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Results from Main web retrieved at 21:28 (Local)

Edit this topic to add a description to the HadesShowerGroup
Edit this topic to add a description to the HadesSimAnaGroup
Apr 2007 629 0 0 117 WebHome 15 HadesSimAnaGroup 14 TorstenHeinz 14 PeterThoeny 13 WebChanges 12 PauloFonte 12 SimonLan...
List of Foswiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by ...
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Results from Homepages web retrieved at 21:28 (Local)

PICTURES COLLECTION Main.WitoldPrzygoda 06 Sep 2010 * e e invariant mass (not corrected) exp, sim: * e e invariant mass (not corrected) exp / si...
Even in the case of elementary p p reaction at 1.25 GeV there are too many track candidates. The (Jochen's) track cleaner is mandatory to apply before any further...
Helicity definition After recent discussion with Jacques van de Wiele and Tingting (who discovered in fact some inconsistencies in the boosting procedure) we have...
HNtuple Source code Here you can download the source code: HNtuple.tar.gz (version from 21 Sept 2009) Unpack: tar xvfz HNtuple.tar.gz The code will be unpacked...
HPidSingleLeptonEff going through the code step by step * Input: full HGEANT simulation with so called white tracks with a flat distribution in momentum, theta...
PAT PostDST Analysis Tool Presentation Here you can download a detailed presentation about PAT framework (PowerPoint 2007 do not try to open it in OpenOffice, ...
p p @ 1.25 GeV Final analysis results p p @ 1.25 GeV Delta helicity definition and boost p p @ 1.25 GeV basic observables old Here I investigate the num...
Mam pewien problem z rekonstrukcj #261; czasu przelotu (oraz beta) w tym moim nowym kodzie. Wydaje mi si #281;, #380;e zaimplementowa #322;em dok #322;adnie tak ...
Number of topics: 8

Results from PionBeam web retrieved at 21:28 (Local)

Dec 2013 111 7 0 49 WebHome 41 PionTrackerTestBeamJuelich2013 9 PionTrackerMeetings 2 WebStatistics 2 WebChanges 7 Main...
Number of topics: 1
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