SCSArchiver CSStudio Load Scheme

  1. Download postgres_schema.txt from cs-studio@github
  2. Since GSI already created the database, skip DROP DATABASE, CREATE DATABASE
  3. add client_encoding and "SEARCH PATH" in front
  4. call pqsl with
    • option "-f" loading modified schema
    • option "-a" to show all

%CODE{"bash"}% export PGUSER= export PGHOST=%database_host% export PGPORT=%port% export PGDATABASE=%database% schema=%schema% URL=%url% filename=$(basename $URL ) outputdir=$(mktemp -d); outputfile=$(mktemp -p ${outputdir}) ; cat > ${outputfile} << EOF

SET client_encoding = "UTF-8"; SET SEARCH_PATH TO "$schema"; EOF cd ${outputdir} && wget -N --no-check-certificate ${URL} && grep -v "DROP DATABASE" ${filename} | grep -v "CREATE DATABASE" | grep -v -w "\\connect" >> ${outputfile} && psql -a -f ${outputfile} && rm -ir ${outputdir} && cd - %ENDCODE%

    optionally: to speed up in favour of neglecting consistency, you could drop the FOREIGN KEY constraints of the sample table:

    %CODE{"bash"}% export PGUSER= export PGHOST=%database_host% export PGPORT=%port% export PGDATABASE=%database% schema=%schema% outputdir=$(mktemp -d); outputfile=$(mktemp -p ${outputdir}) ; cat > ${outputfile} << EOF

    SET client_encoding = "UTF-8"; SET SEARCH_PATH TO "$schema"; ALTER TABLE sample DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS "sample_status_id_fkey" CASCADE; ALTER TABLE sample DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS "sample_severity_id_fkey" CASCADE; ALTER TABLE sample DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS "sample_channel_id_fkey" CASCADE; EOF cd ${outputdir} && psql -a -f ${outputfile} && rm -ir ${outputdir} && cd - %ENDCODE%

-- PeterZumbruch - 20 Oct 2016
Topic revision: r9 - 2016-10-21, PeterZumbruch
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