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HadesDaqSlowControlGroup Please change this topic to add new members in the HadesDaqSlowControlGroup: These are the members of HadesDaqSlowControlGroup: * Set ...
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Apr 2007 629 0 0 117 WebHome 15 HadesSimAnaGroup 14 TorstenHeinz 14 PeterThoeny 13 WebChanges 12 PauloFonte 12 SimonLan...
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Number of topics: 4

Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 14:16 (Local)

Driver installation for the Acromag PMC module * Download the driver software from acromag (or ask Ingo) * Go to pmcdx501/devdx501/ and #define KERNEL_DBG_O...
When you have DAQ problems, please follow this procedure Checks: 1 Are still events written to tape? 1 Is one crate turned off? (use slow control window to...
Structure The main idea is to include additional debug information inside the data block (either send by TRBNet or on the classical way). This information should ...
In the base dir, change the files and make the new subdir and copy a from a different subdir (not from the main dir!!!). Edit...
Porting the LVME library to Concurrent VME CPU Notes Modules in Test Crate $ SAM: 0x33300000 $ CAEN: 0xeeee0000 $ DTU: 0x44000000 ToDo * Remove D8...
The access to the DSP goes always via the FPGA, in particular the boot strap pins are driven by the FPGA, and this is very important. I suggest a number of regist...
Overview The main idea of the API (application process interface) is that the user should be able to just read and write data and should not take care about the f...
Howto implement to OLD_TO_NEW converter The OLD_TO_NEW converter has the old trigger bus as an input, configured in "DTU mode". On the DaqNetwork it has to emulat...
Please make a block diagram Please add schematics here... Bugs The trigger bus jumpers are not correctly pulled: To be a DTU, the data pin must be a pull up, not...
Overview The network protocol is the most critical part of the complete concept. It should match the requirements (low latency), but should be flexible on the o...
HDR F1 Source address F2 Target address F3 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LAY VERS SEQNR DTYPE ...
Not the official milestones, but some pragmatic steps: Simulations VHDL simulation done by Ingo. First important step is to have a running chain with 2 dummy APL...
The sound server is a "superdaemon" running on "hadesdaq", as well as on hadc08 and lxhadesdaq Install the sound server: * checkout the "tools" module * as ...
TDC header (defined by CAEN) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4...
TIP shows permanent bus errors If the error log shows messages like this: e7_21 tipctrl 26 : tof2tip: Bus Error Workaround: Please stop DAQ, close hadaq and re...
(NL) is a number of line counter tip_readout (DSP1) tipdebug sniff1 tof1tip (NL) CT:5 X:6100 MC:6407 MS:20040 1:1445d2 1T:0 1P: 3 2 :8b6c1 2 :b8f0e CT: which ...
In a nutshell: To remove tof completely from the LVL2 trigger and use tip only as a readout board, change * set g_master_control expr 0x6 $async_mode to...
This is the page where all TOF modules are described If you make changes (in particular TOF4) please update this page TIP modules Module Label Description ...
Overview The TrbNetIBUF is buffering the data coming from the media. All word which are offered by the media must be read, otherwise something is completly wrong ...
Overview The TrbNetIOBUF is the basic element which controls the connection between the media layer (after de multiplexing of the individual channels) and the Fan...
Overview The multiplexer, which has more than one port on the internal side, and one port only on the media side. Signal description Media direction port Inter...
Overview The TrbNetOBUF is controlling what data content is leaving the hub. Signal description Media direction port (similar as described in NewTriggerBusMedia...
Overview The TrbNetPriorityArbiter takes an INPUT_IN pattern and generate an RESULT_OUT pattern with only one bit enabled. Fixed priority is possible as well as r...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this DaqSlowControl web. This is a convenient service, so you do not h...
Number of topics: 24

Results from Homepages web retrieved at 14:16 (Local)

Projects * TOF Readout and Image Processing * pp analysis and SimAna.HadesHyp framework Contact * Tel: 49 641 99 33250 Main.IngoFroehlich 16 Jun 2005
Number of topics: 1
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