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2nd level trigger efficiency (3rd generation) Efficiency in numbers: only opening angle cut applied e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean: 0.932032 Weighted Std...
2nd level trigger efficiency (rungekutta algorithm) Efficiency in numbers only opening angle cut applied e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean: 0.939334 Weight...
2nd level trigger efficiency Single lepton kickplane Efficiency system and polarity wise system:0 polarity: 1 momentum Weighted Mean: 0.408554 Weighted ...
Dear Yvonne, It looks like we will not see each other before Eastern, since I'm planing to go to Poalnd already on Thuersday. For this reason i have prepare for ...
The rapidity distributions of pi normalized to 1 LVL1 event, efficiency corrected, differ by 30% between two analyses: one made by Alexander Schmah based on ve...
Comparison between 3 set's of data are presented. All plots are after appling all dileptons cuts. Normalization is done with respect to number of LVL1_M4_kick ev...
Comparison of the single leptons distributions for LVL1 and LVL2 evetns with separation for systems Comparison of momentum distribution of single leptons se...
available PCs for data processing Desktop PCs (3.0 GHz HT, 2 GB Ram, ~ 0.3 TB local disk space) Name User Group Comment IP lxg0440 RICH ...
pi and pi m_t spectra for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV (1/(m_t*m_t))*dN/dm_t 1./(MeV/c^2)^3 distributions at midrapidity window y_cm 0.1 y_...
pi and pi m_t spectra for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV (1/(m_t*m_t))*dN/dm_t 1./(MeV/c^2)^3 distributions in separate rapidity bins multiplic...
pi and pi rapidity and cos(theta_cm) spectra for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV yields for LVL1 triggered events: mult_charged =4 for C C and mul...
This manual describes RAW level TRB analysis, on the TRB unpacker level (before HodoRaw or WallRaw). change to use your path in the following line export M...
sum all days LVL1_M4_KICK: 121880351 day 248 LVL1: 21325038 LVL1_KICK: 18278073 LVL1_M4: 20570645 LVL1_M4_pos: 8362 LVL1_M4_neg: 139223 LVL1_M4_KICK: ...
* Matching windows RICH innerMDC * Purity of the leptons creating the pairs * status of the analysis for AUG04 * macierze wydajnosci dla RK * effici...
Hades Coding Rules and Guidelines based on "HADES coding rules" by R. Holzmann (June 1999) and "HADES Computing Guide" by H. Sch n and M. M nc...
User accounts in the HADES Oracle database Production accounts Account name Comment CRYO Related to the magnet. Contains the LabView data of the cryo p...
Oracle WebDB Oracle WebDB consists of two parts: * WebDB, a complete framework to manage the database with a web based graphical interface and to develop web b...
Jrn's Homepage Table of contents: 1. My diplome thesis During my diploma thesis, I worked on the design and implementation of the HADES driftchamber readout. Mai...
* UrQMD impact parameter distributions for LVL1 events from C C and Ar KCl * charged pion rapidity and costheta distributions from C C and Ar KCl * ...
Sep05 Beamtime Notes * LVL2 rates for CaCa * Study of a possible offline LVL3 trigger * Beam Shift Table * Meson Multiplicities * IP Adresses Work...
Investigations Summer 2007 Rapidity Comparison Pluto and HSD Comparison UrQMD and experimental Data Comparison single lepton spectra UrQMD and exp Compari...
LVL1 trigger bias in SEP05 ArKCl at 1.75 A GeV This page tries to show the effect of the LVL1 trigger in the SEP05 experiment on selection of the reaction event...
LVL1 trigger bias in SEP05 ArKCl at 1.75 A GeV charged pion multiplicities Addendum to previous page LVL1TriggerBiasInSEP05 concentrated on track multipl...
MDC Analysis Scheme The MDC analysis running fom raw data on hld level to itted tracks with momentum determination and Vertex finding can be generalized a...
*Content copied to DaqSlowControl.HadesNetworkCountingHouse on 28 Apr 2006 project finshed....done* Network Rack Cabling TH1H 05C identical to TH1H 01C ...
RTDB container factory BaseContFact RTDB container factory WallContFact RTDB container factory TriggerContFact RTDB container factory TofinoContFact R...
pion multiplicities for C C 1 and 2 A GeV, status 10.10.07 Conditions: LVL1 trigger, efficiency and acceptance corrected ("4pi") Extrapolation from HADES acceptan...
Software Module: The following hardware to Hodoscope modules assignment will be used: * 0: NN (Fiber) * 1: NN (Diamond) * 2: Veto X * 3: Veto Y * 4...
For the test on cosmics we used the 16 channels signals from the 16 TOF photomultipliers (sector 4 module 8 cells 1 8L and 1 8R). All were splitted to two signa...
I. Date:16.08.2005 In these files chambers III6 and IV4 have been recieving a square signal of 960ns width while other chambers were not recieving any external...
Impact parameter distributions from UrQMD for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV for: 1. min. bias events (at least one nuclear interaction) 2. L...
Jun 2006 536 9 0 164 WebHome 89 WebRss 14 MDC.CosmicBeamtimeSep05 13 AlignmentAug04forgen2dstversionYvonnePachmayer 12 AsciiIntMa...
Number of topics: 32
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