* Efficiency matrix for protons APR06 (Marcin kind of analysis) * Efficiency matrix for leptons APR06 (Marcin kind of analysis) Main.GosiaSudol 23 Feb ...
Dear Yvonne, It looks like we will not see each other before Eastern, since I'm planing to go to Poalnd already on Thuersday. For this reason i have prepare for ...
this is the second version of alignment done by Alexander Schmah, in the following called "real" alignment. Method: 1. plane I: using the photomodeler 5 the c...
this is the third version of alignment done by Alexander Schmah, in the following called "real" alignment. Method: 1. plane I: using the photomodeler 5 the ch...
Alignment Aug04 for dst gen2 alignment version 78 full large target alignment version 79 3 seg. target Problems * overlap in Sector 2 tof rod 22 with mdc pla...
Question: Hello, is there any reason why neither rtdb initContainers(...) nor (HSpectrometer*)setup init() are checked for their return values and return a kFAL...
* Theta distribution of system 0 (TOFINO) of pions * ThetaPiSystem0.C: Macro for : Theta distribution for pions * Theta distribution for pions of NOV01 unco...
pion multiplicities for ArKCl 1.75 A GeV, status 12.02.08 pi analysis was done using the SEP05 gen2 dst's, for details see Jehad's presentation in Cyprus meeting....
Fits of the mt distributions at midrapidity of the real data and UrQMD events: 1. UrQMD source (.evt file) 2. UrQMD source (.evt file) passed through the accep...
The rapidity distributions of pi normalized to 1 LVL1 event, efficiency corrected, differ by 30% between two analyses: one made by Alexander Schmah based on ve...
ASCII int map class Task Mapping ASCII strings to an integer value. Description This class maps an ASCII string to an interger value. The string / integer combi...
Here one can find comparison of the event mixing background and same event background for the full large target with and without MDC HV problem. Comparison of ...
Here one can find comparison of the event mixing background and same event background for the full large target with and without MDC HV problem. Everage matrix ...
All presented plots are after efficiency corrections, following efficiency matrix has been used: /u/przygoda/EFF/Aug04/matricesEffSingle.Aug04.Ele.Smoothed.HighR...
I have run for you also HSD calculations with the latest code which Elena has sent to us. I did vacuum and inmedium calculations. Below you can find the input fi...
Comparison between 3 set's of data are presented. All plots are after appling all dileptons cuts. Normalization is done with respect to number of LVL1_M4_kick ev...
I have made new event mixing for the full target with and without HV problems. Analysis are done with the new SHOWER cut. In all plots, once openign angle, pt o...
Here i would like to present very compact comparison in the lepton analysis of the EXP data. In all pictures 4 sets of the data are always presented: Full Targe...
Comparison of the single leptons distributions for LVL1 and LVL2 evetns with separation for systems Comparison of momentum distribution of single leptons se...
Here i would like to show the comparison of the matching windows between Full target and 3 Segmented target. For this comparison only files with the GOOD MDC HV ...
I would like to make here few points about our background in NOV02 experimantal and simulated data. Presented below pictures are made for the full HARD CUTS anal...
Background Aug04 Experiment and Simulation The experimental data and the pluto simulation are normalized accordingly. Further checks comparison of background c...
Even in the case of elementary p p reaction at 1.25 GeV there are too many track candidates. The (Jochen's) track cleaner is mandatory to apply before any further...
Main.PaoloFinocchiaro 12 May 2007 * April 06 p p 1.25 GeV event collection statistics BeamStatsApr06PaoloFinocchiaro * April 07 p p 3.50 GeV event collectio...
m_t distributions at midrapidity for pi0,pi ,pi from UrQMD no detector effect, "min. bias". Figures show the distributions and fits by one slope for pi ,pi ,pi...
m_t plots for pi and pi from C C at 1 and 2A GeV are compared to pi0 from TAPS. TAPS data points are from R. Averbeck (published in R. Averbeck Z. Phys. A359 (...
p_lab plots for pi from C C at 1 and 2A GeV are compared to pi from KAOS. TAPS data points are from Ch. Sturm (published in his thesis, page 81, Fig.4.7), and ...
TOF (TOFINO SHOWER) multiplicity distribution for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV comparison of exp. data and UrQMD Geant hydra (also in log. scale in the attachment) ...
Public Logbook Entry: After a long struggle I managed finaly to create a class, that searches thru an array of strings, and returns the corresponding integer valu...
Cell geometries of the MDC's The Input of all GARFIELD calculations performed to obtain the drift and response properties of the HADES multi wire drift ch...
pi and pi m_t spectra for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV (1/(m_t*m_t))*dN/dm_t 1./(MeV/c^2)^3 distributions at midrapidity window y_cm 0.1 y_...
pi and pi m_t spectra for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV (1/(m_t*m_t))*dN/dm_t 1./(MeV/c^2)^3 distributions in separate rapidity bins multiplic...
pi and pi rapidity and cos(theta_cm) spectra for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV yields for LVL1 triggered events: mult_charged =4 for C C and mul...
This manual describes RAW level TRB analysis, on the TRB unpacker level (before HodoRaw or WallRaw). change hsc.sh to use your path in the following line export M...
Cleaning the disks of the batch farm machines Problem After a crash of a job on the batchfarm, there might be files left over on the /tmp directory of the execut...
Comparison Pluto and Experimental Data lines: pluto filtered with acceptance, min 5% efficiency, rungekutta momentum resolution experimental data: kickplane and ...
Comparison Bayes and Hard Cut momentum algorithm: rungekutta statistics: only full large target, mdc hv ok background: like sign efficiency matrices: calculati...
Comparison of UrQMD and Experimental Data the spectra are normalised accordingly. red: exp. data blue: simulation magenta: ratio of experiment and simulation ...
Comparison Single lepton spectra UrQMD and Exp Data the distributions are normalized to LVL1 events accordingly. and after all single lepton cuts. Comparison o...
Comparison Single lepton distributions kickplane and rungekutta algorithm after momentum cut of 100 MeV/c after all single lepton cuts momentum 100 MeV/c no...
Comparison Kick and Runge momentum distributions distributions after all single lepton cuts Main.YvonnePachmayer 11 Oct 2007 * batch upload by pachmay@lxg0...
Comparison Pair Spectra after all pair cuts (kickplane and rungekutta) spectra after all pair cuts normalisation: none difference in numbers no effi correction...
Comparison Kickplane and Rungekutta pair spectra after all pair cuts after single momentum cut of 100 MeV/c no effi correction e^{ }e^{ } Weighted Mean...
Comparison of single lepton distributions after all pair cuts distributions after all pair cuts normalisation: none Difference in numbers before efficiency cor...
Comparison: old and new tracking comparison of old and tracking algorithm using urqmd (mainly hadrons) and pluto simulations. new tracking: version 2 old trackin...
Conversion: Equations to convert from a Mdc Segment given in the coordinates: *z, , , * to a straight equation. %$ g: \vec{x} = \vec{r} \lambda \cdot \vec...
sum all days LVL1_M4_KICK: 121880351 day 248 LVL1: 21325038 LVL1_KICK: 18278073 LVL1_M4: 20570645 LVL1_M4_pos: 8362 LVL1_M4_neg: 139223 LVL1_M4_KICK: ...
DST Production Real Data DSTProductionAug04Realgen1 DSTProductionAug04Realgen2 DST Production Simulation DSTProductionAug04gen1 PlutoAug04Gen2YvonnePachmayer ...
Helicity definition After recent discussion with Jacques van de Wiele and Tingting (who discovered in fact some inconsistencies in the boosting procedure) we have...
Dielectron Signal and Combinatorial Background (CB) All single electrons and positrons reconstructed in one event are combined into unlike sign (e e ) and like si...
Please find below description how the efficiency matrix for the track reconstruction have been created. GEANT around 1000 file for electrons and positrons ha...
Comparison of Efficiency matrices APR07/SEP08 In the RICH Digitizer Efficiency comparison the influence of different RICH digitizer parameters on the lepton effic...
We must rerun efficiency, because track selection in pair filler changed definition in june 2005 * 1. Tassilo: problem to read old geant files with new code. c...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Core Development Bob Dalesio, SLAC: "EPICS Version 4 Update" * * How many embedded IOC is EPICS 3/4 to work with? * ...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 EPICS Tools Rolf Keitel, TRIUMF: "Converting from EDD/DM to EDM" * Tom Pelaia, ORNL: "SNS Logbook: New features and futur...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 High Level Applications Don Dohan, Argonne: "Summary of IRMIS SIG Workshop" * Sergei Chevtsov, SLAC: "Experience installi...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 IOC Operating Systems Eric Norum, Argonne: "Summary of RTEMS SIG Workshop" * Joe Sullivan, Argonne: "Linux MVME targets...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Magnet Control Bob Dalesio, SLAC: "A PMC Power Supply Controller" * Johnny Tang, ORNL: "SNS Injection and Extraction Kick...
Summary, Personal Notes and Comments to EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006, June, 12 16, Argonne National Laboratory * Agenda (originally from http://aps.anl...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 Record/Device/Driver Support Darrel Nineham, Hytec Electronics: "Motor Control and Power Drive support" * Peter Denison, ...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 SIG: Special Interest Group Workshops Control System Suite (CSS) / Eclipse Frameworks (2006, June, 13) * Organizer: Matthias...
EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2006 SIG: Special Interest Group Workshops RTEMS Primer and Workshop (2006, June, 12) * Organizer: Eric Norum, Argonne National ...
Inverted raw times before using cuts Calibration data appears as a second peak around t1 t2=400 channels in the time above threshold spectrum. * t1 t2 in...
How To 1. take alignment from real data 2. overlap checker, remove overlaps with magnet or other detectors 3. put 1) to oracle 4. edit geaini file suc...
* Matching windows RICH innerMDC * Purity of the leptons creating the pairs * status of the analysis for AUG04 * macierze wydajnosci dla RK * effici...
Comparison of the anisotropy from exp with all models presented in paper has been done in addition. Also please have a look into older HADES pion paper from CC....
Fitting out of the mid rapidity range The plot below shows systematics for the parameters extracted from common fit to π and π . Plots below present few example...
I tried to compare data on mult_pi per A_part between HADES, FOPI, TAPS, and KAOS. But as you know, data require several corrections, so this comparison is alwayd...
Please find below all the collected information about the availability of simulation. * SMASH Christoph contacted group. Our contact person is Justin Mohs. ...
Systematics error for the charged pion analysis. All systematic errors were investigated in paraller by Heidi and myself several time over several DST generation...
With gspart you can define additional (or modify existing) particles in (H)Geant. In HGeant this is done for the following particles: uginit.F: call gspart(...
METAMATCHPAR after several iterations of the pictures below one gets: (including showersigma taking care or bad resolution of mdc) ############################...
HNtuple Source code Here you can download the source code: HNtuple.tar.gz (version from 21 Sept 2009) Unpack: tar xvfz HNtuple.tar.gz The code will be unpacked...
HPidSingleLeptonEff going through the code step by step * Input: full HGEANT simulation with so called white tracks with a flat distribution in momentum, theta...
Heavy ion collisions //DocumentGraphics/go_ff.gif Click here to access the page Elementary reactions //DocumentGraphics/go_ff.gif Click here to access the pag...
Hit definition in HGEANT The filenames for the hit definition must have the suffix .hit and must contain the detector specific keyword: * rich * mdc * to...
Geometry classes Class Diagram The classes HGeomVolume, HGeomTransform, HGeomRotation, HGeomVector and the shape classes are also used the geometry parameter con...
The detector sets All detector sets are derived from the base class HGeomSet, which implemtents most functionality. The detectors typically only define some detec...
Material and media definition in HGEANT * Each medium is characterized by a name. * The names of the materials and the media are identical. *For each med...
The HADES geometry format for volumes History In 1997, it was intended to retrieved the geometry data directly from 3D CATIA drawings. In these drawings the poin...
User accounts in the HADES Oracle database Production accounts Account name Comment CRYO Related to the magnet. Contains the LabView data of the cryo p...
The HADES Oracle Database Overview and status reports * Oracle user accounts List of accounts with links to status reports Maintenance * ChangesInOracle_J...
How to make a "condition style" parameter container 1. Step Write the class, derive it from HParCond and implement the virtual functions: // Fills all persis...
The parameter container factories Each library, which contain parameter container classes, must also contain a parameter container factory. They are all derived f...
The geometry interface Overview The full Hades geometry needed to run a simulation is stored in Oracle: * ideal geometry * different alignment versions for...
Configuration files and macros for the geometry All files show as an example the geometry for AUG04SIM DST production for high field alignment Detector setup f...
Parameter handling in HYDRA and HGEANT Overview To run an analysis or a simulation, initialization parameters are needed. For the simulation one needs the full H...
Simple initialization macros 1. Example This macro reads the parameter container HWallRefWinPar , a parameter container of the Forward Wall, for the run id 13476...
The Oracle analysis interface The version management in Oracle Most parameters used by the analysis change over time and need a version management in Oracle. S...
Oracle WebDB Oracle WebDB consists of two parts: * WebDB, a complete framework to manage the database with a web based graphical interface and to develop web b...
Parameter containers The parameters are stored in parameter containers, which are managed by the runtime database and accessible via their names. They are all der...
Creation of parameter files for the analysis To run a full analysis one needs a long list of parameter containers. Some of them have different versions for the ru...
Parameter input/output Class Design The class design for I/O was developed according to the following requirements: * Provide interfaces to Oracle, ROOT files...
The runtime database see class HRuntimeDb Schematic overview Features The parameters are stored in parameter containers (see Parameter containers) The runtime d...
Simulation projects The version management is Oracle is based on time ranges. Each DAQ run has a start time and this time stamp (together with the history date an...
Storing parameters in Oracle All tree style and condition style parameter containers can be stored in Oracle in the following way: 1. The parameter container i...
About p A and pi A Simulations with HSD Main.DipakMishra 22 May 2006 * acctotratio.ps: cocktail with acceptance filter to Total ratio * efftotratio.ps: ...
Four momentum transfers study in simulations of %$pp\to p\Delta^ \to e^ e^ $% reaction We are interested in the %$\Delta$% Dalitz decay process in pp reactions:...
Homepage of Bjrn Spruck * Location: University Giessen, II Physikalisches Institut * Tel: 0641 99 33 279 New Topic (Note: Use WikiWordYourWikiName!): n...
Bookmarks How to unpack the TRB data How to unpack the TRB data the simplest way. 1. copy the directory: /u/shower/trb_unpack/macros/ to your location. 2. ...
SimAna.Apr06TrackEmedding: test; MDC Analysis Scheme The MDC analysis running fom raw data on hld level to fitted tracks with momentum determination and...
Jrn's Homepage Table of contents: 1. My diplome thesis During my diploma thesis, I worked on the design and implementation of the HADES driftchamber readout. Mai...
Analysis Results * Multiple scattering in RICH and RICH MDC correlation * Conversion Investigation in Simulation (pluto_gen2) * Comparison of ring prop...
* UrQMD impact parameter distributions for LVL1 events from C C and Ar KCl * charged pion rapidity and costheta distributions from C C and Ar KCl * ...
Outdated These pages have been moved/copied to the Personalpages of GSI wiki web and are not longer maintained at this place. Main.PeterZumbruch 15 Aug 2006
Homepage of Simon Lang I was a member of the HADES collaboration from August 2003 till Febuary 2008. My main project was the analysis of electron pair production ...
Hello people, this is a list of my favourit links, considering that at the moment I am not able to edit my left bar. * PP cross sections old style * SimA...
Analysis of Sector 4 performance in August 2011 Testrun For this QA Analysis there were two sets of cuts used. One set to was used as a reference with minimal cut...
Di Lepton Physics Working Group Motivation: * Microscopic structure of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions * Vector mesons in baryon ric...
p p @ 1.25 GeV systematic studies Results from pp analysis with the minimized code. Input: HTrackCandidate, simple user track selection, track cleaner (based ...
Public Logbook Entry: To get the gcc compiler version of an hydra object take hades.o grep a GCC: ${HADDIR_BASE}/eventhandling/hades.o cut d ":" f 2 cut ...
Public Logbook Entry: which version was used to compile hydra objects (@GSI) looks for the include files of root, include in libHydra.so, etc basename $(dirname ...
Collection of the plots from 27.06.2019 Comparison of the mid rapidity transverse spectra of pions with models Extraction of the A2 from SMASH for different pa...
Example of negative pion purity for 0 10% centrality bin Below you can find details of extrapolation of positively charged pion yield using pt. Table...
* Example of positive pion purity for 0 10% centrality bin and 30 40% centrality Below you can find details of extrapolation of positively charged pion yie...
Final_plots Section 1 : Introduction *Section 2 : Experimental setup and data analysis method * Figure 1, as it was up to now. we propose to add 2D raw yield ...
Fig.2 x axis label "y": change to y_cm Fig.4 still missing data points (pi , target like rapidity) rapidity window should be shown in y_cm, not y_lab Fig. 7 ...
In the following you can find comparison of our data with 5 models within 10% centrality classes. For transverse mass spectra comparison is done for mid rapidity...
I tried to compare data on mult_pi per A_part between HADES, FOPI, TAPS, and KAOS. But as you know, data require several corrections, so this comparison is alwayd...
Comparison of different spectra at mid rapidity. TAPS For 1 GeV (multiplicities taken from Schwalbs paper, Apart from Averbeck2003): Aprt = 164 20 Ylab=...
I tried to compare data on mult_pi per A_part between HADES, FOPI, TAPS, and KAOS. But as you know, data require several corrections, so this comparison is alwayd...
In order to keep important information clean from many plots which are in other tabs, here i would like to insert all plots which i propose to have in the paper i...
Howto set environment for PidTrackCandidate exercise (Tuesday morning ~11 a.m.) P. Tlusty If you have problems with any step, please contact me before the lectu...
Macros for checking of content of the PidTrackCandidate Documentation and macros: documentation on PidTrackCandidate particle ID: http://hades wiki.gsi.de/...
HYDRA Purpose This program was written to make the analysis of the HADES data more easy. Many problems arosed from the fact that you have so much possible combin...
First of all you have following problem in you analysis, where delete myHades; is called. I get following error: Segmentation fault (core dumped) If you start d...
Investigations Summer 2007 Rapidity Comparison Pluto and HSD Comparison UrQMD and experimental Data Comparison single lepton spectra UrQMD and exp Compari...
This page contains in its code the code for the JavaScript onClickSwitchImage.js to be implemented now via %INCLUDE("JavaScriptOnClickSwitchImage") documented in...
after discussions with several people we agreed upon the following: KickMatchProduction versions: 29,30 Kickplane2Production versions: 27,28 Main.YvonnePachm...
LVL1 trigger bias in SEP05 ArKCl at 1.75 A GeV This page tries to show the effect of the LVL1 trigger in the SEP05 experiment on selection of the reaction event...
LVL1 trigger bias in SEP05 ArKCl at 1.75 A GeV charged pion multiplicities Addendum to previous page LVL1TriggerBiasInSEP05 concentrated on track multipl...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * DSTProdJan04SimGen4 * PlutoCrossSectionCalculat...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * PionHodoBjoernSpruck * PionHo...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * DaqSlowControl.TrbNetMonitoring
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * ... * PionHodoBjoernSpruck ...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. Main.ChristopherHuhn * My links * My home page * edit * ...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * ... Recently, I wrote a research...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * Moje officialne rysunki * Phy...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. Currently you are using the read only HadesUser account. Use your own...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * Main * Collaboration * Physics * SimAna * Tech. Board ...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * http://www hades.gsi.de/~stroth/physics_links.htm ...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * ... * elastics_pp_exp_sim.pdf...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * ... Main.SergeyYurevich 22 F...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. Search Homepage Trash Can Help:Ref. Guide Pref.: Web TWiki edi...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. Currently you are using the anonymous WikiGuest account. Once you hav...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * Home page T.Galatyuk * put a stupi name here ...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * Sim Anal Main * SimAna.Hade...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:System.WebLeftBarExampleCookbook. * My links * My home page * MdcShifts * DST Production ...
Purity of the single leptons which were used for the dilepton analysis * only single leptons cut applied * * double hit rejection * * opening angle (theta ...
Delta THETA Figure below shows the delta theta distribution for the EXPERIMENTAL data. Next picture also shows delta theta distribution, but this time in additio...
THETA Figure below shows the delta theta distribution, all tracks has been taken into acount. Using avelable information on can plot the matching distributi...
Below one can find links where the spatial correlation between RICH and inner MDCs detectors is presented. The delta theta and theta phi districutions are fitted...
MDC Analysis Scheme The MDC analysis running fom raw data on hld level to itted tracks with momentum determination and Vertex finding can be generalized a...
contains all information about the mdc parameters for the 1st Aug04Sim DST production Mdc Setup * aug04mdcsetupsimulmagnetic.txt: mdc setup, magnetic field on...
MdcLayerGeomPar layer offsets calculated by Geydar for each individual wire plane: myAug04Geidarcalcoffsets.txt Comparison in the txt and excel file below, one c...
Total scattering in RICH Total scattering was calculated using the formula: Theta_0 = 13.6 MeV/(beta*c*p) * Z * sqrt(SUM) * {1 0.038 * ln(SUM)} where SUM = sum...
Code nderungen * einfhrung der streamer info durch ilse fuer alle parameter histogramm container, d.h. fuer alle neu erzeugten wir beim reinschreiben nach orac...
Opening angle dependence What is the opening angle dependence of the applied cuts? Comparison Nov02 and Aug04 The picture below shows the comparison of Nov02 and...
PAT PostDST Analysis Tool Presentation Here you can download a detailed presentation about PAT framework (PowerPoint 2007 do not try to open it in OpenOffice, ...
The e and e identification by using HPidAlgStandCuts algorithm There are several PID algorithms implemented in the HYDRA package which are used to identify part...
pion multiplicities for C C 1 and 2 A GeV, status 10.10.07 Conditions: LVL1 trigger, efficiency and acceptance corrected ("4pi") Extrapolation from HADES acceptan...
in runge kutta the mean of beta is not at 1, it is larger, why? tails come from tofino. (cut on chiq and distance does not help to improve spectrum) * tof gea...
Pluto Effi and Purity KickPlane red: effi green: purity light blue: lepton fakes dark blue: hadrons (protons)==0, because hadrons are not included in pluto * ...
What you will find here in a few minutes... ... everthing about the Fiber Pion Hodoscopes ... and some words about the "old" ones PionOldHodo Introduction PionHo...
For Aug05 Signal cables from PMT to LED. Flat ribbon cables from LED to AND. 2*8 to 16 channel flat ribbon. Flat ribbon going to TDC. Main.BjoernSpruck 01 Mar...
(Manual is refering to May06) Operating Please read "Understanding" first! HV is found in Epics under PION HV. Only the first four channels in HV card 1,2,3 are...
Introduction What are these Pion Hodoscopes? They are different scintillar detectors which are used for position and momentum measurements of the pion beam. Wha...
Operating the Fiber Start (Pion Hodoscope) If anything strange is happening, dont hesitate to call/wake me up. My telephone number in GSI guesthouse is: XXXX Mob...
QA for May06 as soon as beamtime starts, pictures will be put here Go4 for May06 reminder for myself: * cd ~/hydra/mydev_go4 * . hadesgo4login_bs5.sh * ...
Frontend electronics new Wolfgang Koenig build a board were 32 LEDs and 16 meantimers are sitting on. This saves a lot of spavce and equipment. The meantimers ar...
Basics: The software for the hodoscopes is capsulted in HHodo class. HHodo has place for 10 modules a 128 channels. The following pdf file contains the status up ...
This is only important for setup. During beamtime it would be a bit late. Testing the cabeling: Example 1: Plotted "crosstalk" in one detector. it is visible, ...
The "Old" Pion Hodoscopes * consisting of 1cm plastic scintillating bars * using Hamamatsu R3478 PMTs * special bases * read more about it in "Design ...
Simulation with PLUTO for pp #64;1.25GeV Here, I will present the status of pp #64;1.25GeV PLUTO simulation. The generated events are very close to the events fro...
The following plots show a proof of the existance of walk effect (through different thresholds). This is integral over channels of one chamber type. The dif...
We have used the pulse from the generator with 5ns risetime and variable amplitude. The output was splitted to 4 signals: two different channels in CFD and 2 diff...
C C pions rapidity fits with temperature formula y = C * T^3 * ( (m0/T)^2 2*m0/(T*cosh(y*y_cm)) 2/(cosh(y*y_cm)**2) ) *exp( m0*cosh(y*y_cm)/T) where y = (y_...
* hadpidc12c_18.pdf: revised version of paper (ver.18) * answers_to_referees: answer to referees ver.1 * list_of_changes_ver18: list of changes in paper ver...
Here should be the report, how to achieve the best RICH Digitizer parameters. list of used macros (all can be found in /home/mweber/hades/digitizer/ or here: digi...
Comparison of RICH digitizer parameter (SEP08) In this report different RICH digitizer parameters are compared for electrons using one embedded DST file from SEP0...
Rich Mdc Correlation influence of alignment The attached picture shows delta theta (RICH MDC) as a function of phi.In a a simple mathematica calculation A.Schma...
In all spectra, following convention is used: experimental distributions are in red, simulation in black. Pattern Matrix Number of Pads Average Charge ...
Road Map (final e e signal spectra from NN, pA, AA e e X reactions) It is a Road Map showing the main staps which have to be made to get the final e e signal...
Roadmap for hadron analysis in heavy ions reactions Documentation and macros: documentation on particle ID: http://hades wiki.gsi.de/cgi bin/view/SimAna/Ha...
Roadmap for hadron analysis in heavy ions reactions 0. Documentation and macros: documentation on particle ID: http://hades wiki.gsi.de/cgi bin/view/SimAna/...
Rungekutta in numbers all inv. masses = 150 raw data 12524.5 11812.5 712.209 for comparison kickplane analysis: http://hades wiki.gsi.de/cgi bin/vie...
Switch Images * onclickSwitchImage.js: JavaScript for this functionality * onclickSwitchImage.html: example code This JavaScript function enables you to pr...
:confused: I don't know why SandboxJavaScriptToggleImagesViaIncludePeterZumbruch is working, :confused: but this doesn't :confused: JavaScript itself is working...
Toggle Images * onclickZoomImage.js: JavaScript for this functionality This JavaScript function (by Simon Lang) enables you to switch between 2 different size...
HV on sector 4 (day 277 2470 V vs. day 281 2400 V ) * npads_V.ps: comparison of NPads for sector 4 * sec_V.ps: comparison of sectors * sec_V_pair.pd...
Self Consistency Check Rungekutta Efficiency Matrices (min. 5% efficiency correction) a) Pluto run through whole analysis chain, then corrected for efficiency, ha...
For the test on cosmics we used the 16 channels signals from the 16 TOF photomultipliers (sector 4 module 8 cells 1 8L and 1 8R). All were splitted to two signa...
Results of Searching the Homepage Web Click on the column headers (twice for reverse order) to re sort the table. Topic: Date: " format=" $topic $date ...
Shower cut investigation Gen3 run1 after all single lepton cuts * comparison momentum*charge gen2 and gen3: * comparison momentum*charge gen2 and gen...
New parameters file production (Irek's Recalibration) cd /u/shower/apr06/recalibration/ . setenv_april06.sh cd program ./showerfaults /path/file.hld file with new...
UrQMD Simulation files used for analysis. urqmd, one lepton in an event. Rich param. pictures no Rich Mdc Correaltion cut applied. pictures are noise free why? ...
Investigation of step at ~80MeV for electrons the step at ~80 MeV for electrons is visible for kickplane, but not in pluto simulation or rungekutta (but these bot...
Introduction The HADES Collaboration Board decided that the analysis software needs to be centrally maintained to improve the quality of the code. Dr. Jochen Mark...
Nurhana Tajuddin, Durham Mails Hi! Good to hear from you. Hmm, about my skills. I am quite proficient with Fortran, but no other programming languages. In addi...
p p @ 1.25 GeV Final analysis results p p @ 1.25 GeV Delta helicity definition and boost p p @ 1.25 GeV basic observables old Here I investigate the num...
TDC stands for Time to digital converter. These devices are used to measure the time between to signals with high precision. tHE hades tdc chip, used in the reado...
Plan of Teaching 1. Road Map (e e final pair spectra from NN, NA, AA e e X reactions) 2. PID standard cuts e /e reconstruction algortithm (HPidAlgStan...
checkBatchFarm.sh Problem From time to time there might be problems with the batch farm. Machines hang, ore do not see a directory anymore. Solution To test whi...
The purpose of the test was to check the performance of the new ADDON module on the real cosmics signals from the TOF photomultipliers. The ADDON is a 128channel ...
Fig: TOT vs ADC for the same signal for 8 channels. ADC is in channels, 1 channel is app. 1 mV but be aware that all timing signals have twice lower amplitude t...
I. Date:16.08.2005 In these files chambers III6 and IV4 have been recieving a square signal of 960ns width while other chambers were not recieving any external...
Mam pewien problem z rekonstrukcj #261; czasu przelotu (oraz beta) w tym moim nowym kodzie. Wydaje mi si #281;, #380;e zaimplementowa #322;em dok #322;adnie tak ...
Two run event filter in the simulation following task need to be added into the dst macro. Here one can find several example for different trigger conditions whi...
Die von mir und Hades benutzte Simulation URQMD 1.3 enthlt einen Fehler: Sie produziert ca 3 Mal zuviel Grund: Der Kanal a0 der dominant nach zerfllt, ist ...
Impact parameter distributions from UrQMD for C C at 1 and 2 A GeV, and Ar KCl at 1.76 A GeV for: 1. min. bias events (at least one nuclear interaction) 2. L...
UrQMD picture collection all systems after all single lepton cuts for tofino (upper plot) and tof (lower plot) after all cuts for both systems cutwise a) no c...
Usefull scripts for DST production The following scripts might be usefull in the preparation of a DST production: * sep05files.sql: The script can be executed ...
Taking the results of (Determine distance of point to straight), where the straight is given by: %$g: \vec{x} = \vec{p} \mu \vec{u_{0}} $% let the point R be an...
Alternatively one could also try to find the base points of the connection, by iterating along straight g and calculating the distance of this to straight h. Thi...
Problem: Find the distance and coordinates of point of closest approach of two tracks. Distance point to straight Check whether straights are skew Analytical ...
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in your home directory cp r /u/wisnia/anaNt . cd anaNt . setenv.sh root l PP_ntup.root inside the root session .ls PPPi0_pp.Draw("Th_p2","","",1000000) PPPi0...