Apr 2007 51 0 0  44 WebHome
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May 2007 930 0 0 771 WebHome
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Jun 2007 6175 0 0 5317 WebHome
116 WebChanges
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Jul 2007 657 2 0 100 WebHome
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Aug 2007 383 0 0 179 WebStatistics
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Sep 2007 551 0 0  94 WebSearch
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Oct 2007 1203 3 1 156 WebHome
121 WebNotify
114 WebSearch
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 58 BenjaminBannierSandbox
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Nov 2007 2501 16 0 229 WebHome
188 WebChanges
183 WebNotify
128 WebSearch
101 WebIndex
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Dec 2007 356 0 0  41 WebNotify
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Jan 2008 1185 0 0 159 WebSearch
124 WebNotify
103 WebHome
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Feb 2008 1655 8 2 105 WebHome
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 10 FrankDohrmann
Mar 2008 12264 0 0 10708 WebHome
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Apr 2008 12965 0 0 11698 WebHome
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May 2008 18825 0 0 16792 WebHome
114 WebChanges
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 44 BenjaminBannierSandbox
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Jun 2008 17673 0 0 15772 WebHome
246 TestTopic3
190 TestTopic2
109 WebIndex
105 WebChanges
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Jul 2008 10775 0 0 9915 WebHome
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Aug 2008 12126 0 0 10782 WebHome
342 TestTopic3
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Sep 2008 15710 0 0 14137 WebHome
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Oct 2008 16367 0 0 14811 WebHome
121 WebChanges
110 WebIndex
109 KrzysztofKorcylSandbox
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Nov 2008 20166 0 0 18646 WebHome
142 WebChanges
135 WebIndex
132 WebSearch
106 KrzysztofKorcylSandbox
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Dec 2008 10136 0 0 9184 WebHome
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Jan 2009 5400 11 1 4575 WebHome
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Feb 2009 7844 0 0 7530 WebHome
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Mar 2009 15171 0 0 14588 WebHome
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Apr 2009 12310 5 3 11720 WebHome
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  8 AlbertoBlanco
May 2009 8806 0 0 8039 WebHome
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Jun 2009 2672 0 0 2589 WebHome
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Jul 2009 14610 2 0 13911 WebHome
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Aug 2009 11562 0 0 10355 WebHome
127 WebIndex
123 WebChanges
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Sep 2009 12905 0 0 11756 WebHome
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Oct 2009 12712 0 0 11343 WebHome
138 WebIndex
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| Nov 2009 | 10017 | 0 | 0 | 9392 WebHome
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Dec 2013 0 0 0    
Jan 2014 8 0 0   6 WebHome
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Feb 2014 0 0 0    
Apr 2014 98 0 0  16 WebHome
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May 2014 173 0 0  17 WebHome
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Jul 2014 430 0 0  69 WebHome
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Aug 2014 571 0 0  40 WebChanges
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Sep 2014 198 0 0  40 WebHome
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Oct 2014 381 0 0  85 WebHome
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Nov 2014 302 0 0  59 WebHome
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Dec 2014 219 0 0  90 WebHome
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Jan 2015 203 0 0  79 WebHome
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Feb 2015 180 0 0  83 WebHome
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Mar 2015 257 0 0  84 WebHome
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Apr 2015 304 0 0  35 WebStatistics
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May 2015 243 0 0  60 WebHome
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Jun 2015 110 0 0  43 WebHome
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Jul 2015 252 0 0  45 WebHome
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Aug 2015 242 0 0  39 WebHome
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Sep 2015 154 0 0  28 WebHome
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Oct 2015 151 0 0  32 WebHome
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Nov 2015 168 0 0  58 WebHome
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Dec 2015 526 0 0 128 WebHome
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Jan 2016 348 0 0  98 WebHome
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Feb 2016 499 36 21 166 WebHome
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Mar 2016 304 0 0 108 WebHome
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Apr 2016 454 0 0 107 WebHome
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May 2016 408 0 0 130 WebStatistics
106 WebHome
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Jun 2016 443 0 0 155 WebHome
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Jul 2016 528 0 0 161 WebHome
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Aug 2016 653 0 0 183 WebHome
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Sep 2016 184 0 0  13 WebStatistics
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Oct 2016 429 0 0  79 WebStatistics
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Nov 2016 593 0 0 102 WebStatistics
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Dec 2016 269 0 0  35 WebHome
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Jan 2017 198 0 0  38 WebHome
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Feb 2017 396 0 0  62 WebHome
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Mar 2017 564 0 0  70 WebSearch
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Apr 2017 535 0 0 114 WebStatistics
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May 2017 1388 0 0 819 WebSearch
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Jun 2017 520 0 0  95 WebStatistics
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Jul 2017 312 0 0  68 WebStatistics
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Aug 2017 257 0 0  31 WebStatistics
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Sep 2017 235 0 0  31 WebHome
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Oct 2017 504 0 0  94 WebStatistics
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Nov 2017 1800 1 0 1079 WebSearch
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Dec 2017 2666 0 0 1233 WebSearch
169 WebHome
162 FormPluginExamples
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Jan 2018 2542 0 0 298 FormPluginExamples
225 WebHome
131 GenPDFAddOnDemo
126 EffortForm
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Feb 2018 3408 0 0 1089 WebSearch
160 FormPluginExamples
158 EffortForm
150 WebHome
100 QMApprovalForm
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Mar 2018 2171 0 0 198 EffortForm
184 CompletedForm
132 QMApprovalForm
115 WebStatistics
114 InProcessForm
100 TestTopic2
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Apr 2018 4411 0 0 1973 WebSearch
347 CompletedForm
337 EffortForm
171 QMApprovalForm
160 TestTopic7
121 WebStatistics
107 TestTopic2
102 InProcessForm
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May 2018 2915 0 0 499 CompletedForm
427 EffortForm
239 TestTopic7
178 QMApprovalForm
159 InProcessForm
147 TestTopic2
116 WebSearch
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Jun 2018 5775 0 0 1917 WebSearch
696 CompletedForm
620 EffortForm
347 TestTopic7
285 WebStatistics
246 QMApprovalForm
186 InProcessForm
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Jul 2018 2552 0 0 426 CompletedForm
418 EffortForm
253 TestTopic7
141 QMApprovalForm
128 WebSearch
116 TestTopic2
106 InProcessForm
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Aug 2018 2892 0 0 844 WebSearch
279 CompletedForm
232 EffortForm
115 QMApprovalForm
101 TestTopic2
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Sep 2018 3683 0 0 408 WebSearch
306 EffortForm
274 CompletedForm
134 WebStatistics
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Oct 2018 2623 0 0 362 CompletedForm
338 EffortForm
179 WebSearch
168 QMApprovalForm
165 WebHome
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101 InProcessForm
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Nov 2018 3379 0 0 1059 WebSearch
236 EffortForm
183 CompletedForm
124 WebHome
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Dec 2018 1896 0 0 211 EffortForm
193 CompletedForm
152 WebHome
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Jan 2019 3045 0 0 1070 WebSearch
223 EffortForm
196 WebStatistics
151 CompletedForm
150 WebHome
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Feb 2019 1295 0 0 166 WebStatistics
127 WebHome
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104 CompletedForm
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Mar 2019 2682 0 0 1249 WebSearch
276 WebStatistics
127 EffortForm
126 WebHome
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Apr 2019 975 0 0 188 WebStatistics
130 WebSearch
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May 2019 1147 0 0 243 WebStatistics
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Jan 2022 1333 0 0 102 WebSearch
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Feb 2022 858 0 0  92 WebSearch
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Jul 2022 3388 0 0 2202 WebSearch
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Aug 2022 2428 0 0 1109 WebSearch
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Sep 2022 1231 0 0 172 WebSearch
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Oct 2022 1133 0 0  60 InProcessForm
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Nov 2022 3131 0 0 2172 WebSearch
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Jan 2023 2009 0 0 1116 WebSearch
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Feb 2023 653 0 0  40 WebSearch
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Mar 2023 88 0 0  20 WebHome
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Apr 2023 870 0 0  95 WebHome
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May 2023 1305 0 0  53 WebHome
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Jun 2023 322 0 0  32 WebHome
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Sep 2023 417 0 0  52 WebHome
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Oct 2023 646 0 0  56 WebHome
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Nov 2023 321 0 0  57 WebHome
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Dec 2023 477 0 0  38 WebSearch
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Jan 2024 758 0 0  70 WebHome
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Feb 2024 1124 0 0 521 WebSearch
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Mar 2024 550 1 0  61 WebHome
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May 2024 61694 0 0 33958 WebChanges
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Jun 2024 830 0 0 102 WebHome
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Aug 2024 2518 0 0 2014 WebHome
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Sep 2024 1663 0 0 198 WebHome
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Oct 2024 1546 0 0 146 WebHome
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Dec 2024 1030 0 0 127 WebHome
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Jan 2025 1065 6 0 101 WebHome
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Feb 2025 1263 0 0 117 WebHome
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Mar 2025 498 0 0  29 WebHome
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Topic revision: r739 - 2025-03-10, AdminUser
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