50 recent changes in DaqSlowControl Web retrieved at 04:20 (Local)

Table of contents: hadeb05 Due to JUMBO frames hadeb05 can stop receiving DHCP discovers from TRBs. Solution: * ifconfig eth0 down * modprobe r sk98lin;...
Main.PabloCabanelas 31 Jan 2011 * BLR Front view: * BLR Back view:
Short term To Do List DAQ Documentation Prio. Topic Status Person 5 In depth documentation of CTS settings behaviour not started ...
Table of contents: Tests with 90 subsystems: Test 1 with 90 subsystems (no writing to hard disk, no rfio) The test system: TOF 0, TOF 1, TOF 2, TOF 4 VME CPUs ...
HADES Network Tests Network related commands Driver related * Get network card info: hwinfo netcard * List loaded modules: lsmod * List all PCI buses ...
A short version of the DAQ manual. This is a working version of the document, if you see some changes in the startup procedure feel free to update this page. To s...
Media Interfaces For every kind of network medium we need an dedicated media interface. For example there is an lvds interface (200MBit), an optical link interfac...
Main.MichaelTraxler 15 Jul 2010
Info * Where to find * Etrax FS fimage for flashing: * hadaq@depc187:/home/hadaq/etrax_soft/etrax_fs/devboard R2_20/ * Etrax FS fimage for ...
CTS and Trigger Logic addresses To all register when accessing vi trbnet add offset A0 CTS Address Bit range Meaning 91 15 downto 0 lvl1 trigger number...
Open Tasks Tasks currently on our agenda: * Remove obsolete cables still a topic ; ) (Everybody who is familiar with the old setup) * Install temperature...
MDC Upgrade Installation Task Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3/4 Sector 1 Plane 3/4 Sector 2 Plane 3/4 Sector 3 Plane 3/4 Sector 4 Plane 3/...
RICH readout structure General description of the system RICH modules Module descriptions APV25S1 information Details on APV25S1 Manual Main.MichaelBoehmer ...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
HLD Files Here a list of all taken hld files should be maintained. Filenames should be given without extension. All files are to be recorded in a new subdirectory...
Run Control of Multiple Event Builders Introduction The aim of the Run Control of the Event Builders is to have a central control and monitoring system for all E...
All tables can be edited directly. Use the "Edit table" button underneath each table! Logs for all tests Here are some tables to collect all necessary data for a...
Important things that are necesarry for beamtime 1 Timing issues (initialization phase of MBO) 1 Rotating masks for calibration 1 Trigger interface ( ...
CVS Basics Here are some most often used CVS commands. After you got your local copy of a module, all the CVS commands related to the module you should do insi...
The Upgrade of the HADES DAQ * DaqUpgradeOverview * DaqNetwork * DaqUpgradeGbE * DaqUpgradeMDCOverview * DaqUpgradeRICHOverview * DAQUpgradeTOFA...
Errors found in the MDC Optical AddOn1 design 1 The silk screen (text on the PCB) of the LEDs are not corresponding to the FOT number. So, e.g. FOT13 has a LED...
Main.BorislavMilanovic 31 Jul 2009 Signals I would like to have a complete summary, of what signals need to be monitored at the moment. It is highly necessary, a...
Main.BorislavMilanovic 27 Jul 2009 TRBnet Monitoring System On this page, the new monitoring facility for the TrbNet will be presented. Any user may feel free to...
TRBNet Addresses Here are some suggestions for TrbNet Addresses in the final detector setup. They were choosen based on the following premises: * The addresses...
General information A hub is, like in any other network, a logical unit that merges the data coming in on different lines and sends it out on every other line. ...
MDC Upgrade the final phase Meetings The first meeting of this working period will take place on Monday, 4.1.2010 at 10 a.m. in the upper counting house. Plan...
Up to date information about all ongoing and planned work Please update this list regularly! I think this will help all of us to keep a better overview of the who...
Documentation and Logs for Software Development for HADES Daq and Slow Control $ LvmeForConcurrent: Porting the LVME library to Concurrent VME CPU $ HowtoAd...
Howto build a Hadaq test system More or less, enter the following commands. Adjust the path names to your needs. At the top of semaphore.c is a union inside #ifde...
Checklist of things to be checked before data taking in a beamtime Print this page and fill out gaps and give it to the technical coordinator Date: issue d...
LVL1 trigger improvements/changes Main.WolfgangKoenig 30 Mar 2007
Main.RadekTrebacz 23 Oct 2006 Assembler code: I/O test The original file with headers is in hadaq@hadeb05:~/soft/devboard fs_32v2/os/linux 2.6/arch/cris/arch v3...
DAQ People * DAQPeopleBusyTime * DaqPhoneList * Slow Control Group DAQ Meeting Minutes * 2005 05 24 (RPC): Minutes from the RPC Meeting * 2006 10 ...
Agenda for the DAQ Electronics Integration Meeting data format for the different subsystems * news since the Sesimbra meeting (Michael B., Attilio, Marcin?, M...
Executive Summary: The DAQ Upgrade projects are on their way TRBv2 PCB layout finished / order on the way MDC Add On: schematics finished and discussed E...
Minutes of TRB Meeting 2005 05 31 Attendees: Wolfgang Koenig, Marcin Kajetanowicz, Ingo Frhlich, Michael Traxler, Piotr Salabura, Jerzy Pietraszko Topics: Sta...
Abbreviation for TRB Network Main.MichaelTraxler 24 Jun 2009
How to generate jam and tcl files In view of growing number of TRBs the make.pl perl script was made to produce jam files with TDC settings and channels enabled/d...
Main.ChristophSchrader 20 Mar 2007 Overview * MAPS_BLOCK_SCHEMA.pdf: The illustration shows a block diagram of the typical configuration for the MAPS readout de...
Giacomo, please put in here all the info you have about your Temp Sense project. Main.MichaelTraxler 19 Oct 2006 Here you will find the informations about the...
Main.GrzegorzKorcyl 06 May 2009 Overview: Optical hub is an TRBv2 addon board which extends the main board with routing and communication features. The power of ...
TOF AddOn2 Manual TOF FEE 128 channel TRB AddOn module for HADES, original document: TRB TOF AddOn.pdf. The design of TOF FEE 128 channel Time over Threshold (ToT...
List of outdated pages This entry will service as harbour for all outdated and obsolete topics in the DaqSlowControl Web. Contents Main.JanMichel 12 Dec 2009...
Requirements * Cascadable system (a lot of TRBs have to be connected) * Node to Node length at least 100m * Low latency ( There is also the option...
DAQ Upgrade This document gives an overview of why and how we want to upgrade our HADES DAQ/Trigger System. The upgrade at a glance : ) . Motivation for an Upgr...
Overview The main idea of the API (application process interface) is that the user should be able to just read and write data and should not take care about the f...
Howto implement to OLD_TO_NEW converter The OLD_TO_NEW converter has the old trigger bus as an input, configured in "DTU mode". On the DaqNetwork it has to emulat...
New Trigger Bus Media General IO interface To make the DaqNetwork independent from any media, a standard IO interface is proposed. The interface follows the pri...
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