
start/stop connect_res

Michael fixed connect_res which was crashing when a connection to the Event Server (hadeb06) was lost. Now connect_res will try to reconnect until it succeeds. If you need to start connect_res, type the following:
  • hades-qa@lxg0447:/data.local2/qa/hld-snapshot-archive$ nohup connect_res --get_only &



  • to stop the archiver one does: ssh hadaq@lxhadesdaq pkill hades-archivist
  • to restart the archiver one does: ssh hadaq@lxhadesdaq "cd /home/hadaq/hades-archivist; ./hades-archivist"


tsmcli query "filemask" hadesapr07raw "hld"

online QA/DST

  • Due to the fact that local disks of online DST pc's are not exported to a web server any more, the most recent pdf and txt files from online DST production will be put in /u/hades-qa/WEB-DOCS/apr07/qa/qa_files/
  • Instructions on how to restart QA/DST production are written by Jacek here: online QA/DST

-- SergeyYurevich - 12 Apr 2007
Topic revision: r6 - 2007-04-22, SergeyYurevich
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