50 recent changes in Homepages Web retrieved at 11:20 (Local)

Operating the Fiber Start (Pion Hodoscope) If anything strange is happening, dont hesitate to call/wake me up. My telephone number in GSI guesthouse is: XXXX Mob...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * Moje officialne rysunki * Phy...
Investigation of step at ~80MeV for electrons the step at ~80 MeV for electrons is visible for kickplane, but not in pluto simulation or rungekutta (but these bot...
Shower cut investigation Gen3 run1 after all single lepton cuts * comparison momentum*charge gen2 and gen3: * comparison momentum*charge gen2 and gen...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * MdcShifts * DST Production ...
sum all days LVL1_M4_KICK: 121880351 day 248 LVL1: 21325038 LVL1_KICK: 18278073 LVL1_M4: 20570645 LVL1_M4_pos: 8362 LVL1_M4_neg: 139223 LVL1_M4_KICK: ...
Simulation with PLUTO for pp #64;1.25GeV Here, I will present the status of pp #64;1.25GeV PLUTO simulation. The generated events are very close to the events fro...
Prparation de pages Wiki Simulation avec PLUTO * Information about Pluto simulation at 1.25GeV by French group Main.EmilieMoriniere 08 Feb 2007
Introduction The HADES Collaboration Board decided that the analysis software needs to be centrally maintained to improve the quality of the code. Dr. Jochen Mark...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * Main * Collaboration * Physics * SimAna * Tech. Board ...
Pluto Gen3 settings Float_t enhancepi=10.0; // pi0 enhancement blast=0 PData::setM3ee(41); source1 setTrueThermal(kFALSE); source2 setTrueThermal(kFALSE); rho ...
Here the HADES totorials are presented. Main.JacekOtwinowski 18 Dec 2006
Hades Coding Rules and Guidelines based on "HADES coding rules" by R. Holzmann (June 1999) and "HADES Computing Guide" by H. Sch n and M. M nc...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * ... * elastics_pp_exp_sim.pdf...
Sep05 Beamtime Notes * LVL2 rates for CaCa * Study of a possible offline LVL3 trigger * Beam Shift Table * Meson Multiplicities * IP Adresses Work...
THETA Figure below shows the delta theta distribution, all tracks has been taken into acount. Using avelable information on can plot the matching distributi...
Delta THETA Figure below shows the delta theta distribution for the EXPERIMENTAL data. Next picture also shows delta theta distribution, but this time in additio...
Below one can find links where the spatial correlation between RICH and inner MDCs detectors is presented. The delta theta and theta phi districutions are fitted...
Purity of the single leptons which were used for the dilepton analysis * only single leptons cut applied * * double hit rejection * * opening angle (theta ...
Main.GosiaSudol 05 Dec 2006
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * ...
Homepage of Bjrn Spruck * Location: University Giessen, II Physikalisches Institut * Tel: 0641 99 33 279 New Topic (Note: Use WikiWordYourWikiName!): n...
Main.YvonnePachmayer 20 Feb 2004 * Mdc * Useful Commands * Useful Documentation * Useful Documentation Part 2 * Useful Documentation Part 3 * Lept...
* File Selection * CosmicsBeamtimes and Analysis * CosmicsSimulation * Gofies Main.YvonnePachmayer 08 Oct 2005
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * Private * RICH * RICH Optics * SimAna * Lepton Analy...
Beta Parameters exp data Gen2 * investigation 3 sigma and 2 sigma cut: http://hades wiki.gsi.de/cgi bin/view/Homepages/UrQMDHardCutsBetaYvonnePachmayer Main....
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * Home page T.Galatyuk * put a stupi name here ...
even more interesting Main.TatyanaGalatyuk 23 Aug 2006
Outdated These pages have been moved/copied to the Personalpages of GSI wiki web and are not longer maintained at this place. Main.PeterZumbruch 15 Aug 2006
Toggle Image Size * By including the topic JavaScriptToggleImagesPeterZumbruch via %INCLUDE{...}% this JavaScript function (by Simon Lang) enables...
Summary, Personal Notes and Comments to EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006, June, 12 16, Argonne National Laboratory * Agenda (originally from http://aps.anl...
Switch Images * onclickSwitchImage.js: JavaScript for this functionality * onclickSwitchImage.html: example code This JavaScript function enables you to pr...
Toggle Images * onclickZoomImage.js: JavaScript for this functionality This JavaScript function (by Simon Lang) enables you to switch between 2 different size...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Beamline Control Rodney Porter, Argonne : "Beamline Controls at the IPNS" Nick Rees, Diamond: "Synapps Workshop report" * ...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Core Development Bob Dalesio, SLAC: "EPICS Version 4 Update" * * How many embedded IOC is EPICS 3/4 to work with? * ...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 EPICS Tools Rolf Keitel, TRIUMF: "Converting from EDD/DM to EDM" * Tom Pelaia, ORNL: "SNS Logbook: New features and futur...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Embedded Controllers Gasper Pajor, CosyLab : "The Cosylab MicroIOCs family" * * http://www.cosylab.com * CosyScope: ...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 High Level Applications Don Dohan, Argonne: "Summary of IRMIS SIG Workshop" * Sergei Chevtsov, SLAC: "Experience installi...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 IOC Operating Systems Eric Norum, Argonne: "Summary of RTEMS SIG Workshop" * Joe Sullivan, Argonne: "Linux MVME targets...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Infrastructure and Software Development Matthias Clausen, DESY: "Summary of CSS / Eclipse SIG Workshop" * * Eclipse ...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Magnet Control Bob Dalesio, SLAC: "A PMC Power Supply Controller" * Johnny Tang, ORNL: "SNS Injection and Extraction Kick...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Record/Device/Driver Support Darrel Nineham, Hytec Electronics: "Motor Control and Power Drive support" * Peter Denison, ...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Redundancy Matthias Clausen, DESY: "Redundancy Monitor Task" * Bob Dalesio, SLAC: "Continous Control Executive" * r...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 SIG: Special Interest Group Workshops Control System Suite (CSS) / Eclipse Frameworks (2006, June, 13) * Organizer: Matthias...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 SIG: Special Interest Group Workshops RTEMS Primer and Workshop (2006, June, 12) * Organizer: Eric Norum, Argonne National ...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Status Reports Dave Gurd, Oak Ridge National Lab: "SNS Status" * * SNS: Spallation Neutron Source http://www.sns.gov/ ...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Timing Systems Stephanie Allison, SLAC: "LCLS Timing" * Jukka Petarinen, Micro Research, Finland: "Micro Research Timing ...
collection of EPICS related keywords and abbreviatons A alh * alarm handler ANL * Argonne National Lab, U.S. * http://www.anl.gov API * Applic...
My EPICS knowledge base Collection of Keywords Summaries of Conferences and Meetings Main.PeterZumbruch 31 Jul 2006
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