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* Efficiency matrix for protons APR06 (Marcin kind of analysis) * Efficiency matrix for leptons APR06 (Marcin kind of analysis) Main.GosiaSudol 23 Feb ...
Dear Yvonne, It looks like we will not see each other before Eastern, since I'm planing to go to Poalnd already on Thuersday. For this reason i have prepare for ...
Here one can find comparison of the event mixing background and same event background for the full large target with and without MDC HV problem. Comparison of ...
Here one can find comparison of the event mixing background and same event background for the full large target with and without MDC HV problem. Everage matrix ...
unlike sign pairs (e e ) unlike sign pairs (e e ) Comparison of the same events like sign background with the mixing event unlike sign same_event...
All presented plots are after efficiency corrections, following efficiency matrix has been used: /u/przygoda/EFF/Aug04/matricesEffSingle.Aug04.Ele.Smoothed.HighR...
I have run for you also HSD calculations with the latest code which Elena has sent to us. I did vacuum and inmedium calculations. Below you can find the input fi...
Comparison between 3 set's of data are presented. All plots are after appling all dileptons cuts. Normalization is done with respect to number of LVL1_M4_kick ev...
I have made new event mixing for the full target with and without HV problems. Analysis are done with the new SHOWER cut. In all plots, once openign angle, pt o...
like sing pairs (e e ) like sing pairs (e e ) unlike sing pairs (e e ) like sing pairs (e e ) ratio same_event/mixed_event like sing pairs...
like sing pairs (e e ) like sing pairs (e e ) unlike sing pairs (e e ) like sing pairs (e e ) ratio same_event/mixed_event like sing pairs...
unlike sign pairs (e e ) unlike sign pairs (e e ) Comparison of the same events like sign background with the mixing event unlike sign same_eve...
Here i would like to present very compact comparison in the lepton analysis of the EXP data. In all pictures 4 sets of the data are always presented: Full Targe...
efficiency for the single leptons efficiency for the pair Main.GosiaSudol 01 Apr 2007
Comparison of the single leptons distributions for LVL1 and LVL2 evetns with separation for systems Comparison of momentum distribution of single leptons se...
Comparison between full target and 3 segmented target Comparison between kick plane and runge kutta Main.GosiaSudol 30 Mar 2007
Here i would like to show the comparison of the matching windows between Full target and 3 Segmented target. For this comparison only files with the GOOD MDC HV ...
FULL kick plane FULL Runge Kutta Phi sector 0 Phi sector 2 FULL kick plane FULL Runge Kutta Thet...
I would like to make here few points about our background in NOV02 experimantal and simulated data. Presented below pictures are made for the full HARD CUTS anal...
electrons positrons Main.GosiaSudol 27 Mar 2008
Please find below description how the efficiency matrix for the track reconstruction have been created. GEANT around 1000 file for electrons and positrons ha...
Comparison of the anisotropy from exp with all models presented in paper has been done in addition. Also please have a look into older HADES pion paper from CC....
Fitting out of the mid rapidity range The plot below shows systematics for the parameters extracted from common fit to π and π . Plots below present few example...
I tried to compare data on mult_pi per A_part between HADES, FOPI, TAPS, and KAOS. But as you know, data require several corrections, so this comparison is alwayd...
Please find below all the collected information about the availability of simulation. * SMASH Christoph contacted group. Our contact person is Justin Mohs. ...
Systematics error for the charged pion analysis. All systematic errors were investigated in paraller by Heidi and myself several time over several DST generation...
Main.GosiaSudol 05 Dec 2006
Collection of the plots from 27.06.2019 Comparison of the mid rapidity transverse spectra of pions with models Extraction of the A2 from SMASH for different pa...
positive pions negative pions
Example of negative pion purity for 0 10% centrality bin Below you can find details of extrapolation of positively charged pion yield using pt. Table...
* Example of positive pion purity for 0 10% centrality bin and 30 40% centrality Below you can find details of extrapolation of positively charged pion yie...
Final_plots Section 1 : Introduction *Section 2 : Experimental setup and data analysis method * Figure 1, as it was up to now. we propose to add 2D raw yield ...
Fig.2 x axis label "y": change to y_cm Fig.4 still missing data points (pi , target like rapidity) rapidity window should be shown in y_cm, not y_lab Fig. 7 ...
In the following you can find comparison of our data with 5 models within 10% centrality classes. For transverse mass spectra comparison is done for mid rapidity...
I tried to compare data on mult_pi per A_part between HADES, FOPI, TAPS, and KAOS. But as you know, data require several corrections, so this comparison is alwayd...
Comparison of different spectra at mid rapidity. TAPS For 1 GeV (multiplicities taken from Schwalbs paper, Apart from Averbeck2003): Aprt = 164 20 Ylab=...
I tried to compare data on mult_pi per A_part between HADES, FOPI, TAPS, and KAOS. But as you know, data require several corrections, so this comparison is alwayd...
In order to keep important information clean from many plots which are in other tabs, here i would like to insert all plots which i propose to have in the paper i...
Please find below 2DIM projection of the efficiency matrix which has been created for the pp@2.2AGeV run. electrons electrons averaged over...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * Moje officialne rysunki * Phy...
Purity of the single leptons which were used for the dilepton analysis * only single leptons cut applied * * double hit rejection * * opening angle (theta ...
Delta THETA Figure below shows the delta theta distribution for the EXPERIMENTAL data. Next picture also shows delta theta distribution, but this time in additio...
THETA Figure below shows the delta theta distribution, all tracks has been taken into acount. Using avelable information on can plot the matching distributi...
Below one can find links where the spatial correlation between RICH and inner MDCs detectors is presented. The delta theta and theta phi districutions are fitted...
Two run event filter in the simulation following task need to be added into the dst macro. Here one can find several example for different trigger conditions whi...
Jun 2006 536 9 0 164 WebHome 89 WebRss 14 MDC.CosmicBeamtimeSep05 13 AlignmentAug04forgen2dstversionYvonnePachmayer 12 AsciiIntMa...
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