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Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 14:11 (Local)

DAQ Upgrade Installation of TRB, AddOn, Network... Trigger Distribution * RPC: One PECL LVDS converter on each sector * Shower: Same distributor board a...
DTU in VHDL from Tiago For debugging of the DTU check the DtuDebugRegisters page. RPC DTU debug registers LVL1 DTU_DEBUG_11 DTU_DEBUG_12 DTU_DEBUG_13 = x"00...
DAQ Upgrade This document gives an overview of why and how we want to upgrade our HADES DAQ/Trigger System. The upgrade at a glance : ) . Motivation for an Upgr...
Here i will start writing info on the DTU debug registers. Back to TriggerDistribution. Main.TiagoPerez 12 Nov 2005
Here we collect documentation for the Hades DAQ. Global DAQ issues 1 GeneralDaqOperation 1 DaqCheckList ( things which should be checked before a beamtime)...
Requirements * Cascadable system (a lot of TRBs have to be connected) * Node to Node length at least 100m * Low latency ( There is also the option...
Minutes of TRB Meeting 2005 05 31 Attendees: Wolfgang Koenig, Marcin Kajetanowicz, Ingo Frhlich, Michael Traxler, Piotr Salabura, Jerzy Pietraszko Topics: Sta...
First light : ) Despite the fact the the description below is really outdated, I can pronounce the first really important step from connecting the new RICH ADCM t...
TRBv3 Layout and Feature Proposals * ProposalAndFeaturesTRB3 Finished board TRB3 picture Schematics and Layout * trbv3_SCHEMATIC_michael.pdf: final sc...
Streamed Event Building The name "streamed event building" comes from the fact that inside the network there is no place where we can guarantee to be able to stor...
Number of topics: 10

Results from Homepages web retrieved at 14:11 (Local)

Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * Sim Anal Main * SimAna.Hade...
Number of topics: 1
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