50 recent changes in Homepages Web retrieved at 21:16 (Local)

Jun 2006 536 9 0 164 WebHome 89 WebRss 14 MDC.CosmicBeamtimeSep05 13 AlignmentAug04forgen2dstversionYvonnePachmayer 12 AsciiIntMa...
Please find below all the collected information about the availability of simulation. * SMASH Christoph contacted group. Our contact person is Justin Mohs. ...
Fitting out of the mid rapidity range The plot below shows systematics for the parameters extracted from common fit to π and π . Plots below present few example...
Fig.2 x axis label "y": change to y_cm Fig.4 still missing data points (pi , target like rapidity) rapidity window should be shown in y_cm, not y_lab Fig. 7 ...
Final_plots Section 1 : Introduction *Section 2 : Experimental setup and data analysis method * Figure 1, as it was up to now. we propose to add 2D raw yield ...
* Example of positive pion purity for 0 10% centrality bin and 30 40% centrality Below you can find details of extrapolation of positively charged pion yie...
Example of negative pion purity for 0 10% centrality bin Below you can find details of extrapolation of positively charged pion yield using pt. Table...
positive pions negative pions
Comparison of different spectra at mid rapidity. TAPS For 1 GeV (multiplicities taken from Schwalbs paper, Apart from Averbeck2003): Aprt = 164 20 Ylab=...
I tried to compare data on mult_pi per A_part between HADES, FOPI, TAPS, and KAOS. But as you know, data require several corrections, so this comparison is alwayd...
I tried to compare data on mult_pi per A_part between HADES, FOPI, TAPS, and KAOS. But as you know, data require several corrections, so this comparison is alwayd...
Collection of the plots from 27.06.2019 Comparison of the mid rapidity transverse spectra of pions with models Extraction of the A2 from SMASH for different pa...
I tried to compare data on mult_pi per A_part between HADES, FOPI, TAPS, and KAOS. But as you know, data require several corrections, so this comparison is alwayd...
Homepages Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Homepages web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be...
In order to keep important information clean from many plots which are in other tabs, here i would like to insert all plots which i propose to have in the paper i...
In the following you can find comparison of our data with 5 models within 10% centrality classes. For transverse mass spectra comparison is done for mid rapidity...
Comparison of the anisotropy from exp with all models presented in paper has been done in addition. Also please have a look into older HADES pion paper from CC....
Systematics error for the charged pion analysis. All systematic errors were investigated in paraller by Heidi and myself several time over several DST generation...
Di Lepton Physics Working Group Motivation: * Microscopic structure of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions * Vector mesons in baryon ric...
Impact parameter distributions from GlauberMC for Au Au at 1.23 A GeV Main.BehruzKardan 15 Dec 2015
* ImpactParameterAuAuGlauber Main.BehruzKardan 15 Dec 2015
pi and pi m_t spectra for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV (1/(m_t*m_t))*dN/dm_t 1./(MeV/c^2)^3 distributions in separate rapidity bins multiplic...
pi and pi rapidity and cos(theta_cm) spectra for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV yields for LVL1 triggered events: mult_charged =4 for C C and mul...
* UrQMD impact parameter distributions for LVL1 events from C C and Ar KCl * charged pion rapidity and costheta distributions from C C and Ar KCl * ...
Impact parameter distributions from UrQMD for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV for: 1. min. bias events (at least one nuclear interaction) 2. L...
Hubert Kuc webpage To Do: NOTE All tasks Fill this page and do it systematicly as your documentation. Analysis * FW recalibration * dp elastics *...
Forward Wall recalibration Main.HubertKuc 05 Apr 2013
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * Home page * Properties * TrashAttatchment
pi and pi m_t spectra for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV (1/(m_t*m_t))*dN/dm_t 1./(MeV/c^2)^3 distributions at midrapidity window y_cm 0.1 y_...
Here should be the report, how to achieve the best RICH Digitizer parameters. list of used macros (all can be found in /home/mweber/hades/digitizer/ or here: digi...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * ID Settings * Homepage on GSI Wiki ...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * PionHodoBjoernSpruck * PionHo...
INKA The User's Guide Main.KirillLapidus 25 Jan 2012
PAT PostDST Analysis Tool Presentation Here you can download a detailed presentation about PAT framework (PowerPoint 2007 do not try to open it in OpenOffice, ...
Analysis of Sector 4 performance in August 2011 Testrun For this QA Analysis there were two sets of cuts used. One set to was used as a reference with minimal cut...
Comparison of Efficiency matrices APR07/SEP08 In the RICH Digitizer Efficiency comparison the influence of different RICH digitizer parameters on the lepton effic...
Self consistency * Sep08 hard cuts analysis RICH digitizer parameters * HowTo * Efficiency comparison for SEP08 * Efficiency comparison between Apr07...
Comparison of RICH digitizer parameter (SEP08) In this report different RICH digitizer parameters are compared for electrons using one embedded DST file from SEP0...
* Cave * Installation description * Computers * Names, Location, Services * Event Builder * General info * EB development * EB...
Pion Beam simulation Channels: c AddChannel(2.56,"n","rho0"); c AddChannel(0.55,"D0","rho0"); c AddChannel(2.5,"n","w"); c AddChannel(1.0,"n",...
Main.YvonnePachmayer 02 Jan 2006
Main.YvonnePachmayer 27 Oct 2005
*Experiment* Invariant mass Publication, data points, filter C C 1 GeV/u : Download Phys.Lett.B663:43 48, 2008 : Download data points in ASCII f...
Heavy ion collisions //DocumentGraphics/go_ff.gif Click here to access the page Elementary reactions //DocumentGraphics/go_ff.gif Click here to access the pag...
Low statistics report * selfCons.pdf High statistics report (new) * selfConsFull.pdf Main.MichaelWeber 05 Nov 2010
PICTURES COLLECTION Main.WitoldPrzygoda 06 Sep 2010 * e e invariant mass (not corrected) exp, sim: * e e invariant mass (not corrected) exp / si...
p p @ 1.25 GeV Final analysis results p p @ 1.25 GeV Delta helicity definition and boost p p @ 1.25 GeV basic observables old Here I investigate the num...
Helicity distributions see attached pdf file Main.TingtingLIU 25 Feb 2010
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * ... Main.SergeyYurevich 22 F...
Main.RadekTrebacz 22 Sep 2009 diskspace on yeti: 1. /net/disk111 apr07_pp_1 1. /net/disk141 apr06_2 1. /net/disk142 apr06_1 1. /net/disk152 ...
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