Rungekutta in numbers

all inv. masses < 140 >= 150
raw data 12524.5 11812.5 712.209

for comparison kickplane analysis:

ths number of pairs in pi0 is lower, however above 150, the number of pairs is higher.

systematic errors SIMULATION (PLUTO)

1. 14% - PLUTO parametrization (variation of blast/isotropic/...) -> %$\sigma_{par}$%
2. 16% - %$\eta$% multiplicities - TAPS number -> %$\sigma_{\eta}$%
3. 11% - %$\pi^{0}$% multiplicities - TAPS number -> %$\sigma_{\pi^{0}}$%

%$\sigma_{sys}^{tot}$% = %$\sqrt{\sigma_{par}^{2} + \sigma_{\eta}^{2} + \sigma_{\pi^{0}}^{2}}$% = 24%

systematic errors EXPERIMENT

For the systematical error calculation the following errors are taken into account:

1. 11% - normalization to the %$\pi^{0}$% (charged pion analysis) -> %$\sigma_{\pi^{0}}$%
2. 10% - event mixing (background) -> %$\sigma_{CB}$%
3. 20% - self-consistency check of efficiency matrices/acceptances -> %$\sigma_{Eff}$%

%$\sigma_{sys}^{tot}$% = %$\sqrt{\sigma_{CB}^{2} + \sigma_{Eff}^{2}}$% = 22.36%

or if one take into acount also error coming from the %$\pi^{0}$%, then

%$\sigma_{sys}^{tot}$% = %$\sqrt{\sigma_{CB}^{2} + \sigma_{Eff}^{2} + \sigma_{\pi}^{2}}$% = 24.92%

Excess Function

%$\sigma_{ratio} = |\frac{EXP}{SIM}| \cdot \sqrt{ (\frac{\sigma_{EXP}}{EXP})^{2} + (\frac{\sigma_{SIM}}{SIM})^{2} } $%

 yield in experiment in eta region: 1.25071e-07
 yield in plutosim in eta region only from eta component 1.59329e-08
 excess number yield_exp/yield_plutosim 7.84987
 statistical error in eta region: 9.39296e-09
 statistical error of ratio : 0.589534
 systematical error in eta region 2.79659e-08
 systematical error of ratio: 1.75523
 statistical and systematical error in eta region 2.95011e-08
 statistical and systematical error of ratio: 2.3158e-07
so the enhancement can be written in the following way:
7.85 +- 0.59(stat) +- 1.76(sys EXP)

for comparison here are the numbers from the kickplane analysis:

-- YvonnePachmayer - 15 Oct 2007
Topic revision: r1 - 2007-10-15, YvonnePachmayer
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