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Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 15:02 (Local)

Here it follows a list of steps which have to be performed in order to poof the electronics on the MDC: 1) Acquire a file (.hld) and make its analysis as describe...
Weekly MDC Readout Upgrade Meeting The protocol of the meetings: MdcReadoutupgrademeeting Readout via OEP and MDC Optical AddOn MDC OEP testing, mounting, com...
Installation and Testing of new MDC DAQ components * OEPBasicTests Testing OEPs and first time programming in Lab * InformationForOEPMounting Bookkeepin...
MDC Upgrade the final phase Meetings The first meeting of this working period will take place on Monday, 4.1.2010 at 10 a.m. in the upper counting house. Plan...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. All files are to be recorded in: hadaq@lxhadeb01:/data01/data MDC I Sector 0 MDC I Sector 1 MDC I Sec...
test of MDC II performed day: 29.03.2011 We have collected only calibration events, by setting: trigger type 9 on and pulser 10Hz. Threshold has been set to 40 ...
Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. All files are to be recorded in: hadaq@lxhadeb01:/data01/data MDC III Sector 0 MDC III Sector 1 MDC I...
Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. All files are to be recorded in: hadaq@lxhadeb01:/data01/data MDC IV Sector 0 MDC IV Sector 1 MDC IV ...
Statistics for DaqSlowControl Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and up...
Number of topics: 13
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