50 recent changes in Homepages Web retrieved at 00:56 (Local)

pion multiplicities for ArKCl 1.75 A GeV, status 12.02.08 pi analysis was done using the SEP05 gen2 dst's, for details see Jehad's presentation in Cyprus meeting....
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * EventDisplay
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * JAN04 GEN2 * pp analysis *...
Basics: The software for the hodoscopes is capsulted in HHodo class. HHodo has place for 10 modules a 128 channels. The following pdf file contains the status up ...
2nd level trigger efficiency (3rd generation) Efficiency in numbers: only opening angle cut applied e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean: 0.932032 Weighted Std...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * ...
Conversion identification and suppression in RICH and MDC0 Main.MartinJurkovic 23 Oct 2007
pion multiplicities for C C 1 and 2 A GeV, status 10.10.07 Conditions: LVL1 trigger, efficiency and acceptance corrected ("4pi") Extrapolation from HADES acceptan...
Software Module: The following hardware to Hodoscope modules assignment will be used: * 0: NN (Fiber) * 1: NN (Diamond) * 2: Veto X * 3: Veto Y * 4...
Momentum distributions for Exp. Data, PLUTO and UrQMD Main.YvonnePachmayer 16 Oct 2007 * batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448: * batch upload by pachma...
Investigations Summer 2007 Rapidity Comparison Pluto and HSD Comparison UrQMD and experimental Data Comparison single lepton spectra UrQMD and exp Compari...
Rungekutta in numbers all inv. masses = 150 raw data 12524.5 11812.5 712.209 for comparison kickplane analysis: http://hades wiki.gsi.de/cgi bin/vie...
Comparison Kickplane and Rungekutta pair spectra after all pair cuts no effi correction e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean: 0.769484 Weighted Std Deviation: ...
Comparison Pluto and Experimental Data lines: pluto filtered with acceptance, min 5% efficiency, rungekutta momentum resolution experimental data: kickplane and ...
Comparison Kick and Runge momentum distributions distributions after all single lepton cuts Main.YvonnePachmayer 11 Oct 2007 * batch upload by pachmay@lxg0...
Comparison Pair Spectra after all pair cuts (kickplane and rungekutta) spectra after all pair cuts normalisation: none difference in numbers no effi correction...
Comparison Kickplane and Rungekutta pair spectra after all pair cuts after single momentum cut of 100 MeV/c no effi correction e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean...
The "Old" Pion Hodoscopes * consisting of 1cm plastic scintillating bars * using Hamamatsu R3478 PMTs * special bases * read more about it in "Design ...
Comparison Bayes and Hard Cut momentum algorithm: rungekutta statistics: only full large target, mdc hv ok background: like sign efficiency matrices: calculati...
Numbers no effi correction e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean: 0.949624 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.139728 e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean: 1.0029 Weighte...
Numbers Numbers (no momentum cut) no effi correction e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean: 1.07157 Weighted Std Deviation: 0.0165454 e^{ }e^{ } Weighte...
Self Consistency Check Rungekutta Efficiency Matrices (min. 5% efficiency correction) a) Pluto run through whole analysis chain, then corrected for efficiency, ha...
Please find below 2DIM projection of the efficiency matrix which has been created for the pp@2.2AGeV run. electrons electrons averaged over...
Single Lepton Distributions Comparison Kickplane and after all single lepton cuts normalisation: none * batch upload by pachmay@lxg0448: * batch u...
Comparison of single lepton distributions after all pair cuts distributions after all pair cuts normalisation: none Difference in numbers before efficiency cor...
Comparison Single lepton distributions kickplane and rungekutta algorithm after momentum cut of 100 MeV/c after all single lepton cuts momentum 100 MeV/c no...
2nd level trigger efficiency Single lepton kickplane Efficiency system and polarity wise system:0 polarity: 1 momentum Weighted Mean: 0.408554 Weighted ...
2nd level trigger efficiency (rungekutta algorithm) Efficiency in numbers only opening angle cut applied e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean: 0.939334 Weight...
In all spectra, following convention is used: experimental distributions are in red, simulation in black. Pattern Matrix Number of Pads Average Charge ...
Analysis Results * Multiple scattering in RICH and RICH MDC correlation * Conversion Investigation in Simulation (pluto_gen2) * Comparison of ring prop...
Latest * investigations summer07 Cut Investigation * rich mdc correlation gen3 alignment influence * rich hard cut exp gen2 * beta hard cuts exp g...
Comparison of UrQMD and Experimental Data the spectra are normalised accordingly. red: exp. data blue: simulation magenta: ratio of experiment and simulation ...
Comparison Single lepton spectra UrQMD and Exp Data the distributions are normalized to LVL1 events accordingly. and after all single lepton cuts. Comparison o...
test Main.AdrianDybczak 07 Sep 2007
Parameter initialization in HYDRA and HGEANT Run validation in Oracle The HADES Oracle database Main.IlseKoenig 16 Jun 2007
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * ... * PionHodoBjoernSpruck ...
This is only important for setup. During beamtime it would be a bit late. Testing the cabeling: Example 1: Plotted "crosstalk" in one detector. it is visible, ...
Macros for checking of content of the PidTrackCandidate Documentation and macros: documentation on PidTrackCandidate particle ID: http://hades wiki.gsi.de/...
Comparison Rapidity and HSD/Pluto Pluto * all inv. masses: * inv mass * 150 HSD HSD Bremsstrahlung scaled up by a factor of 4 and e...
Generation 3 * Counting for Normalization exp data gen3 * Background Gen3 Experiment and Pluto Simulation * opening angle dependence Gen3 * investigat...
The detector sets All detector sets are derived from the base class HGeomSet, which implemtents most functionality. The detectors typically only define some detec...
Hit definition in HGEANT The filenames for the hit definition must have the suffix .hit and must contain the detector specific keyword: * rich * mdc * to...
Material and media definition in HGEANT * Each medium is characterized by a name. * The names of the materials and the media are identical. *For each med...
The HADES geometry format for volumes History In 1997, it was intended to retrieved the geometry data directly from 3D CATIA drawings. In these drawings the poin...
Geometry classes Class Diagram The classes HGeomVolume, HGeomTransform, HGeomRotation, HGeomVector and the shape classes are also used the geometry parameter con...
Description of the HADES geometry interface * Class Diagram * Program flow * The detector sets * The volume classes * The shape classes * The me...
How to make a "condition style" parameter container 1. Step Write the class, derive it from HParCond and implement the virtual functions: // Fills all persis...
Parameter containers The parameters are stored in parameter containers, which are managed by the runtime database and accessible via their names. They are all der...
Main.AnnaKozuch 13 Jul 2007
HPidSingleLeptonEff going through the code step by step * Input: full HGEANT simulation with so called white tracks with a flat distribution in momentum, theta...
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