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Question: Hello, is there any reason why neither rtdb initContainers(...) nor (HSpectrometer*)setup init() are checked for their return values and return a kFAL...
Even in the case of elementary p p reaction at 1.25 GeV there are too many track candidates. The (Jochen's) track cleaner is mandatory to apply before any further...
no file status what to do 1 all info no action 2 not a be file not operational 3 status not known needs checking 4 HV 1000 no action ju...
How To 1. take alignment from real data 2. overlap checker, remove overlaps with magnet or other detectors 3. put 1) to oracle 4. edit geaini file suc...
The detector sets All detector sets are derived from the base class HGeomSet, which implemtents most functionality. The detectors typically only define some detec...
The geometry interface Overview The full Hades geometry needed to run a simulation is stored in Oracle: * ideal geometry * different alignment versions for...
Configuration files and macros for the geometry All files show as an example the geometry for AUG04SIM DST production for high field alignment Detector setup f...
Parameter handling in HYDRA and HGEANT Overview To run an analysis or a simulation, initialization parameters are needed. For the simulation one needs the full H...
Simple initialization macros 1. Example This macro reads the parameter container HWallRefWinPar , a parameter container of the Forward Wall, for the run id 13476...
Oracle WebDB Oracle WebDB consists of two parts: * WebDB, a complete framework to manage the database with a web based graphical interface and to develop web b...
Parameter containers The parameters are stored in parameter containers, which are managed by the runtime database and accessible via their names. They are all der...
Parameter input/output Class Design The class design for I/O was developed according to the following requirements: * Provide interfaces to Oracle, ROOT files...
The runtime database see class HRuntimeDb Schematic overview Features The parameters are stored in parameter containers (see Parameter containers) The runtime d...
Jrn's Homepage Table of contents: 1. My diplome thesis During my diploma thesis, I worked on the design and implementation of the HADES driftchamber readout. Mai...
Final_plots Section 1 : Introduction *Section 2 : Experimental setup and data analysis method * Figure 1, as it was up to now. we propose to add 2D raw yield ...
HYDRA Purpose This program was written to make the analysis of the HADES data more easy. Many problems arosed from the fact that you have so much possible combin...
contains all information about the mdc parameters for the 1st Aug04Sim DST production Mdc Setup * aug04mdcsetupsimulmagnetic.txt: mdc setup, magnetic field on...
*Content copied to DaqSlowControl.HadesNetworkCountingHouse on 28 Apr 2006 project finshed....done* Network Rack Cabling TH1H 05C identical to TH1H 01C ...
RTDB container factory BaseContFact RTDB container factory WallContFact RTDB container factory TriggerContFact RTDB container factory TofinoContFact R...
Software Module: The following hardware to Hodoscope modules assignment will be used: * 0: NN (Fiber) * 1: NN (Diamond) * 2: Veto X * 3: Veto Y * 4...
Frontend electronics new Wolfgang Koenig build a board were 32 LEDs and 16 meantimers are sitting on. This saves a lot of spavce and equipment. The meantimers ar...
This is only important for setup. During beamtime it would be a bit late. Testing the cabeling: Example 1: Plotted "crosstalk" in one detector. it is visible, ...
geant files can be found here: tsmcli arch geant_pluto_CC_1AGeV*.root hades aug04/gen1/pluto/geant Pluto Gen1 (there is no version 0) * z vertex: ...
The purpose of the test was to check the performance of the new ADDON module on the real cosmics signals from the TOF photomultipliers. The ADDON is a 128channel ...
Jun 2006 536 9 0 164 WebHome 89 WebRss 14 MDC.CosmicBeamtimeSep05 13 AlignmentAug04forgen2dstversionYvonnePachmayer 12 AsciiIntMa...
Number of topics: 25
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