50 recent changes in Homepages Web retrieved at 09:24 (Local)

Simulation projects The version management is Oracle is based on time ranges. Each DAQ run has a start time and this time stamp (together with the history date an...
Parameter handling in HYDRA and HGEANT Overview To run an analysis or a simulation, initialization parameters are needed. For the simulation one needs the full H...
in your home directory cp r /u/wisnia/anaNt . cd anaNt . setenv.sh root l PP_ntup.root inside the root session .ls PPPi0_pp.Draw("Th_p2","","",1000000) PPPi0...
Dielectron Signal and Combinatorial Background (CB) All single electrons and positrons reconstructed in one event are combined into unlike sign (e e ) and like si...
Plan of Teaching 1. Road Map (e e final pair spectra from NN, NA, AA e e X reactions) 2. PID standard cuts e /e reconstruction algortithm (HPidAlgStan...
The e and e identification by using HPidAlgStandCuts algorithm There are several PID algorithms implemented in the HYDRA package which are used to identify part...
Howto set environment for PidTrackCandidate exercise (Tuesday morning ~11 a.m.) P. Tlusty If you have problems with any step, please contact me before the lectu...
Parameter input/output Class Design The class design for I/O was developed according to the following requirements: * Provide interfaces to Oracle, ROOT files...
The runtime database see class HRuntimeDb Schematic overview Features The parameters are stored in parameter containers (see Parameter containers) The runtime d...
The Oracle analysis interface The version management in Oracle Most parameters used by the analysis change over time and need a version management in Oracle. S...
Simple initialization macros 1. Example This macro reads the parameter container HWallRefWinPar , a parameter container of the Forward Wall, for the run id 13476...
PID introduction, principle, methods hard cut vs Bayes Pavel see http://hades wiki.gsi.de/cgi bin/view/SimAna/HadesParticleID PID Track Candidate s...
Creation of parameter files for the analysis To run a full analysis one needs a long list of parameter containers. Some of them have different versions for the ru...
Roadmap for hadron analysis in heavy ions reactions Documentation and macros: documentation on particle ID: http://hades wiki.gsi.de/cgi bin/view/SimAna/Ha...
Storing parameters in Oracle All tree style and condition style parameter containers can be stored in Oracle in the following way: 1. The parameter container i...
Roadmap for hadron analysis in heavy ions reactions 0. Documentation and macros: documentation on particle ID: http://hades wiki.gsi.de/cgi bin/view/SimAna/...
Road Map (final e e signal spectra from NN, pA, AA e e X reactions) It is a Road Map showing the main staps which have to be made to get the final e e signal...
The parameter container factories Each library, which contain parameter container classes, must also contain a parameter container factory. They are all derived f...
Work * Software Maintenance Board * Online QA/DST * Proposal Track Cleaner * Teaching Workshop Main.JacekOtwinowski 23 Jan 2...
Total scattering in RICH Total scattering was calculated using the formula: Theta_0 = 13.6 MeV/(beta*c*p) * Z * sqrt(SUM) * {1 0.038 * ln(SUM)} where SUM = sum...
Scaling Pluto Cocktail Components for HADES and DLS NO scaling Eta scaled by a factor 5 Eta scaled by a factor 5 and delta a factor 2 ...
Proposal of track cleaner: * Track_Cleaner.pdf: Track Cleaner Main.JacekOtwinowski 06 Jun 2007
unlike sign pairs (e e ) unlike sign pairs (e e ) Comparison of the same events like sign background with the mixing event unlike sign same_event...
unlike sign pairs (e e ) unlike sign pairs (e e ) Comparison of the same events like sign background with the mixing event unlike sign same_eve...
I have made new event mixing for the full target with and without HV problems. Analysis are done with the new SHOWER cut. In all plots, once openign angle, pt o...
* Singles * Doubles * further Analysis * Simulation * ToDoList * remember * investigations by others * ideas to work on * storage tape rob...
Main.PaoloFinocchiaro 12 May 2007 * April 06 p p 1.25 GeV event collection statistics BeamStatsApr06PaoloFinocchiaro * April 07 p p 3.50 GeV event collectio...
About p A and pi A Simulations with HSD Main.DipakMishra 22 May 2006 * acctotratio.ps: cocktail with acceptance filter to Total ratio * efftotratio.ps: ...
Computers for online QA/DST production lxg451, lxg0452, lxg0411 counting root (downstairs) lxg0430, lxg0440, lxg0441, lxg0442, lxg0443, lxg0444 coun...
Here one can find comparison of the event mixing background and same event background for the full large target with and without MDC HV problem. Comparison of ...
Here one can find comparison of the event mixing background and same event background for the full large target with and without MDC HV problem. Everage matrix ...
All presented plots are after efficiency corrections, following efficiency matrix has been used: /u/przygoda/EFF/Aug04/matricesEffSingle.Aug04.Ele.Smoothed.HighR...
Comparison between 3 set's of data are presented. All plots are after appling all dileptons cuts. Normalization is done with respect to number of LVL1_M4_kick ev...
DST Production Real Data DSTProductionAug04Realgen1 DSTProductionAug04Realgen2 DST Production Simulation DSTProductionAug04gen1 PlutoAug04Gen2YvonnePachmayer ...
This manual describes RAW level TRB analysis, on the TRB unpacker level (before HodoRaw or WallRaw). change hsc.sh to use your path in the following line export M...
4 Hodoscope modules supported by hardware. Suggestion: * 0: Fiber * 1: Diamond * 2: Veto X * 3: Veto Y Operating the Fiber Start (Pion Hodoscope) If ...
Here i would like to present very compact comparison in the lepton analysis of the EXP data. In all pictures 4 sets of the data are always presented: Full Targe...
I have run for you also HSD calculations with the latest code which Elena has sent to us. I did vacuum and inmedium calculations. Below you can find the input fi...
like sing pairs (e e ) like sing pairs (e e ) unlike sing pairs (e e ) like sing pairs (e e ) ratio same_event/mixed_event like sing pairs...
Opening angle dependence What is the opening angle dependence of the applied cuts? Comparison Nov02 and Aug04 The picture below shows the comparison of Nov02 and...
Rich Mdc Correlation influence of alignment The attached picture shows delta theta (RICH MDC) as a function of phi.In a a simple mathematica calculation A.Schma...
like sing pairs (e e ) like sing pairs (e e ) unlike sing pairs (e e ) like sing pairs (e e ) ratio same_event/mixed_event like sing pairs...
Dear Yvonne, It looks like we will not see each other before Eastern, since I'm planing to go to Poalnd already on Thuersday. For this reason i have prepare for ...
Here i would like to show the comparison of the matching windows between Full target and 3 Segmented target. For this comparison only files with the GOOD MDC HV ...
FULL kick plane FULL Runge Kutta Phi sector 0 Phi sector 2 FULL kick plane FULL Runge Kutta Thet...
Comparison between full target and 3 segmented target Comparison between kick plane and runge kutta Main.GosiaSudol 30 Mar 2007
Comparison of the single leptons distributions for LVL1 and LVL2 evetns with separation for systems Comparison of momentum distribution of single leptons se...
efficiency for the single leptons efficiency for the pair Main.GosiaSudol 01 Apr 2007
I would like to make here few points about our background in NOV02 experimantal and simulated data. Presented below pictures are made for the full HARD CUTS anal...
Background Aug04 Experiment and Simulation The experimental data and the pluto simulation are normalized accordingly. Further checks comparison of background c...
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