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Results from Main web retrieved at 13:56 (Local)

HadesMdcGroup * Set GROUP = JoernWuestenfeld, ChristianSturm, ChristianMuentz, ClaudiaHoehne, ThierryHennino, PeterZumbruch, JochenMarkert, GosiaSudol, LotharNau...
Apr 2007 629 0 0 117 WebHome 15 HadesSimAnaGroup 14 TorstenHeinz 14 PeterThoeny 13 WebChanges 12 PauloFonte 12 SimonLan...
List of Foswiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by ...
Number of topics: 3

Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 13:56 (Local)

Computer Names available name purpose location comment status hades14 used by Ingo's laptop hades15 ...
Main.AttilioTarantola 03 May 2009 Here follows the new data structure for MDC readout(OEPB). In the following picture (taken from Jan's talk, IKF Seminar 30.04.0...
Weekly meeting on MDC readout upgrade Main.BurkhardKolb 08 Sep 2009 Participants: Main.BurkhardKolb, Main.JanMichel, Main.JoernWuestenfeld, Main.KathrinGoeb...
Network Addresses of MDC Motherboards/OEPs According to NetworkAddresses, all OEP get TrbNet addresses in the range between 0x2000 to 0x2FFF. The second hex digit...
How to check data read out from OEP's 1. Login to lxhadesdaq Use vncviewer / krdc to connect to the running vnc session on lxhadesdaq. With vncviewer use vncview...
Important things that are necesarry for beamtime 1 Timing issues (initialization phase of MBO) 1 Rotating masks for calibration 1 Trigger interface ( ...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this DaqSlowControl web. This is a convenient service, so you do not h...
Number of topics: 10

Results from Homepages web retrieved at 13:56 (Local)

ASCII int map class Task Mapping ASCII strings to an integer value. Description This class maps an ASCII string to an interger value. The string / integer combi...
HYDRA Purpose This program was written to make the analysis of the HADES data more easy. Many problems arosed from the fact that you have so much possible combin...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * My Wiki Page edit
TDC stands for Time to digital converter. These devices are used to measure the time between to signals with high precision. tHE hades tdc chip, used in the reado...
TestBatchScriptJoernWuestenfeld Problem From time to time there might be problems with the batch farm. Machines hang, ore do not see a directory anymore. Solution To test whi...
Usefull scripts for DST production The following scripts might be usefull in the preparation of a DST production: * sep05files.sql: The script can be executed ...
Number of topics: 6
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