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Main.AnnaKozuch 13 Jul 2007
Beam Statistics Main.PaoloFinocchiaro 19 May 2006 Daily event collection statistics pp @ 1.25 GeV Apr06 Final update by hour plot by da...
Main.PaoloFinocchiaro 12 May 2007 * April 06 p p 1.25 GeV event collection statistics BeamStatsApr06PaoloFinocchiaro * April 07 p p 3.50 GeV event collectio...
* Matching windows RICH innerMDC * Purity of the leptons creating the pairs * status of the analysis for AUG04 * macierze wydajnosci dla RK * effici...
The HADES Oracle Database Overview and status reports * Oracle user accounts List of accounts with links to status reports Maintenance * ChangesInOracle_J...
Here the HADES totorials are presented. Main.JacekOtwinowski 18 Dec 2006
Main.GosiaSudol 05 Dec 2006
Main.BeataMichalska 24 Sep 2009 Matrices Used cuts: 1. graphical cut on gamma convertion from the flanch around Rich 1. graphical PID cut 1. clos...
Four momentum transfers study in simulations of %$pp\to p\Delta^ \to e^ e^ $% reaction We are interested in the %$\Delta$% Dalitz decay process in pp reactions:...
* ImpactParameterAuAuGlauber Main.BehruzKardan 15 Dec 2015
Benjamins Notices Main.BenjaminSailer 05 Aug 2005
Homepage of Bjrn Spruck * Location: University Giessen, II Physikalisches Institut * Tel: 0641 99 33 279 New Topic (Note: Use WikiWordYourWikiName!): n...
To be continued..... ( : Main.ChristianMuentz 10 Jun 2005
Prparation de pages Wiki Simulation avec PLUTO * Information about Pluto simulation at 1.25GeV by French group Main.EmilieMoriniere 08 Feb 2007
Hubert Kuc webpage To Do: NOTE All tasks Fill this page and do it systematicly as your documentation. Analysis * FW recalibration * dp elastics *...
Parameter initialization in HYDRA and HGEANT Run validation in Oracle The HADES Oracle database Main.IlseKoenig 16 Jun 2007
Projects * TOF Readout and Image Processing * pp analysis and SimAna.HadesHyp framework Contact * Tel: 49 641 99 33250 Main.IngoFroehlich 16 Jun 2005
Bookmarks How to unpack the TRB data How to unpack the TRB data the simplest way. 1. copy the directory: /u/shower/trb_unpack/macros/ to your location. 2. ...
ExternalPulserApr06 ExternalPulser(OLD) IkfMeeting Main.KhaledTeilab 22 Aug 2005
INKA The User's Guide Main.KirillLapidus 25 Jan 2012
Analysis Results * Multiple scattering in RICH and RICH MDC correlation * Conversion Investigation in Simulation (pluto_gen2) * Comparison of ring prop...
Self consistency * Sep08 hard cuts analysis RICH digitizer parameters * HowTo * Efficiency comparison for SEP08 * Efficiency comparison between Apr07...
* UrQMD impact parameter distributions for LVL1 events from C C and Ar KCl * charged pion rapidity and costheta distributions from C C and Ar KCl * ...
Main.RadekTrebacz 22 Sep 2009 diskspace on yeti: 1. /net/disk111 apr07_pp_1 1. /net/disk141 apr06_2 1. /net/disk142 apr06_1 1. /net/disk152 ...
* Cave * Installation description * Computers * Names, Location, Services * Event Builder * General info * EB development * EB...
Homepage of Simon Lang I was a member of the HADES collaboration from August 2003 till Febuary 2008. My main project was the analysis of electron pair production ...
Hello people, this is a list of my favourit links, considering that at the moment I am not able to edit my left bar. * PP cross sections old style * SimA...
Analysis of Sector 4 performance in August 2011 Testrun For this QA Analysis there were two sets of cuts used. One set to was used as a reference with minimal cut...
Di Lepton Physics Working Group Motivation: * Microscopic structure of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions * Vector mesons in baryon ric...
Sep05 Beamtime Notes * LVL2 rates for CaCa * Study of a possible offline LVL3 trigger * Beam Shift Table * Meson Multiplicities * IP Adresses Work...
p p @ 1.25 GeV systematic studies Results from pp analysis with the minimized code. Input: HTrackCandidate, simple user track selection, track cleaner (based ...
Pion Beam simulation Channels: c AddChannel(2.56,"n","rho0"); c AddChannel(0.55,"D0","rho0"); c AddChannel(2.5,"n","w"); c AddChannel(1.0,"n",...
Helicity distributions see attached pdf file Main.TingtingLIU 25 Feb 2010
User Homepages This web serves as a container for all topics which somehow form homepages of users. By default all topics in this web are write only to the origin...
Homepages Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Homepages web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be...
Jun 2006 536 9 0 164 WebHome 89 WebRss 14 MDC.CosmicBeamtimeSep05 13 AlignmentAug04forgen2dstversionYvonnePachmayer 12 AsciiIntMa...
Number of topics: 36

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