive volume with its own file for hit definition. The name of the sensitive volume must 4 characters, there are no copies allowed. The detector identifier for the hits IDTYP is calculated in the program: IDTYP=150+N, where N is the number of the module.
IlseKoenig - 16 Jul 2007