50 recent changes in Homepages Web retrieved at 18:30 (Local)

Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * Sim Anal Main * SimAna.Hade...
Helicity definition After recent discussion with Jacques van de Wiele and Tingting (who discovered in fact some inconsistencies in the boosting procedure) we have...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. Main.ChristopherHuhn * My links * My home page * edit * ...
Four momentum transfers study in simulations of %$pp\to p\Delta^ \to e^ e^ $% reaction We are interested in the %$\Delta$% Dalitz decay process in pp reactions:...
Main.BeataMichalska 24 Sep 2009 Matrices Used cuts: 1. graphical cut on gamma convertion from the flanch around Rich 1. graphical PID cut 1. clos...
Main.HubertKuc 05 Oct 2009
p p @ 1.25 GeV systematic studies Results from pp analysis with the minimized code. Input: HTrackCandidate, simple user track selection, track cleaner (based ...
HNtuple Source code Here you can download the source code: HNtuple.tar.gz (version from 21 Sept 2009) Unpack: tar xvfz HNtuple.tar.gz The code will be unpacked...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * DaqSlowControl.TrbNetMonitoring
The rapidity distributions of pi normalized to 1 LVL1 event, efficiency corrected, differ by 30% between two analyses: one made by Alexander Schmah based on ve...
* ArKCl m_t fits at mid rapidity * ArKCl pi minus difference of yields between analyses of Jehad Pavel and Alexander Main.PavelTlusty 23 Jun 2009
LVL1 trigger bias in SEP05 ArKCl at 1.75 A GeV This page tries to show the effect of the LVL1 trigger in the SEP05 experiment on selection of the reaction event...
LVL1 trigger bias in SEP05 ArKCl at 1.75 A GeV charged pion multiplicities Addendum to previous page LVL1TriggerBiasInSEP05 concentrated on track multipl...
The RICH accounts in the Oracle database * rich_ana_docu_may09.pdf: Status report May 2009 Main.IlseKoenig 29 May 2009
User accounts in the HADES Oracle database Production accounts Account name Comment CRYO Related to the magnet. Contains the LabView data of the cryo p...
The RPC accounts in the Oracle database * rpc_ana_docu_0509.pdf: Status report May 2009 Main.IlseKoenig 25 May 2009
The HADES Oracle Database Overview and status reports * Oracle user accounts List of accounts with links to status reports Maintenance * ChangesInOracle_J...
The MDC accounts in the Oracle database * mdc_ana_docu_may09.pdf: Status report May 2009 Main.IlseKoenig 13 Jul 2007
Oracle WebDB Oracle WebDB consists of two parts: * WebDB, a complete framework to manage the database with a web based graphical interface and to develop web b...
Mam pewien problem z rekonstrukcj #261; czasu przelotu (oraz beta) w tym moim nowym kodzie. Wydaje mi si #281;, #380;e zaimplementowa #322;em dok #322;adnie tak ...
HV on sector 4 (day 277 2470 V vs. day 281 2400 V ) * npads_V.ps: comparison of NPads for sector 4 * sec_V.ps: comparison of sectors * sec_V_pair.pd...
* hadpidc12c_18.pdf: revised version of paper (ver.18) * answers_to_referees: answer to referees ver.1 * list_of_changes_ver18: list of changes in paper ver...
m_t plots for pi and pi from C C at 1 and 2A GeV are compared to pi0 from TAPS. TAPS data points are from R. Averbeck (published in R. Averbeck Z. Phys. A359 (...
p_lab plots for pi from C C at 1 and 2A GeV are compared to pi from KAOS. TAPS data points are from Ch. Sturm (published in his thesis, page 81, Fig.4.7), and ...
Fig: TOT vs ADC for the same signal for 8 channels. ADC is in channels, 1 channel is app. 1 mV but be aware that all timing signals have twice lower amplitude t...
The purpose of the test was to check the performance of the new ADDON module on the real cosmics signals from the TOF photomultipliers. The ADDON is a 128channel ...
For the test on cosmics we used the 16 channels signals from the 16 TOF photomultipliers (sector 4 module 8 cells 1 8L and 1 8R). All were splitted to two signa...
We have used the pulse from the generator with 5ns risetime and variable amplitude. The output was splitted to 4 signals: two different channels in CFD and 2 diff...
m_t distributions at midrapidity for pi0,pi ,pi from UrQMD no detector effect, "min. bias". Figures show the distributions and fits by one slope for pi ,pi ,pi...
TOF (TOFINO SHOWER) multiplicity distribution for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV comparison of exp. data and UrQMD Geant hydra (also in log. scale in the attachment) ...
Even in the case of elementary p p reaction at 1.25 GeV there are too many track candidates. The (Jochen's) track cleaner is mandatory to apply before any further...
QA Go4 Color and coditions in efficiency plot: * Red: Start IF ( VetoXR VetoXL VetoYR VetoYL ) * Blue: Start IF ( VetoXR VetoXL VetoYR Vet...
What you will find here in a few minutes... ... everthing about the Fiber Pion Hodoscopes ... and some words about the "old" ones PionOldHodo Introduction PionHo...
The geometry interface Overview The full Hades geometry needed to run a simulation is stored in Oracle: * ideal geometry * different alignment versions for...
Configuration files and macros for the geometry All files show as an example the geometry for AUG04SIM DST production for high field alignment Detector setup f...
C C pions rapidity fits with temperature formula y = C * T^3 * ( (m0/T)^2 2*m0/(T*cosh(y*y_cm)) 2/(cosh(y*y_cm)**2) ) *exp( m0*cosh(y*y_cm)/T) where y = (y_...
rapidity mt blast Main.PavelTlusty 28 May 2008
Fits of C C m_t plots at mid rapidity with hydrodynamic "blast" function see arXiv:nucl ex/0307010v1 (eq.16) or arXiv:hep ph/9612336v1 (1...
SimAna.Apr06TrackEmedding: test; MDC Analysis Scheme The MDC analysis running fom raw data on hld level to fitted tracks with momentum determination and...
Fits of the mt distributions at midrapidity of the real data and UrQMD events: 1. UrQMD source (.evt file) 2. UrQMD source (.evt file) passed through the accep...
electrons positrons Main.GosiaSudol 27 Mar 2008
* Efficiency matrix for protons APR06 (Marcin kind of analysis) * Efficiency matrix for leptons APR06 (Marcin kind of analysis) Main.GosiaSudol 23 Feb ...
Bookmarks How to unpack the TRB data How to unpack the TRB data the simplest way. 1. copy the directory: /u/shower/trb_unpack/macros/ to your location. 2. ...
Introduction What are these Pion Hodoscopes? They are different scintillar detectors which are used for position and momentum measurements of the pion beam. Wha...
Frontend electronics new Wolfgang Koenig build a board were 32 LEDs and 16 meantimers are sitting on. This saves a lot of spavce and equipment. The meantimers ar...
Homepage of Simon Lang I was a member of the HADES collaboration from August 2003 till Febuary 2008. My main project was the analysis of electron pair production ...
Please find below description how the efficiency matrix for the track reconstruction have been created. GEANT around 1000 file for electrons and positrons ha...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. Search Homepage Trash Can Help:Ref. Guide Pref.: Web TWiki edi...
Two run event filter in the simulation following task need to be added into the dst macro. Here one can find several example for different trigger conditions whi...
* Matching windows RICH innerMDC * Purity of the leptons creating the pairs * status of the analysis for AUG04 * macierze wydajnosci dla RK * effici...
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