BeataMichalska - 24 Sep 2009
+ Matrices
Used cuts:
- graphical cut on gamma convertion from the flanch around Rich
- graphical PID cut
- closest neibourgh cut /9 degree/
- ep_sim_parentid ==-1 /primary track/ ++ Acceptancy matrix for electron:
- electronAcc: p vs phi:
- electronAcc: p vs th:
- electronAcc: th vs phi:
++ Efficiency matrix for electron:
- electronEff: p vs phi:
- electronEff: p vs th:
- electronEff: th vs phi:
++ Acceptancy matrix for positron:
- positronAcc: p vs phi:
- positronAcc: p vs th:
- positronAcc: th vs phi:
++ Efficiency matrix for positron:
- positronEff: p vs phi:
- positronEff: p vs th:
- positronEff: th vs phi:
- The comparison of theta, momentum and phi for one file: be06130200015
red - root file generated by pluto filtered through matrices
black - pluto simulation + hgeant +
PAT analysis
++ positrons
+++++ theta
- filtering with acc & eff matrices:
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly momentum >100 was required:
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly transverse momentum <100 was required:<br />
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly momentum >100 and transverse momentum <100 was required:<br />
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly momentum >50 and transverse momentum <600 was required:<br />
+++++ momentum
- filtering with acc & eff matrices:
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly transverse momentum <100 was required:<br />
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly transverse momentum <600 was required:<br />
+++++ phi
- filtering with acc & eff matrices:
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly transverse momentum <100 was required:<br />
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly momentum >100 was required:
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly momentum >100 and transverse momentum <100 was required:<br />
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly momentum >50 and transverse momentum <600 was required:<br />
++ electrons
- filtering with acc & eff matrices:
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly transverse momentum <100 was required:<br />
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly momentum >100 was required:
- filtering with acc & eff matrices, additionaly momentum >50 and transverse momentum <600 was required:<br />
++ momentum >50 & theta >15 & theta < 85 was required
+++ positrons
- momentum:
- theta:
- phi:
++ momentum >50 & theta >15 & theta < 85 & (in each sector phi >5 && phi<60) was required
+++ positrons
- momentum:
- theta:
- phi:
+ new pictures added by Radek.
- Eff. matrices were changed: phi axis range from 0 to 60 degree,
- error bars was added to histograms
- only for positrons
- momentum,theta,phi in the filtering simulation were smeared
++ no conditions
- momentum,no conditions:
- phi, no conditions:
- theta, no conditions:
++ pt < 100
- momentum, pt < 100:
- phi, pt < 100:
- theta, pt < 100:
++ pt < 600
- momentum, pt < 600:
- phi, pt < 600:
- theta, pt < 600:
++ p > 50
- momentum, p > 50:
- phi, p>50:
- theta, p > 50:
++ p > 50 && pt < 600
- momentum, p > 50 && pt < 600:
- phi, p > 50 && pt < 600:
- theta, p > 100:
++ p > 100
- momentum, p > 100:
- phi, p > 100:
- theta, p > 50 && pt < 600:
+ 01.10.09
- rebin histograms in order to reach to compatibility with the bining of efficiency matrices(acc. matr. have different bining!!!)
- again eff matrices have 0-360 phi range
- these matrices are using reconstruct variable
- smearing in filtered ntuple is ON
++ no conditions
- mom: with ACC and EFF:
- phi:
- theta:
++ pt < 100
- mom: pt < 100:
- phi: pt < 100:
- theta: pt < 100:
++ pt < 600
- mom: pt < 600:
- phi pt < 600:
- theta pt < 600:
++ p > 50
- mom: p > 50:
- phi: p > 50:
- theta: p > 50:
++ p > 50 && pt < 600
- mom: p > 50 && pt < 600:
- phi: p > 50 && pt < 600:
- theta: p > 50 && pt < 600:
++ p > 100
- mom: p > 100:
- phi: p > 100:
- theta: p > 100:
++ no conditions, only ACC && EFF filtered
* p vs pt, filtr:
- p vs th, filtr:
- th vs pt, filtr:
- p vs pt, pat:
- p vs th, pat:
- th vs pt, pat:
- (pR-pI)/pR:
- (pR-pI)/pR zoom:
++ no conditions, ONLY ACC filtered, w/o efficiency
- mom:
- PAT draw from /lustre/hades/user/beatam/Embedding/out_ntupleMianownik/be06130200015_eff_ntuple_ep.root
and /lustre/hades/user/beatam/Embedding/out_ntupleMianownik_z1/be06130200015_eff_ntuple_ep_1.root
without conditions (isBest==1)&&(ep_sim_iscommon>=76)&&(ep_sim_parentid==-1)
- theta:
- phi:
+ systematic shift of reconstracted momentum
- (reconstr mom - ideal mom) / ideal mom:
- slice_momentum 30 GeV:
- slice_momentum 50 GeV:
- slice_momentum 70 GeV:
- slice_momentum 150 GeV:
- slice_momentum 590 GeV:
- slice_momentum 1130 GeV:
- slice_momentum 1690 GeV:
- slice_momentum 1950 GeV:
- Pideal - P recons / P ideal:
- (reconstr mom - ideal mom):
- pat_ep_pR-pI_acc_eff:
- slice_ped_230:
- slice_ped_250:
- slice_ped_2490:
+ projections of apr07 acc matrix
- apr07_phi_p:
- apr07_ph_th:
- apr07_th_p:
+ New ACC matr. with new bining/ compatible with EFF matr./ were used
- positron: phi:
- positron: mom:
- positron: th:
+ EFF added
- ep_mom_acc_eff:
- ep_phi_acc_eff:
- ep_theta_acc_eff:
+ new bining for ACC MATRIX - positron
- ep_acc_p_phi:
- ep_acc_p_th:
- ep_acc_th_phi:
+ after EFF, no condition
- ep_mom_acc_eff3:
- ep_phi_acc_eff3:
- ep_theta_acc_eff3:
- acc,eff matrices based on 100 files
- ideal params
- ep_sim_iscommon>=76
- NoHadronE1 && NoLeptonE1
- ep_sim_parentid ==-1
- isBest==1
- no Positron condition
- ep_mom_acc_eff7:
- ep_theta_acc_eff7:
+++ lets check with smearing
+ after Smearing the Eff matrix and data from
- ep_mom_acc_effS:
- ep_phi_acc_effS:
- ep_theta_acc_effS:
+ momentum
- pI_iR_th_2D:
- pI_iR_pI_2D:
- pI_iR_pI_2D_slices:
- pI_iR_th2:
+ theta [degree]
- thI_thR_pI_2D:
- thI_thR_pI_2D_slices:
+ phi [degree]
- phI_phR_pI_2D:
- phI_phR_pI_2D_slices2:
+ after smearing with the above histograms
- ep_mom_acc_effSm2:
- ep_phi_acc_effSm2:
- ep_theta_acc_effSm2:
+ after smearing with the original histograms
+ pI_iR_pI_2D, phI_phR_pI_2D and thI_thR_pI_2D.
+++Discrepancy is about 1%.
- ep_mom_acc_eff9.gif:
- ep_theta_acc_eff9.gif:
- ep_phi_acc_eff9.gif:
+ no shift to the direction of negative momentum [smearing: hist->GetRandom()-hist->GetMean()]
- ep_mom_acc_eff6:
- ep_phi_acc_eff6:
- ep_theta_acc_eff6:
+ smearing: hist->GetRandom(); eff taken from 1Dim-EFF(p)
- ep_mom_acc_eff1d:
- ep_phi_acc_eff1d:
- ep_theta_acc_eff1d:
+ standard 3D matrices; smearing only for momentum
- ep_mom_acc_effOM:
- ep_phi_acc_effOM:
- ep_theta_acc_effOM:
+ standard 3D matrices; smearing momentum in the standard way, theta/phi from gaus(0.023)
- ep_mom_acc_effG:
- ep_phi_acc_effG:
- ep_theta_acc_effG:
PAT mom ideal vs reconstructed. Yields are identical
- pat momentum ideal vs zrek:
+ filtr: 1. eff_ideal, 2. smear;
PAT: recons == 1. smear; 2. eff_ideal
- p_mom_acc_effs.:
+ filtr: 1. eff. reconst, 2. smear;
PAT: recons
- ep_mom_acc_eff_effR_Sm:
smearing mom hists extend to -2000,2000.
First getEff[ideal], next smearing
Acc matrix - based on ideal parameter
Eff matrix - based on ideal parameter
- (((ep_system==0&&insideEpS0==0)||(ep_system==1&&insideEpS1==0)))
- ep_sim_iscommon>=76
- !(ep_oa_lept< 9 &&ep_oa_lept>-9 )
- !(ep_oa_hadr< 9 &&ep_oa_hadr>-9 )
- ep_sim_parentid ==-1
- isBest==1
- x smearing histograms for momentum(without any limits), theta, phi takes as reconstructed_parameter - ideal_parameter. Smearing is based on the sampling of the value from these histograms, which is subtracted from real value taken from simulation. Procedure:
- filtering with ACC matrix
- filtering with EFF matrix
- Smearing
- compared with
PAT reconstracted
- ep_mom_acc_effM:
- ep_phi_acc_effM:
- ep_theta_acc_effM:
+ electrons
- em_mom_acc_eff:
- em_phi_acc_eff:
- em_theta_acc_eff:
+ protons
- condition
- p_sim_iscommon>=74 instead of p_sim_iscommon>=76
- p_mom_acc_eff:
- p_theta_acc_eff:
- p_phi_acc_eff2:
+ 22.10
- ep_pat_pseudoideal_cor_eff_from_pseudoideal_effG0.01:
- test_SIGNAL_exp_sim:
- test_SIGNAL_fiducial_exp_sim:
+ resmearing histograms to [0,3000]
- filtr: fitrACC ; PAT: EFFcorr for pseudoideal; draw pseudoideal:
- filtr: filtACC, smearing ; PAT: EFFcorr for pseudoideal; draw recons:
++ EXP & SIM 4prong analysis
- SIGNIFICANCE_novert_Fmala_mass:
- test_SIGNAL_exp_sim:
- test_SIGNAL_fiducial_exp_sim:
- EXP, helicity after correction; fit in range (-0.8,0.8)
Anizotropic factor B = 0.92 0.17; 1+B*x2
- helicity EXP(black)_SIM(red):
- helicity after correction; fit in range (-0.6,0.6)
Anizotropic factor B = 1.26 0.29; 1+B*x2
- cos(theta of pi0 in CM); pi0 was boosted to CM:
- cos(theta of pi0 in CM) in fiducial area: em/ep_mom >100MeV && em/ep_theta>20MeV:
- Delta1_invMass: delta1 = em + ep + first proton
- helicity correction from Hades acc to 4pi:
Files on the tape:
tsmcli archive "*root" hadesuser michalsk/eff_mat/out_geant_pip
tsmcli archive "*root" hadesuser michalsk/eff_mat/out_geant_p
tsmcli archive "*root" hadesuser michalsk/eff_mat/out_geant_ep
tsmcli archive "*root" hadesuser michalsk/eff_mat/out_geant_em
tsmcli archive "*root" hadesuser michalsk/eff_mat/out_embedded
tsmcli archive "*root" hadesuser michalsk/eff_mat/out_embedded_em
tsmcli archive "*root" hadesuser michalsk/eff_mat/out_embedded_p
tsmcli archive "*root" hadesuser michalsk/eff_mat/out_embedded_pip
beatam@yeti:/net/disk2/beatam/out_PAT4_bind was vertex ntuple created
thay were copied to /lustre/hades/user/beatam/Embedding/out_vertex_from_dst