50 recent changes in DaqSlowControl Web retrieved at 14:56 (Local)

Statistics for DaqSlowControl Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and up...
RDB Archiver based on CS Studio Detailed Table of Content Introduction (from http://cs studio.sourceforge.net/docbook/archive.png) The CS Studio RDB Archiv...
LV power supplys Table of SCS controlled LV power supply nodes Name IP Type LAN Version max. Voltage Task/Detector Nominal Vo...
__ Introduction Setup Repositories * git * hosted at https://git.gsi.de * at * https://git.gsi.de/HADES/DCS/EPICS Elements Server EPICS IO...
Detector Control System (a.k.a Slow Control) !! mainly outdated information, has to be updated !! Background Informations The Detector Control System of the H...
__ Introduction Issue of this project is to get a docker based EPICS system with: * EPICS IOC connecting to an DT1470ET device * CAENs DT/N147x family ...
HADES I/O Box Introduction Based upon the HadCon2 multi I/O board, the DreamPlug Plug Computer, and the 1 wire based ADC board OwAdc a small, slim, multi ana...
DCS CPUs and corresponding services Description in Repository: * https://git.gsi.de/HADES/DCS/EPICS/Common/IOC/hades/blob/production/hadesApp/Db/desc_ioc.subst...
HV mainframes HADES HV Crates Type SY1527LC Serial# Typ Detector place network software release comments 37 SY1527LC TOF ...
IOC for HADES SCS running on Linux Introduction HADES IOC There is an EPICS IOC running under Linux on machine hadesdaq02. Right now, it services * the HV f...
Operator Interfaces Introduction Sources CVS * Root * :ext:scs@lx pool.gsi.de:/misc/hadesprojects/slowcontrol/cvsroot * Repository * EPICS/op...
VxWorks boot procedure (hadsc1 and e7had2) The manual boot procedure of the VxWorks is described here (very old manual) The important part of the manual: Before ...
VxWorks VME IOCs for HADES Introduction e7had2 and hadsc1 are the remaining VxWorks OS based EPICS IOCs. This is a collection of informations about this topic. ...
Slow Control Wish and ToDo List Introduction Bugzilla http://jspc22.x matter.uni frankfurt.de/rt * Component: EPICS Todo Wish List Main.PeterZumbruc...
LVL1 Trigger Definitions * All information about LVL1 triggers will be sent in a packet using TrbNet and the optical network. * A fast trigger strobe for ...
The Hades Data Aquisition and Slow Control System Welcome to the DaqSlowControl web used by .HadesDaqSlowControlGroup. Please use this tool frequently and add/cha...
Channel Archiver Introduction The channel archiver is usually running on lxg0434 visible to the GSI LAN Manuals * Channel Archiver Manual * online: h...
When you have DAQ problems, please follow this procedure Checks: 1 Are still events written to tape? 1 Is one crate turned off? (use slow control window to...
Here we collect documentation for the Hades DAQ. Global DAQ issues 1 GeneralDaqOperation 1 DaqCheckList ( things which should be checked before a beamtime)...
__ Introduction Main.PeterZumbruch 28 Nov 2012
List of Concurrent VME CPUs and their MAC addresses DNS names are always: hadcXX, where XX is the number down in the table. No location means: At GSI on Michaels ...
DaqSlowControl Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the DaqSlowControl web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., ...
__ Setup GIT Git repository at $productionGit Hosts and their tasks host tasks repository * st_xxx.cmd * lxhadeb06 LV, temp, GAS, ... p...
How to use boards with etrax mcm This boards are accessable at GSI under etrax201 etrax248. How to login Only via telnet: telnet etrax2xx, where xx=01 48 There ...
EpicsAtGsi:Epics/WebHome Main.PeterZumbruch 17 Jan 2018
__ * database_owner_ship provided: 1. Download postgres_partitioning.txt from cs studio@github 1. Since the table sample is already created, optional...
__ Configuration Database Configuration Hostname = Port = Name = schema = SSL ...
__ Introduction On Request of the HADES MDC group a local EPICS based watchdog unit is built to 1 set and get via network as EPICS client the values of an ext...
Operator Interfaces Introduction Introduction Operator Interfaces are the EPICS clients which connect to the available process variables and show them in a ...
The KISS runcontrol RunControlSoundServer Users Guide 1 http://www hades.gsi.de/~hadaq/doc/aug04/daqop.html Current Documentation for the DAQ operator ...
HADES Network Configuration in Counting House Network Switches After a discussion with Mathias Mnch today (2006 05 18) we can assume the following: * The mai...
__ Introduction The objective is to configure a network switch, D Link DGS 1510 28 L3 switch with 24 RJ45 4 SFP ports to provide 3 independent access blocks of...
__ $ Hostname : $ Port : $ Database : $ Schema : $ Scripts : Create Database, Users, and Scheme Load Scheme ...
__ * database_owner_ship provided: 1. add client_encoding and SEARCH PATH 1. if database does not exist, create it 1. call pqsl with ...
__ 1. Download postgres_schema.txt from cs studio@github 1. Since GSI already created the database, skip DROP DATABASE, CREATE DATABASE 1. add client...
__ pluginCustomization=$ARCHIVER_CSS_TOP/pluginCustomization/ engine_configuration_file= engine_name= engine_port= engine_description= engine_replace= engine_st...
__ Introduction Code section to be included directly in front of a section to be hidden at beginning. Can be included via %INCLUDE{"ToolsHiddenSection" section="...
__ Installation install As root zypper install postgresql postgresql jdbc postgresql server Results in ... Loading repository data... Re...
__ 1. Expect postgres_schema.txt 1. Extract GRANT commands and for each user add those GRANTs 1. add client_encoding and "SEARCH PATH" in front 1. cal...
Padiwa and PadiwaAmps1 bookkeeping Padiwa PadiwaAMPS Serial Number current location Patch A Patch B FPGA design comment 1 D Lab ECAL ...
SCSArchiverCSStudioPostgreSqlGsiTablesSchemeCSSEE Introduction Table: archive_schema DROP TABLE archive_schema; CREATE TABLE archive_schema ( ) WITH ( OIDS...
SCS Archiver CS Studio PostgreSQL GSI Overall Scheme CSS_EE PostgresQL scheme of css_ee at GSI Schema: css_ee DROP SCHEMA css_ee; CREATE SCHEMA css_ee AU...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this DaqSlowControl web. This is a convenient service, so you do not h...
* This list is now located on the TRB3 webpage. Please edit it there!* Serial Numbercurrent LocationFlash with 0RErrors, Bugs, Special Features 1 Frankfurt X p...
Summary Table: new boards (assembled in 2011) * Tested in July 2014 by C.Wendisch Kathrin Bismark (Sommerstudent) * calibration files md14...hld (if avail...
Eventbuilder status in 2014 here some description of the actual setup before beamtimes Jul14 and Aug14 Eventbuilder servers Hardware lxhadesdaq Central server ...
GeneralInformation general information about event builder machines, services running on those machines and so on. EventBuilderDevelopment information and docum...
TRBv3 Layout and Feature Proposals * ProposalAndFeaturesTRB3 Finished board TRB3 picture Schematics and Layout * trbv3_SCHEMATIC_michael.pdf: final sc...
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Topic revision: 2001-08-16, PeterThoeny
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