
This program was written to make the analysis of the HADES data more easy.
Many problems arosed from the fact that you have so much possible combinations of parameters for the different task sets in the analysis chain, that it is very easy to make mistakes. To circumvent this, a configuration file was implemented. This contains all possible options currently known in the normal analysis of HLD data and simulation files.

The documentation in this file should be clear enough to select only possible combinations of options.


To be continued...


A single line in the configuration file should not be longer than 1024 characters!
-- JoernWuestenfeld - 03 Aug 2004
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
MakefileEXT Makefile manage 1 K 2004-07-14 - 10:43 JoernWuestenfeld Makefile
analyse.cccc analyse.cc manage 2 K 2004-07-14 - 10:36 JoernWuestenfeld Main program
analyse.hh analyse.h manage 640 bytes 2004-07-14 - 10:37 JoernWuestenfeld Header file
appconf.cccc appconf.cc manage 56 K 2004-07-14 - 10:37 JoernWuestenfeld Reading configuration files
appconf.hh appconf.h manage 27 K 2004-07-14 - 10:37 JoernWuestenfeld Header file
asciintmap.cccc asciintmap.cc manage 576 bytes 2004-07-14 - 10:38 JoernWuestenfeld Map for category list
asciintmap.hh asciintmap.h manage 292 bytes 2004-07-14 - 10:38 JoernWuestenfeld Header file
hydra.confconf hydra.conf manage 7 K 2004-08-02 - 17:31 JoernWuestenfeld Configuration file
makeCatlistEXT makeCatlist manage 2 K 2004-12-15 - 16:44 JoernWuestenfeld Perlscript to create map of all category variables
param.cccc param.cc manage 7 K 2004-07-14 - 10:40 JoernWuestenfeld Parameter interpretation
param.hh param.h manage 1 K 2004-07-14 - 10:41 JoernWuestenfeld Header file
setup.cccc setup.cc manage 11 K 2004-07-14 - 10:41 JoernWuestenfeld Setup analysis
setup.hh setup.h manage 2 K 2004-07-14 - 10:54 JoernWuestenfeld Header file
tasks.cccc tasks.cc manage 9 K 2004-07-14 - 10:42 JoernWuestenfeld Setup tasks of analysis
tasks.hh tasks.h manage 1 K 2004-07-14 - 10:42 JoernWuestenfeld Header file
utils.cccc utils.cc manage 5 K 2004-07-14 - 10:42 JoernWuestenfeld Utility functions
Topic revision: r4 - 2004-12-15, JoernWuestenfeld
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