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Results from DaqSlowControl web retrieved at 14:01 (Local)

A short version of the DAQ manual. This is a working version of the document, if you see some changes in the startup procedure feel free to update this page. To s...
Checklist of things to be checked before data taking in a beamtime Print this page and fill out gaps and give it to the technical coordinator Date: issue d...
When you have DAQ problems, please follow this procedure Checks: 1 Are still events written to tape? 1 Is one crate turned off? (use slow control window to...
DAQ Upgrade This document gives an overview of why and how we want to upgrade our HADES DAQ/Trigger System. The upgrade at a glance : ) . Motivation for an Upgr...
Main goal The Advanced Subevent Debug Block (ASDB) is being proposed in strict accordance to the existing HADES subevent header structure. It enhances the feature...
Data Access Scheme for Beamtime Apr 2007 The following picture illustrates the data flow for the april 2007 beamtime. This scheme on one hand provides access for...
Info * Where to find * Etrax FS fimage for flashing: * hadaq@depc187:/home/hadaq/etrax_soft/etrax_fs/devboard R2_20/ * Etrax FS fimage for ...
Status of eventbuilder for beamtime 2012 Here documentation of setup and changes Eventbuilder machines Hardware lxhadesdaq central machine lxhadeb01 Previous ...
Eventbuilder status in 2014 here some description of the actual setup before beamtimes Jul14 and Aug14 Eventbuilder servers Hardware lxhadesdaq Central server ...
Eventbuilder and TRBnet plugin for DABC Introduction The future application for trbnet hardware for FAIR detector test beams (e.g. CBM, PANDA, R3B) requires to i...
Event Builder Development Short Intro The aim of the Event Builder (EB) is to receive subevents from subsystems and to build a complete event out of them. EB con...
Eventbuilder on Dreamplug Introduction This page collects experiences with hadaq eventbuilder software installed on dreamplug mini pcs System description here o...
Event Builder Performance Conditions: * 90 subsystems * I used TOF 0, TOF 1, TOF 2 and TOF 4 VME CPUs. 23/22 daq_rdosoft processes per CPU. * Water mark ...
Run Control of Multiple Event Builders Introduction The aim of the Run Control of the Event Builders is to have a central control and monitoring system for all E...
Table of contents: Tests with 90 subsystems: Test 1 with 90 subsystems (no writing to hard disk, no rfio) The test system: TOF 0, TOF 1, TOF 2, TOF 4 VME CPUs ...
General DAQ All what is written below should be done on hadesdaq computer. Start acquisition Button "Blue_Arrow_Down" "Fast DAQ start". After a successfull ctu ...
Table of contents: hadeb05 Due to JUMBO frames hadeb05 can stop receiving DHCP discovers from TRBs. Solution: * ifconfig eth0 down * modprobe r sk98lin;...
Here we collect documentation for the Hades DAQ. Global DAQ issues 1 GeneralDaqOperation 1 DaqCheckList ( things which should be checked before a beamtime)...
HADES raw data format document is signed up to version 1.3 Purpose This document describes the raw data format of the HADES data acquisition system. All Rea...
"Nice" version of DAQ System: List of files needed for starting DAQ on TRB: You have to log into the board and program FPGA: /home/hadaq/ Log ...
ICINGA General setup Icinga is a system and network monitoring application. It watches hosts and services that you specify, alerting you when things go bad and w...
Emergency Event Building Procedure for Jan05 * Switch to workspace "evtb". * There should be two terminal windows on host "lxhadesdaq", directory "/home/had...
Nagios DEPRECATED! NOTE: This page is deprecated, since 2011 we use icinga for monitoring See new status on page IcingaMonitor . Main.JoernAdamczewski 09 Feb...
HADES Network Tests Network related commands Driver related * Get network card info: hwinfo netcard * List loaded modules: lsmod * List all PCI buses ...
How to check data read out from OEP's 1. Login to lxhadesdaq Use vncviewer / krdc to connect to the running vnc session on lxhadesdaq. With vncviewer use vncview...
Contents of README file Requirements: bash xterm awk expect daq_evtbuild daq_netmem daq_sniff Description: * config * This configuration file contai...
First light : ) Despite the fact the the description below is really outdated, I can pronounce the first really important step from connecting the new RICH ADCM t...
The KISS runcontrol RunControlSoundServer Users Guide 1 http://www Current Documentation for the DAQ operator ...
Operator Interfaces Introduction Introduction Operator Interfaces are the EPICS clients which connect to the available process variables and show them in a ...
Unpacking, hld The script unpacks the hld file (taking into account big/little endian byte ordering) and stores the output in the array. User can u...
Table of contents: The following programs are used to connect to a Hades database: * * tcl_to_ora Intro To simplify the pro...
TDC header (defined by CAEN) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4...
Streamed Event Building The name "streamed event building" comes from the fact that inside the network there is no place where we can guarantee to be able to stor...
Overview $ trbnet_full_endpoint.pdf : The hades_full_endpoint entity is the central part to connect to the network. Overview Short description of the ports ...
This text is stolen from Michael Bhmer: http://www A summary of the HADES trigger codes On this page you can find a summar...
Statistics for DaqSlowControl Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and up...
Number of topics: 36
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