Dec 2013 111 7 0  49 WebHome
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Jan 2014 65 4 1  41 WebHome
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Feb 2014 1 0 0   1 WebHome  
Apr 2014 215 12 5  87 WebHome
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May 2014 181 13 7  86 WebHome
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Jul 2014 1179 126 79 725 PionBeamJul14StrangenessOnline
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Aug 2014 483 44 24 169 WebHome
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Sep 2014 1977 217 155 413 WebHome
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278 GosiaSudol
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Oct 2014 823 0 0 298 WebHome
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Nov 2014 441 0 0 206 WebHome
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Dec 2014 542 1 0 181 WebHome
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Jan 2015 754 0 0 313 WebStatistics
143 WebHome
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Feb 2015 295 1 0 103 WebHome
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Mar 2015 320 0 0 106 WebHome
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Apr 2015 712 3 1 438 WebStatistics
123 WebHome
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May 2015 246 0 0  61 WebHome
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Jun 2015 278 0 0 101 WebHome
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Jul 2015 223 2 0  86 WebHome
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Aug 2015 431 3 1 204 WebStatistics
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Sep 2015 359 1 0 116 WebStatistics
110 WebHome
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Oct 2015 213 0 0  80 WebHome
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Nov 2015 228 3 0  63 WebHome
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Dec 2015 740 0 0 510 WebStatistics
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Jan 2016 572 0 0 175 WebHome
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Feb 2016 458 7 0 154 WebHome
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Mar 2016 495 0 0 178 WebHome
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Apr 2016 716 6 0 252 WebHome
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May 2016 725 5 1 234 WebHome
197 WebStatistics
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Jun 2016 611 0 0 206 WebHome
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Jul 2016 570 1 0 170 WebHome
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Aug 2016 1297 6 0 536 WebStatistics
216 WebHome
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Sep 2016 191 0 0  58 WebHome
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Oct 2016 1020 0 0 459 WebStatistics
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Nov 2016 1254 0 0 289 WebHome
245 WebStatistics
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Dec 2016 319 0 0 105 WebHome
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Jan 2017 255 0 0  86 WebHome
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Feb 2017 659 0 0 314 WebSearch
100 WebHome
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Mar 2017 2089 0 0 1172 WebSearch
429 WebStatistics
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Apr 2017 2175 0 0 1340 WebSearch
338 WebStatistics
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May 2017 1487 0 0 654 WebSearch
393 WebStatistics
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Jun 2017 1653 0 0 738 WebSearch
418 WebStatistics
116 WebHome
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Jul 2017 1266 0 0 842 WebSearch
161 WebStatistics
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Aug 2017 265 0 0  83 WebHome
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Sep 2017 292 7 0  88 WebHome
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Oct 2017 617 15 8 194 WebHome
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Nov 2017 1559 1 0 829 WebSearch
189 WebHome
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Dec 2017 1905 0 0 831 WebSearch
139 PionBeamAug14DileptonsOnline
132 WebHome
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Jan 2018 1435 0 0 155 MomentumScan
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150 PionBeamAug14DileptonsOnline
147 WebHome
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Feb 2018 2028 0 0 825 WebSearch
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Mar 2018 1430 0 0 267 PionBeamJul14StrangenessOnline
183 PIPPIM_800
150 WebHome
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101 PPIM
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Apr 2018 2570 8 0 826 WebSearch
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142 WebHome
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May 2018 2252 0 0 399 WebSearch
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307 MomentumScan
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140 PPIM
125 WebHome
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Jun 2018 5425 0 0 1693 WebStatistics
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182 PionBeamGSI2014
176 WebHome
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Jul 2018 1626 0 0 273 WebStatistics
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Aug 2018 1803 0 0 681 WebSearch
250 WebHome
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Sep 2018 1486 0 0 249 WebHome
172 WebSearch
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Oct 2018 1612 0 0 302 WebHome
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Nov 2018 2575 1 0 1609 WebSearch
190 WebHome
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Dec 2018 1059 0 0 231 WebHome
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Jan 2019 2209 0 0 798 WebSearch
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Feb 2019 1178 0 0 277 WebSearch
246 WebHome
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Mar 2019 1975 0 0 865 WebSearch
362 WebHome
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Apr 2019 874 0 0 367 WebHome
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May 2019 997 0 0 436 WebHome
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Jun 2019 1491 0 0 430 WebHome
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Jul 2019 1998 0 0 630 WebSearch
601 WebHome
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Aug 2019 1718 0 0 783 WebSearch
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Sep 2019 3033 0 0 1865 WebSearch
460 WebHome
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Oct 2019 2352 0 0 1164 WebSearch
382 WebHome
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Nov 2019 2527 0 0 1415 WebSearch
334 WebHome
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Dec 2019 2984 0 0 2263 WebSearch
275 WebHome
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Jan 2020 1931 0 0 1280 WebSearch
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Feb 2020 1983 0 0 1499 WebSearch
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Mar 2020 2477 0 0 1915 WebSearch
140 WebHome
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Apr 2020 3005 0 0 2310 WebSearch
194 WebHome
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May 2020 3019 0 0 2195 WebSearch
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Jun 2020 2374 0 0 1785 WebSearch
184 WebHome
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Jul 2020 1203 0 0 249 WebStatistics
239 WebSearch
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Aug 2020 1844 0 0 750 WebStatistics
263 WebHome
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Sep 2020 3924 0 0 3188 WebSearch
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Oct 2020 3559 0 0 2961 WebSearch
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Nov 2020 1385 0 0 539 WebSearch
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154 WebHome
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Dec 2020 1995 0 0 521 WebHome
403 WebIndex
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Jan 2021 3152 0 0 1608 WebSearch
744 WebHome
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May 2021 3457 0 0 2580 WebSearch
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Nov 2021 981 0 0 254 WebSearch
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Dec 2021 2278 0 0 1406 WebSearch
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Jan 2022 1194 0 0 259 WebSearch
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Mar 2022 2578 0 0 1680 WebSearch
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Apr 2022 1135 0 0 214 WebHome
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May 2022 1626 0 0 435 WebHome
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Jun 2022 1281 0 0 386 WebHome
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Jul 2022 2954 0 0 1780 WebSearch
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Aug 2022 2251 0 0 919 WebSearch
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Sep 2022 1479 0 0 385 WebHome
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Oct 2022 793 0 0 200 WebHome
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Nov 2022 2324 0 0 1602 WebSearch
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Dec 2022 901 0 0 274 WebSearch
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Jan 2023 1682 0 0 848 WebSearch
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Feb 2023 638 0 0 255 WebHome
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Mar 2023 175 0 0  80 WebHome
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Apr 2023 530 0 0 123 WebHome
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May 2023 888 2 0  93 WebHome
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Jun 2023 304 0 0  84 WebHome
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Jul 2023 286 0 0  77 WebHome
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Aug 2023 417 0 0  93 WebHome
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Sep 2023 275 0 0  96 WebHome
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Oct 2023 435 0 0 154 WebHome
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Nov 2023 302 0 0 103 WebHome
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Dec 2023 262 0 0  81 WebHome
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Jan 2024 406 0 0  98 WebHome
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Feb 2024 584 0 0 281 WebSearch
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Mar 2024 389 0 0  92 WebSearch
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Apr 2024 1912 0 0 363 WebSearch
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May 2024 1293 0 0 295 WebSearch
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Jun 2024 542 0 0  92 WebHome
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Jul 2024 1912 0 0 859 WebSearch
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Aug 2024 499 0 0 118 WebHome
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Sep 2024 676 0 0 123 WebHome
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Oct 2024 561 0 0 116 WebHome
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Nov 2024 1735 0 0 1095 WebSearch
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Dec 2024 597 0 0  84 WebHome
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Jan 2025 471 0 0  77 WebHome
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Feb 2025 273 0 0  44 WebHome
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